June 18, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - Establishment of Quorum
2. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
3. Athletic Director, Randy Smith and Coach Siglar will present the 2023-2024 Silsbee Board of Trustees with State Medals
4. Recognize Cynthia Smith for her service to the District
5. Administer Oath of Office to Board Members
6. Reorganization of Board
7. Recognition of Visitors
8. Public Forum
9. Attendance and Enrollment
10. ESSER Update
11. Campus Principal Reports
11.A. End of Year Report
12. Consent Action Agenda
12.A. Minutes
12.B. Financial Reports and Bills.
12.C. Tax Reports
12.D. Tax Refunds
12.E. Utility Usage Graphs
12.F. Budget Amendment # 9
12.G. Donations
12.G.1. $783.64 to SHS Cheer from the Silsbee Cheer Boosters for cheer camp.
12.G.2. $1050.00 to SHS Cheer from the Silsbee Cheer Boosters for cheer camp.
12.G.3. $500.00 to the Silsbee FFA from the Southeast Texas Plumbing Inc. ro Sponsor 5 steer buckles.
12.G.4. $500.00 to SHS Athletics from Whataburger.
12.G.5. $1000.00 to Silsbee Independent School District from SSC custodial for Sponsorship of Silsbee ISD Administrative Training.
12.H. Purchase Orders
12.H.1. The Flippen Group - Capturing Kids Hearts - SES Campus $29,500.00
12.H.2. Kommercial Kitchens - EJMSMS - $48,436.00
12.H.3. Kommercial Kitchens - EJMSMS - $27,491.00
12.H.4. NWEA - Map Growth - All Campuses - $38,675.00
12.I. CAS Renewal Addendum for the 2024–2025 Workers' Compensation Plan
12.J. Open RFP for Instructional materials, equipment, supplies, and related items.
12.K. Open RFP for Maintenance supplies and materials.
12.L. Open RFP for Bus parts.
13. Reports from the Superintendent - Information/Discussion Items only:
13.A. Discuss potential need for July Board Meeting.
13.B. Budget Workshop and Board Meeting on Tuesday, August 6
13.C. Upcoming Board Training
13.D. HB3 EOY Early Indicators for Reading and Math
13.F. SFE Annual Report
14. Regular Action Agenda
14.A. Consider and act on renewal for SFE Food Service Contract effective July 1, 2024.
14.B. Consider and act to award RFP for kitchen equipment at the Edward Johnson Memorial Silsbee Middle School.
14.C. Consider and act to approve a purchase order in the amount of $171,995.00 to Kommercial Kitchens for the EJMSMS kitchen equipment.
14.D. Consider and act to approve an application for Low Attendance Day Waivers for the 2023-2024 School Year.
14.E. Consider and act to approve Board Policy CMD (LOCAL).
14.F. Deliberation and possible action to adopt the resolution approving the sale of District surplus personal property located at 705 Woodrow St, Silsbee, TX 77656 and adopt and approve the resolution delegating authority to the Superintendent of Schools to work with the District’s legal counsel to negotiate and execute the necessary contracts incident to the sale of the property.
15. Executive Session - Personnel Matter Tx Gov't Code 551.074; Personally Identifiable Student Information Tx Gov't Code 551.0821
15.A. Personnel 551.074
15.B. Update on Student discipline/attendance matters 551.0821
16. The Board of Trustees will reconvene in open session.
17. Adjournment