October 17, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Announcement of a Quorum
3. Pledges of Allegiance
4. Recognition of Visitors/Public Comment: All persons who wish to address the Board at this time MUST complete a registration form before 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting
5. Discussion:
5.1. Public Hearing on FIRST Report
5.2. Principal Recognition
5.3. Report From TASA/TASB Convention
5.4. First Reading of Campus Improvement Plans
5.5. Construction
5.6. Track and/or Football Stadium
6. High School and Junior High Principal's Report
7. Reports:
7.1. Asst. Superintendent of Finance/CFO - Terry Phillips
7.1.1. Current Month Cash Position
7.1.2. Investment Report
7.1.3. Tax Collection Report
7.1.4. Utilities Report
7.1.5. Combined Funds Board Report
7.1.6. Cash Receipts Journal
7.1.7. Check Payments for September
7.2. Superintendent Report
7.2.1. Enrollment Comparison
7.2.2. December Meeting Date - Thursday December 15th
7.2.3. Audit report for 2015-2016 School year
7.2.4. 313 Audit
7.3. Director of Curriculum and Special Programs - Paula Kinslow
7.3.1. State Testing Changes for 2017
7.4. Board Request
8. Agenda Items
8.1. Consider Approval of Consent Agenda:
8.1.1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
8.1.2. Financial Report
8.2. Consider Approval of Clyde CISD District Improvement Plan
8.3. Consider approval of COLA for Clyde CISD Employees
8.4. Consider approval of bid for a school truck
8.5. Consider and approve bid for school suburban
9. Closed Session
9.1. Personnel (Texas Gov't Code 551.074)
9.1.1. Resignation
| Music Teacher Elementary
| Resignation High School
9.1.2. Employment
9.1.3. Employment /Resignations No Action Needed
| Resignation
| Employment
| Intermediate Aide
| Consideration and possible action regarding approval of a finding in accordance with Texas Education Code Section 21.210(c)(2) and 19 Texas Administrative Code 249.14(g), that good cause did not exist for Jere Welch, a 10 month term contract teacher, to abandon her employment contract, abandon her position and attempt to resign from Clyde Consolidated ISD.
| Consideration and possible action regarding the notification to the State Board for Educator Certification of the term contract teacher, Jere Welch’s abandonment of her employment contract and seeking sanctions for abandonment of her position.
9.1.4. Superintendent Search
9.1.5. Other
9.2. Purchase, Exchange, Lease, Or Value of Real Property (Texas Gov’t Code § 551.072 )
10. Open Session: Action, if any on Items Discussed in Closed Session:
11. Adjournment