March 26, 2018 at 4:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call, Establishment of Quorum, and Call to Order
2. Notice of Meeting: This meeting has been posted in Accordance with Government Code Chapter 551, State of Texas Open meetings Act.
4. Informational Items
4.A. Update regarding Remaining 2014 Bond Projects
4.B. Update regarding Vendors for Expected/Routine Expenditures of Over Fifty Thousand Dollars
5. Administrative/Department Reports
5.A. Superintendent
5.B. Chief Financial Officer
5.B.1. Financial Reports
5.B.2. Current Investment Report
5.B.3. Current Tax Collection Report
5.B.4. Current List of Bills
5.C. Principal, Llano High School
5.D. Principal, Llano Junior High School
5.E. Principal, Llano Elementary School
5.F. Principal, Packsaddle Elementary School
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Budget Amendments
6.B. Board Meeting Minutes
6.B.1. Regular Meeting - Monday, February 26, 2018
7. Action Items
7.A. Discussion and Possible Action regarding Proposal for Additional Play Area at Packsaddle Elementary School
7.B. Discussion and Possible Action regarding the Instructional Materials Allotment and TEKS Certification for 2018-2019
7.C. Discussion and Possible Action regarding TASB-initiated POLICY UPDATE 110 affecting Local Policy: BBB(LOCAL): BOARD MEMBERS - ELECTIONS
7.D. Consideration and Possible Action to Adopt a Resolution Approving the Acceptance of a Donation of Real Property, with Restrictions and Reservations, Said Property, Described as:
All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in Llano County, Texas, containing 80.10 acres out of the John Thompson Survey No. 69, Abstract No. 783, being more particularly described by metes and bounds in the Exhibit A which is attached hereto, incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof for description of the property, and being the same property set aside to Lucile Oestreich in Partition Deed executed by Elizabeth Black, et al, dated October 25, 1984, recorded in Vol. 307, page 423, Official Public Records of Llano County, Texas, and being the same property described in Deed executed by Lucile Oestreich to Norman Grenwelge dated December 2, 2003, recorded in Vol. 1244, Page 733, Official Public Records of Llano County, Texas. There is also conveyed herewith all of the Grantor’s interest in and to all those certain access easements and rights of way more fully described in an easement dated August 16, 1984, executed by Doris Marie Winkel, and in an easement executed by Norma Birk, both of which appear of record in Llano County, Texas, and those easements reserved in Partition Deed recorded in Vol. 307, page 433, of the Official Public Records of Llano County, Texas, and the easement recorded in Vol. 307, page 410, of the Official Public Records of Llano County, Texas. |
7.E. Discussion of Future Board Meeting Date(s)
7.F. Discussion of Future Board Meeting Agenda Items
8. CLOSED SESSION - The Board will adjourn to closed session in accordance with the Texas Open Meeting Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.074, Section 551.071, and Section 551.029, to deliberate and consider the following:
8.A. Consideration of Superintendent's Recommendations Regarding Employment
8.B. Consideration of Resignation of Employee(s)
8.C. Consideration of Superintendent Recommendations Regarding Renewal or Termination of Probationary Contract Employees; Renewal or Proposed Nonrenewal of Teachers and Other Professional Certified Term Contract Employees; and Re-issue or Non-reissue of Employees on Non-Chapter 21 Contracts
8.D. As permitted pursuant to Section 551.071 and Section 551.029 of the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Board of Trustees may obtain legal advice from its attorney by telephone regarding the acceptance of a donation of real property, said donation of property as described on the agenda at item 7D.
9. OPEN SESSION - Return to open session and take necessary action on matters which the Board may discuss in closed session and upon which action may be taken.
9.A. Discussion and Possible Action regarding Employment
9.B. Discussion and Possible Action regarding Resignations
9.C. Discussion and Possible Action regarding Renewal or Termination of Probationary Contract Employees; Renewal or Proposed Nonrenewal of Teachers and Other Professional Certified Term Contract Employees; and Re-issue or Non-reissue of Employees on Non-Chapter 21 Contracts
10. Adjourn