September 12, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - Establishment of Quorum
2. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
3. Recognition of Visitors
4. Public Forum
5. Attendance and Enrollment
6. ESSER Update
7. Campus Principal Reports
7.A. Academic Highlights
7.B. Upcoming Events
8. Consent Action Agenda
8.A. Minutes
8.B. Financial Reports and Bills.
8.C. Tax Reports
8.D. Utility Usage Graphs
8.E. Budget Amendment # 1
8.F. Tax Refunds
8.F.1. $1,043.12 refund to Ryan Martinez for HCAD account 000003-025450.
8.F.2. $512.34 refund to Steven Foster for HCAD account 000006-004200.
8.F.3. $512.34 refund to Meghan Ruggles for HCAD account 000019-011305.
8.F.4. $512.34 refund to Sierra Lester for HCAD account 000028-002800.
8.F.5. $512.34 refund to Patricia Hardy for HCAD account 000019-008420.
8.F.6. $512.34 refund to Brandon Pyburn for HCAD account 000030-008450.
8.F.7. $512.34 refund to Kyle Kelley for HCAD account 000031-006250.
8.F.8. $512.34 refund to Adam Nation for HCAD account 000039-003154.
8.F.9. $512.34 refund to Vanessa Richardson for HCAD account 004400-000050.
8.F.10. $512.34 refund to Joshua Lytle for HCAD account 002900-000060.
8.F.11. $512.34 refund to Charles Richards for HCAD account 001926-000050.
9. Reports from the Superintendent - Information/Discussion Items only:
9.A. TASA/TASB Convention September 29-October 1
9.B. Silsbee Education Foundation Casino Night Fundraiser September 23, 2023
9.C. HB3 Early Indicators for Reading and Math - Presented by Catherine Whitehead
10. Regular Action Agenda
10.A. Consider and act to approve a $3000.00 donation from Silsbee Education Foundation.
10.B. Consider and act on a donation from Performing Arts / Visual Arts in the amount of $500.00 for Fall Production.
10.C. Consider and possible action to approve the resolution to select an offeror of a competitive sealed proposal for the enclosure of the elementary covered sports shelter.
10.D. Consider and possible action to approve Financial Advisory Agreement.
11. Executive Session - Personnel Matters (Tex Gov't Code 551.074); Attorney Consultation (Tex Gov't Code 551.071)
11.A. Personnel - Tex Gov't Code 551.074
11.B. Attorney Consultation (Tex Gov't Code 551.071
11.C. Consider and deliberate concerning the possible appointment of a public officer(s). Tex Gov't Code 551.074
12. The Board of Trustees will reconvene in open session for action to be taken on items discussed in closed session.
13. Consider and act to appoint a Board Member to fill the vacancy of Place 7 until the next regularly scheduled Board election in May 2024.
14. Adjournment