September 21, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Establishment of a Quorum
2. Invocation
3. Audience Participation
4. Recognitions
4.a. Student Industry Based Certifications
4.b. Middle School Beta Club - National Awards
4.c. Employees and Students of the Month
5. Reports
5.a. Superintendent Report
5.a.i. Board Training Update
5.a.ii. Enrollment Update
5.a.iii. Board Meeting Date - December 7
5.b. Asst. Superintendent of Human Resources and Student Services
5.b.i. COVID19 Update
6. Action Items
6.a. Discussion and possible action on Policy Update 115 affecting local policies:
BF(Local): Board Policies DED(Local): Compensation and Benefits-Vacations and Holidays DIA(Local): Employee Welfare-Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation EI(Local): Academic Achievement FB(Local): Equal Educational Opportunity FD(Local): Admissions FEB(Local): Attendance-Attendance Accounting FFG(Local): Student Welfare-Child Abuse and Neglect FFH(Local): Student Welfare-Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation FMF(Local): Student Activities-Contests and Competition FNG(Local): Student Rights and Responsibilities-Student and Parent Complaints/Grievances GF(Local): Public Complaints |
6.b. Discussion and possible action on the Asynchronous Plan.
7. Consent Items
7.a. Minutes for August 10, 2020 and September 11, 2020
7.b. Financial Reports
7.c. Acceptance of Gifts
8. Closed Session
8.a. Safety and Security Audit pursuant to Government Code Section 551.076
8.b. Personnel pursuant to Government Code Section 551.074
8.b.i. Superintendent Goals
9. Adjourn