September 14, 2009 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Announcement of a Quorum
3. Pledges of Allegiance
4. Recognition of Visitors/Public Comment: All persons who address the Board at this time must complete a registration form before the meeting begins.
5. Consent Agenda
5.A Minutes of Previous Meetings
5.B Financial Reports
5.B(i) Budget Amendments
5.C Superintendent Reports
5.C(i) Future Board Meeting Dates
5.C(ii) Enrollment Comparison
5.C(iii) Resignations: David Watkins, Raenese Byrom
6. Reports
6.A Principal Reports
6.A(i) Terry Phillips - New Schedule & Opening of Stadium
6.A(ii) Greg Edwards - Enrollment & Athletics
6.A(iii) Traci Yandell - UIL; Punt, Pass and Kick; & Fundraiser
6.A(iv) Kim Jones - TPRI & STEPS screeners, New Speech/RtI, & Pep Rally
6.B Director of Student Support Services - Facilities Planning
6.C Assistant Superintendent of Finance - Monthly Financials
6.D Director of Curriculum/Special Programs - Celebrate Freedom Week & Constitution Day
7. New Business
7.A Construction Update
7.A(i) New Construction
7.A(ii) Long Range Facility Planning
7.B Consider Resolution for Extra-Curricular Status of 4-H
7.C Consider Legal Services Retainer Agreements - Walsh, Anderson, Brown, Schulze & Aldridge, P.C., and Schwartz & Eichelbaum, P.C. (ESC-14)
7.D Consider Adoption of Professional Pay Scale
7.E Consider Clyde CISD Travel Guidelines
7.F Consider Nominations for Board of Directors for Jones County Appraisal District
8. Closed Session
9. Open Session to consider any action on item discussed in Closed Session if needed.
10. Adjournment