December 10, 2024 at 12:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - Establishment of Quorum
2. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
3. Recognition of Visitors
4. Public Forum
5. Attendance and Enrollment
6. Consent Action Agenda
6.A. Minutes
6.B. Financial Reports and Bills.
6.C. Tax Reports
6.D. Tax Refunds
6.E. Utility Usage Graphs
6.F. Budget Amendment #4
6.G. Quarterly Investment Report
6.H. Open RFP for Instructional Material, Equipment, Supplies, and Related Items.
6.I. Open RFP for Maintenance Supplies and Materials.
6.J. Donation of a small livestock trailer by Oubre Worthey to the Silsbee FFA Show Team.
6.K. Donation from Tiger Nation Football Booster Club to Silsbee High School on the purchase of cleats.
6.L. Donation to Laura Reeves Primary from Silsbee Ford
6.M. Donation to Laura Reeves Primary from Silsbee Toyota
6.N. Donation from the Penland Foundation for Lenslock
6.O. Purchase Order to Delcom for the purchase of Chromebook refresh.
6.P. Purchase order to Bearcom for communication infrastructure at Edward Johnson Memorial Middle School.
6.Q. Purchase order to Bearcom for communication infrastructure at Silsbee High School.
6.R. Purchase order to S & S Fencing at Edward Johnson Memorial Middle School.
6.S. Purchase order to S & S Fencing at SHS Baseball Fields.
6.T. Purchase order to S & S Fencing at SHS Softball Fields.
6.U. Purchase order to Southern Roof Solutions for new roof on Administration Building
7. Reports from the Superintendent - Information/Discussion Items only:
7.A. Presentation from McInnis Construction on Laura Reeves Primary Campus
7.B. Delinquent Tax Collection Report - provided by James Guest and Sarah Hogue with Linebarger, Groggan, Blair, & Sampson LLP.
7.C. 2024 Property Value Study Appeal Report - provided by James Guest and Sarah Hogue with Linebarger, Groggan, Blair, & Sampson LLP.
7.D. Public Hearing and Overview of School FIRST (Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas).
7.D.1. Call for Public Comments
7.E. HB3 Goal CCMR College Ready & College/Military Ready BOY presentation given by Assistant Superintendent, Bridget Kirby.
7.F. The annual Evaluation Report for ESL Program is presented by Director of Special Education, Piper Ayres. Board Trustees were emailed the evaluation in October.
7.G. Discussion of Districtwide Intruder Detection Audit Report Findings.
7.H. Tennis Court and Drainage facilities update
8. Regular Action Agenda
8.A. Consider and act on the Annual Financial Audit of the Fiscal Year ending August 31, 2024.
8.B. Consider and act on the Silsbee Independent School District FIRST (Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas).
8.C. Consider and act on the proposed change to LOCAL Policy FFAC presented by Director of Health Services, Kirsten Martin.
8.D. Consider and possible action on a revision of the HB3 Board Goals regarding CCMR College Ready & College/Military Ready.
8.E. Consider and act on adopting the proposed 5-year Renewal of the local District of Innovation Plan.
8.F. Consider and act on District and Campus Performance Objectives
8.F.1. District
8.F.2. High School
8.F.3. Edward Johnson Memorial Silsbee Middle School
8.F.4. Silsbee Elementary
8.F.5. Laura Reeves Primary
8.G. Consider and act on selecting competitive sealed proposals as the delivery method that offers the best value to the district, adopt a prevailing wage rate, and delegate authority to the Superintendent of Schools for establishing weights, ranking and qualification criteria for selecting offers, conducting the bid opening at the prescribed time for the Silsbee tennis court and drainage facilities Project.
9. Executive Session - Personnel Matters Tex Gov't Code 551.074 (a)(1), Safety and Security - Tex Gov't Code 551.076
9.A. Personnel
9.B. Discussion of Superintendent's Evaluation, Contract Extension, Salary, and Benefits.
9.C. Districtwide Intruder Detection Audit Report - Tex Gov't Code 551.076
10. The Board of Trustees will reconvene in open session for action to be taken on items discussed in closed session.
10.A. Consider and act on Superintendent, Dr. Gregg Weiss' Performance Evaluation.
10.B. Consider and act on extending Superintendent, Dr. Gregg Weiss' employment contract, salary, and benefits.
11. Consider and act to accept the resignation of a public officer.
12. Consider and act on changing bank signature cards at Stellar Bank due to changes to Board Officer Resignation.
13. Adjournment