December 18, 2018 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Announcement of a Quorum
3. Pledges of Allegiance
4. Recognition of Visitors/Public Comment: All persons who wish to address the Board at this time MUST complete a registration form before 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting
4.1. Recognition of Students - District Christmas Card Winners
5. Discussion:
5.1. Annual Audit Presentation - Audit Firm of James E. Rodgers and Company
5.2. Elementary & Intermediate Principal's Report
5.3. Team of Eight Board Training Options
5.4. January Board Meeting - possible date change
5.5. City surge tank at Highway 18 and Sherwood Lane
6. Reports
6.1. Asst. Superintendent of Finance/CFO
6.1.1. Current Month Cash Position
6.1.2. Tax Collection Report
6.1.3. Utilities Report
6.1.4. Investment Report
6.1.5. Combined Funds Board Report
6.1.6. Cash Receipts Journal
6.1.7. Check Payments
6.2. Superintendent Reports
6.2.1. Enrollment Comparisons
6.2.2. Robotics Competition at ACU - January 12, 2018
6.2.3. UIL Academic Results
6.2.4. Superintendent Evaluation Protocol.
6.2.5. Calendar 2019-2020
6.2.6. Release of Campus "What If" Letter Grades
6.3. Director of Curriculum and Special Programs
6.3.1. Portrait of a Graduate Progress and Suggestions
6.3.2. Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) Update
6.4. Board Report Requests
7. Agenda Items:
7.1. Consideration and possible action on Consent Agenda:
7.1.1. November Minutes
7.1.2. Financial Report
7.2. Consideration and possible action on the 2017-2018 Audit of Clyde CISD as presented by the Audit Firm of James E. Rodgers and Company.
7.3. Consideration and possible action on moving the January Board Meeting date
8. Closed Session
8.1. Personnel (Gov't Code 551.074)
8.1.1. Employment:
| Jr. High Teacher/Coach
8.1.2. Resignation/Retirement:
| High School Teacher - Retirement
| Jr. High Teacher/Coach
8.1.3. Employment: No Action Required
8.1.4. Resignation/Retirement: No Action Required
8.1.5. Other
8.2. Superintendent Evaluation (Gov't Code 551.074)
9. Open Session: Action, if any on Items Discussed in Closed Session as Needed
9.1. Consideration and possible action to accept resignations and/or retirements as presented
9.2. Consideration and possible action to accept employment recommendations as presented
10. Adjournment