October 17, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Establishment of a Quorum
2. Invocation
3. Audience Participation
4. Recognitions
4.a. Students and Employees of the Month
Presenter: Campus Administrators |
4.b. CMMS Beta Club Members
Presenter: Kaela Crumpton and Tabitha Pounds |
4.c. Bass Fishing Team
Presenter: Cindy Hitchcock and Riley Fitzgerald |
4.d. Principal and Assistant Principal Recognition
Presenter: Luke Allison |
5. Reports and Discussion
5.a. ESL Program Evaluation for 2022-2023
Presenter: Nikki Martin |
5.b. Superintendent
Presenter: Luke Allison |
5.b.i. Enrollment
5.b.ii. Construction Update
6. Action Items
6.a. Discussion and possible action on the 2021-2022 audit report.
Presenter: Rutherford, Taylor & Company, P.C. |
6.b. Discussion and possible action approving the Hunt County 4-H program as a
co-curricular activity and the Hunt County AgriLife Extension Staff as adjunct staff. Presenter: Luke Allison |
7. Consent Items
7.a. Minutes for September 19, 2022, and October 7, 2022
7.b. Financial Report
7.c. Tax Report
7.d. Investment Report
7.e. Pledge Report
8. Closed Session - Personnel, Government Code §551.074
8.a. Superintendent Goals
9. Open Session
9.a. Possible action on Superintendent's Goals
Presenter: Rueben Terry |
10. Adjourn