November 10, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - Establishment of Quorum
2. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
3. Recognition of Visitors
4. Recognition of Student/Teacher/Auxiliary Employee for the month of November
4.A. Laura Reeves Primary
4.B. Silsbee Elementary
4.C. Edwards-Johnson Memorial SMS
4.D. High School
4.E. Support Staff
5. Campus Principal Reports
5.A. Attendance/Enrollment
5.B. Academic Update
5.C. Upcoming Events
6. Public Forum
7. Consent Action Agenda
7.A. Minutes
7.B. Financial Reports and Bills.
7.C. Tax Reports
7.D. Utility Usage Graphs
7.E. Budget Amendment # 4
7.F. Quarterly Investment Report
8. Regular Action Agenda
8.A. Reports from the Superintendent - Information/Discussion Items only:
8.A.1. Silsbe High School Student - Trinity Cline FCCLA Regional Officer
8.A.2. Attendance and Enrollment
8.B. Consider and act to change date and time of the December Board Meeting.
8.C. Consider and act on Purchase Order to Zones in the amount of $42,939.68 for the yearly Microsoft Licenses.
8.D. Consider and act on donation from American Valve & Hydrant to the HS Fishing Team in the amount of $ 500.00.
8.E. Consider and act on donation from South Hampton Resources, Inc. to the HS Fishing Team in the amount of $500.00.
8.F. Consider and act on donation from Biskamp Electric, Inc. to the HS Fishing Team in the amount of $1,000.00
8.G. Consider and act on Open RFP for Instructional Material, Equipment, Supplies, and related items.
8.H. Consider and act on Open RFP for Bus Parts
8.I. The open session of the meeting will recess and the Board of Trustees will convene in closed session for the following purposes.
8.I.1. Teacher and Administrators (Texas Gov't Code 551.074)
8.I.1.a. Discussion of Employment
8.I.1.b. Reassignment and Resignations
8.I.1.c. Superintendent Evaluation Instrument, Goals, and Timeline
8.I.2. Discussion for the purpose of a private consultation with the Board's Attorney on any or all subjects or matters authorized by law. (Texas Govt. Code 551.071(2))
8.I.3. Discussion of Employment, Termination, Reassignment, Resignations, and Evaluation of Paraprofessional, Auxiliary and Support Staff (Tex. Govt. Code 551.074)
8.I.4. Safety and Security (Govt. Code 551.089)
8.J. The Board of Trustees will reconvene in open session for action to be taken on items discussed in closed session.
8.K. Consider and act on Superintendent Evaluation Instument, Goals, and Timeline.
8.L. Personnel
8.M. Adjournment