August 30, 2016 at 5:00 PM - Special Meeting
Agenda |
1. Public Hearing
1.A. Open Public Hearing
1.A.1. A public hearing is scheduled to discuss the 2016-2017 proposed budget.
1.B. Close Public Hearing
2. Board Matters
2.A. Adopt Budget for 2016-2017
Kent Crutsinger
Action Item
Mr. Crutsinger recommends the Board adopt the proposed budget for 2016-2017. Recommended Motion: We recommend approval of the 2016-2017 General Fund, Child Nutrition, and Debt Service budgets as presented. |
2.B. Adopt ordinance setting tax rate for 2016
Kent Crutsinger
Action Item
The ordinance setting the 2016 tax rate is included in this BoardBook. The proposed ordinance reflects a Maintenance and Operation tax rate of $1.17 and an Interest and Sinking tax rate of $0.202067. The proposed total tax rate is $1.372067. When voting on this agenda item Board members must declare their vote individually when asked by the Board President. Ken Scribner________ Russel CeBallos________ Jimmy Howard________ Chris Faircloth________ Dale Gleason________ Kevin Polk________ Brad Watts________ Ordinance is included in this BoardBook. |
2.C. Final amendments to the 2015-2016 budget
Kent Crutsinger
Action Item
Final amendments to the current budget will be presented for Board approval. This final budget amendment enables the District to meet state requirements established in the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS). |
2.D. GASB54 Resolution regarding Fund Balance
Kent Crutsinger
Action Item
A standard for governmental fund balance reporting and governmental fund type definitions. |
2.E. Discuss Long Term Facilities Plan
Kent Crutsinger
Information Item