June 19, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Establishment of a Quorum
2. Invocation
3. Audience Participation
4. Closed Session
4.a. Discuss hiring under Government Code §551.074, Personnel.
5. Open Session
5.a. Discussion and possible action on recommendations for hire.
Presenter: Mark Sweeney |
6. Public Hearing and Discussion
6.a. 2023-2024 Budget and Proposed Tax Rate
7. Action Items
7.a. Discussion and possible action on the 2023-2024 budget.
Presenter: Dustin Barton |
7.b. Discussion and possible action on an order authorizing the issuance of unlimited tax school building bonds and enacting other provisions relating to the subject.
Presenter: Luke Allison |
7.c. Discussion and possible action on delegating authority to the Superintendent to enter into an agreement with a beverage vendor.
Presenter: Luke Allison |
7.d. Discussion and possible action on naming the High School Ag Barn and Performing Arts Center.
Presenter: Barry Stapleton, CMISD Naming Committee |
7.e. Discussion and possible action on the fee for the tuition-based pre-kindergarten program.
Presenter: Kendra Mosher |
8. Consent Items
8.a. Hazardous Traffic Conditions Resolution
8.b. Minutes for May 15, 2023 Special Meeting, May 15, 2023 Regular Meeting, and June 6, 2023 Special Meeting.
8.c. Financial Report
8.d. Tax Report
8.e. Investment Report
8.f. Pledge Report
8.g. Final Budget Amendments
8.h. Acceptance of Gifts
9. Adjourn