May 18, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Establishment of a Quorum
2. Invocation
3. Audience Participation - Due to COVID-19, please submit any audience participation to by 5:00 p.m. on 5/18/20 and these messages will be read aloud during the course of the meeting.
4. Student Recognition
4.a. Top Ranking Students for the Class of 2020.
5. Reports
5.a. Update on design phase of proposed high school.
5.b. Professional development distinctions.
5.c. Superintendent report and discussion on end of year plans.
6. Action Items
6.a. Discussion and possible action on reorganizing the Board.
6.b. Discussion and possible action on high school English Language Arts textbook adoption.
6.c. Discussion and possible action on CPR training waiver for high school seniors.
6.d. Discussion and possible action on the purchase of 3 buses.
6.e. Discussion and possible action on the date and time for the public hearing to discuss the 2020-2021 proposed budget.
6.f. Discussion and possible action on the 2020-2021 proposed tax rate:
M&O 1.0548 I&S .285 Total 1.3398 |
7. Consent Items
7.a. Minutes for April 20, 2020.
7.b. April 2020 Financial Report, Pledge Report, and Investment Report.
8. Personnel
8.a. Hiring
9. Adjourn