July 26, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - Establishment of Quorum
2. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
3. Recognition of Visitors
4. Public Forum
5. Attendance and Enrollment
6. Consent Action Agenda
6.A. Minutes
6.B. Financial Reports and Bills.
6.C. Tax Reports
6.D. Utility Usage Graphs
6.E. Budget Amendment # 10
6.F. Tax Refund
6.F.1. Refund in the amount of $573.05 to Patricia Cravey for the 2021 Tax Year.
6.F.2. Refund in the amount of $5,821.64 to Process Industrial for the 2021 Tax Year.
6.F.3. Refund in the amount of $597.18 to Matthew Grissom for the 2021 Tax Year.
6.F.4. Refund in the amount of $713.48 to Harry Guedry for the 2021 Tax Year.
6.G. Approve annual list of T-TESS Appraisers.
6.H. Third Renewal of Workers' Compensation Insurance with Claims Administrative Services effective September 1, 2022.
7. Reports from the Superintendent - Information/Discussion Items only:
7.A. Tax Collection Report - James Guest with Linebarger, Goggan, Blair, & Sampson, LLP
7.B. Convocation
8. Regular Action Agenda
8.A. Bills Payable Separate Item June 2022.
8.B. Approve the De Lage Landen Public Finance Lease Agreement for district copiers using the Texas Buy Board Cooperative Contract #616-20 and Sharp Electronics.
8.C. Consider and act on RFP for lawn and ground services to be in effect from August 1, 2022-July 31, 2023
8.D. Consider and act on renewal with Landscapes Specialties for athletic field maintenance, Region 5 Cooperative.
8.E. Select Delegate and Alternate for the 2022 TASB Delegate Assembly.
8.F. Consider and act on the District Cafeteria charging policy effective August 2022.
8.G. Consider and act on the 2022-2023 Student Code of Conduct
8.H. Consider and act on a Purchase Order in the amount of $41,050.00 to Imagine Learning.
8.I. Consider and act on a Purchase Order in the amount of $36,250.00 to NWEA.
9. Executive Session - Personnel Matters - Gov't Code 551.074; Real Property - Gov't Code 551.0720; Security Gov't Code 551.076
9.A. Discussion of Employment and Resignations
9.B. Discussion of Real Property - Gov't Code 551.0720
9.C. Safety and Security Gov't Code 551.076
10. The Board of Trustees will reconvene in open session for action to be taken on items discussed in closed session.
10.A. Possible Consider and act on items discussed in Executive Session
11. Adjournment