February 29, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - Establishment of Quorum
2. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
3. Recognition of Visitors
4. Public Forum
5. ESSER Update
6. Attendance and Enrollment
7. Campus Principal Reports
7.A. Attendance/Enrollment
7.B. Upcoming Events
8. Consent Action Agenda
8.A. Minutes
8.B. Financial Reports and Bills
8.C. Tax Reports
8.D. Utility Usage Graphs
8.E. Budget Amendment # 5
8.F. Quarterly Investment Report
9. Reports from the Superintendent - Information/Discussion Items only:
9.A. HB3 Goal 1 and 2 Early Indicators for Reading and Math MOY.
9.B. Early College High School Report
10. Regular Action Agenda
10.A. Consider and act on the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 Silsbee Independent School District School Calendars.
10.B. Consider and act to approve the Silsbee ISD Professional Development Plan.
10.C. Consider and act on Board Policy Update 122 affecting LOCAL policies listed below:
10.D. Consider and act to approve change to the Board Policy FDA Local.
10.E. Consider and act to approve Board Policy GKG Local.
10.F. Consider and act on a Resolution of the Board of Trustees to Accept Chaplains as volunteers in accordance with the existing District policy GKG Local.
10.G. Consider and act to approve Donations.
10.G.1. $1010.00 presented to Silsbee Elementary School from Education First FCU.
10.G.2. $1580.00 presented to Silsbee High School from Education First FCU.
10.G.3. $13,672.00 presented to Silsbee High School Band from Silsbee High School Band Boosters.
10.H. Consider and act to authorize the Superintendent to explore and investigate a program change.
10.I. Consider and act to approve a purchase order in the amount of $49,800 made out to Equipment Depot.
10.J. Consider and act to approve a purchase order in the amount of $25,592.81 made out to Dell Technologies.
10.K. Consider and act to approve a purchase order in the amount of $25,569.00 to Game One - Athletic Supply.
10.L. Consider and act to approve a purchase order in the amount of $49,900 to S & S Fencing.
11. Executive Session - Personnel Matters (Tex Gov't Code 551.074); Safety and Security (Tex Gov't Code 551.076); Real Property (Tex Gov't Code 551.072)
11.A. Personnel
11.A.1. Discussion of Employment
11.A.2. Reassignment and Resignations
11.A.3. Recommendation of renewal and extension of Administrator Contracts.
11.B. Discuss Real Property related to Safety and Security.
12. The Board of Trustees will reconvene in open session for action to be taken on items discussed in closed session.
12.A. Consider and act on employment, reassignments and resignations, if needed.
12.B. Consider and act on the recommendations, renewals, and extensions to Administrator Contracts.
12.C. Deliberation and possible action to delegate authority to the Superintendent of Schools to work with the District's legal counsel to attempt to negotiate and execute a real estate sales contract on behalf of the Board of Trustees of the District, and on terms that are in the best interests of the District, to be approved by the Board at a subsequent meeting.
13. Adjournment