December 16, 2013 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Announcement of a Quorum
3. Pledges of Allegiance
4. Recognition of Visitors/Public Comment: All persons who wish to address the Board at this time MUST complete a registration form before 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting
5. Discussion:
5.A Announce School Board Training Hours for 2013
5.B Construction Update
6. Reports
6.A Asst. Superintendent of Finance/CFO - Dobie Williams
6.A(i) Current Month Cash Position
6.A(ii) Investment Report
6.A(iii) Tax Collection Report
6.A(iv) Utilities Report
6.A(v) Combined Funds Board Report
6.A(vi) Cash Receipts Journal
6.A(vii) Check Payments for November
6.B Superintendent Reports
6.B(i) Enrollment Comparisons
6.B(ii) Hosting Regional Robotics - January 11, 2014
6.B(iii) Campus Snapshot Report for Elementary School
6.B(iv) FAST Rating
6.B(v) Reminder - January Board Meeting Changed to January 13th
6.B(vi) Junior High Lockers
6.B(vii) TASB Representative from Region 14
6.C Director of Curriculum and Special Programs - Paula Kinslow
6.C(i) 2012-13 TELPAS Report-Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System
6.C(ii) 2012-13 Texas Academic Performance Report
6.C(iii) Plan for Local Businesses to Provide Feedback for CTE Coop Program Idea
6.C(iv) Update on Highly Qualified Status
6.D Board Report Requests
7. Agenda Items:
7.A Consider Consent Agenda:
7.A(i) Minutes of the Previous Meetings
7.A(ii) Financial Report
7.B Consider Approval of Interlocal Agreement Between Clyde CISD and West Texas Food Service Cooperative
7.C Consider Approval of Budget Amendment
8. Closed Session
8.A Personnel (Gov't Code 551.074)
8.A(i) Resignation:
8.A(i)(a) Cherry Laws
8.A(i)(b) Gabriela Williams
8.A(ii) Employment:
8.A(ii)(a) Intermediate Teacher
8.A(ii)(b) Elementary Teacher
8.A(ii)(c) Custodian
8.A(iii) Superintendent Evaluation
8.A(iv) Other
8.B Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property (Gov’t Code 551.072)
9. Open Session: Action, if any on Items Discussed in Closed Session as Needed
10. Adjournment