November 9, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - Establishment of Quorum
2. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
3. Recognition of Visitors
4. Public Forum
5. Attendance and Enrollment Report Only
6. Volunteer Service Award
7. Campus Principal Reports
7.A. Recognition of Student / Employee of the Month
7.B. Upcoming Events
8. Consent Action Agenda
8.A. Minutes
8.B. Financial Reports and Bills.
8.C. Tax Reports
8.D. Utility Usage Graphs
8.E. Budget Amendment # 3
8.F. Quarterly Investment Report
9. Superintendent's Report
10. Regular Action Agenda
10.A. Consider and act on changing the time of the December Board Meeting from 7:00 PM to 12:30 PM on Tuesday December 14th.
10.B. Consider and act on donations.
10.B.1. $500 from Watts Outdoors LLC to the Silsbee High School Bass Club
10.B.2. $750 from Silsbee Ford to the SHS Fishing Team
10.B.3. $500 from American Valve & Hydrant to the SHS Fishing Team
10.B.4. $1000 from Biskamp Electric to the SHS Fishing Team
10.C. Consider and possible action on hiring CEI Engineering Services to determine the scope of improvements required and desired for the improvement of existing high school athletic fields, including all utilities and associated improvements as recommended by Superintendent.
10.D. Consider and act on adding a Stipend for the Positive Approach to Student Success (PASS) program coordinator and Stipend for Positive Approach to Student Success assigned Paraprofessionals
10.E. Consider and act on Revision of HB3 Board Goals regarding Early Childhood and CCMR.
10.F. Consider and act on District and Campus Performance Objectives.
10.F.1. High School
10.F.2. Edward Johnson Memorial Middle School
10.F.3. Silsbee Elementary
10.F.4. Laura Reeves Primary
10.G. Consider and act on Open RFP for Instructional Material, Equipment, Supplies, and related items.
10.H. Consider and act on Open RFP for Maintenance Supplies and Materials.
10.I. Consider and act on RFP for Serving Lines at Edwards Johnson Memorial Silsbee Middle School
10.J. Consider and act on the Purchase order in the amount of $155,178.00 made out to Kommercial Kitchens for Middle School Serving lines.
10.K. Consider and act on Purchase order in the amount of $98,936.55 to Dell for Servers to be paid for out of Esser Funds.
10.L. Resolution to cast votes for Hardin County Appraisal District Board of Directors.
11. Executive Session - Sec. 551.074 - Personnel Matters; Gov't Code 551.074(a)(1); Gov't Code 551.0720 - Real Property
11.A. Discussion of Employment
11.B. Superintendent Evaluation Instrument, Goals and Timeline
11.C. Deliberation and possible action to delegate authority to the Superintendent of Schools to work with the District's legal counsel to attempt to negotiate and execute a real estate sales contract on behalf of the Board of Trustees of the District, and on terms that are in the best interests of the District, to be approved by the Board at a subsequent meeting.
12. The Board of Trustees will reconvene in open session for action to be taken on items discussed in closed session.
12.A. Consider and act on Employment
12.B. Consider and act on Superintendent Evaluation Instrument, Goals and Timeline
12.C. Consider and act on 11.C
13. Adjournment