July 13, 2009 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to order
2. Announcement of Quorum
3. Pledges of Allegiance
4. Recognition of Visitors/Public Comment:
5. Consent Agenda
5.A Minutes of Previous Meeting
5.B Budget Amendments
5.C Superintendent Reports
5.C(i) Professional Resignations: Mike Wetsel, Lisa Justice, Jennifer Haney
5.C(ii) Federal Grants Applications Completed
5.C(iii) Revised HB 3 and Graduation Requirements
6. Reports
6.A Principals Reports
6.A(i) Terry Phillips-Summer Projects
6.B Assistant Superintendent of Finance-
6.B(i) Monthly Financials
6.C Director of Student Support Sevices-Recent Projects
7. New Business
7.A Construction Update and Facility Planning
7.A(i) Current Construction Projects
7.A(ii) Bus Barn Relocation
7.A(iii) Long Range Facility Planning
7.B Counselor Update-Jennifer Seekins
7.C Consider Approval of Salary and Stipend Schedules for 2009-10 School Year
7.C(i) Maintenance, Custodial, Cafeteria
7.C(ii) Transportation
7.C(iii) Aides, Secretaries, Teachers
7.C(iv) Stipend Schedule
7.C(v) Administrators
7.D Designate a Delegate and an Alternate Delegate for the 2009 Delegate Assembly
8. Closed Session:
8.A Personnel (Texas Gov't Code 551.074)
8.B Director of Technology
8.C Superintendent Mid-Year Evaluation-Review Performance Indicators
9. Open Session to Consider and Action on Items Discussed in Executive Session if Needed
9.A Hire Director of Technology
10. Adjournment