October 13, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - Establishment of Quorum
2. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
3. Recognition of Visitors
4. Public Forum
5. Recognition of Student/Teacher/Auxiliary Employee for the month of October, 2020
5.A. Laura Reeves Primary
5.B. Silsbee Elementary
5.C. Edwards-Johnson Memorial SMS
5.D. High School
5.E. Support Staff
6. Campus Principal Reports
6.A. Attendance/Enrollment
6.B. Current number of in-person vs remote learners
6.C. Upcoming Events
7. Consent Action Agenda
7.A. Minutes
7.B. Financial Reports and Bills.
7.C. Tax Reports
7.D. Utility Usage Graphs
7.E. Budget Amendment # 2
8. Regular Action Agenda
8.A. Reports from the Superintendent - Information/Discussion Items only:
8.A.1. Education Foundation Update - Foundation Innovation.LLC - Maya Bethany and Laurie Cromwell
8.A.2. Attendance and Enrollment
8.A.3. Technology Update
8.A.4. Bond Refunding Update
8.A.5. 2019-2020 Year End Financial Update
8.B. Consider and act to select a delivery method for the Silsbee ISD Roof Replacement Project.
8.C. Consider and act to adopt a prevailing wage rate for the Silsbee ISD Roof Replacement Project.
8.D. Consider and act to select a contractor for the Silsbee ISD Roof Replacement Project.
8.E. Consider and act to delegate authority to the Superintendent to negotiate the necessary construction contracts for the Silsbee ISD Roof Replacement Project.
8.F. Consider and act to adopt an international budiling code for Silsbee ISD Roof Replacement Project.
8.G. Budget Amendment #3 to allocate funds for the High School roofing project.
8.H. Consider and act on adopting a Resolution regarding extension of employee leave during epidemic.
8.I. Consider and act to adopt Resolution that recognizes the Hardin County Texas 4-H Organization as approved for recognition and eligible for extracurricular status consideration under 19 Texas Administrative Cod e Chapter 75.1, pertaining to extracurricular activities, and approve Katie Pace Hardin County Extension Agent as adjunct faculty member for the Hardin County, Texas 4 -H Organization.
8.J. Consider and act on School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) Member 2020-2021
8.K. Consider and act on the donation from Westrock in the amount of $4,963.12 to Edwards-Johnson Memorial Silsbee Middle School Robotic Team.
8.L. Consider and act to Amdend DNA(LOCAL) T-Tess Less-Than-Annual-Evaluations
8.M. Consider and act on purchase order to SHI Government Solutions for Chromebook Insurance.
8.N. Consider and act on Open RFP for instructional materials, equipment, supplies, and related items.
8.O. Consider and act on Open RFP for bus parts.
8.P. The open session of the meeting will recess and the Board of Trustees will convene in closed session for the following purposes.
8.P.1. Teacher and Administrators(Texas Gov't Code 551.074)
8.P.1.a. Discussion of Employment
8.P.1.b. Reassignment and Resignations
8.P.2. Discussion of Superintendent's 2020-2021 Performance Goals
8.P.3. Discussion for the purpose of a private consultation with the Board's Attorney on any or all subjects or matters authorized by law. (Tex. Govt. Code 551.071(2))
8.P.4. Discussion of Employment, Termination, Reassignment, Resignations, and Evaluation of Paraprofessional, Auxiliary and Support Staff (Tex. Govt. Code 551.074)
8.P.5. Security - Gov't Code 551.089
8.Q. The Board of Trustees will reconvene in open session for action to be taken on items discussed in closed session.
8.R. Personnel
8.S. Adjournment