March 21, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Announcement of a Quorum
3. Pledges of Allegiance
4. Recognition of Visitors/Public Comment: All persons who wish to address the Board at this time MUST complete a registration form before 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting
5. Student Recognition: Clyde Intermediate
6. Discussion:
6.A Elementary and Intermediate Principal's Report
6.B Greenhouse Repair Update
6.C JH Gym Roof Repair Update
7. Reports
7.A Asst. Superintendent of Finance/CFO - Terry Phillips
7.A(i) Current Month Cash Position
7.A(ii) Tax Collection Report
7.A(iii) Utilities Report
7.A(iv) Investment Report
7.A(v) Combined Funds Board Report
7.A(vi) Cash Receipts Journal
7.A(vii) Check Payments for
7.B Superintendent Report:
7.B(i) Enrollment Comparisons
7.B(ii) Summer Leadership Institute Dates
7.B(iii) Staff Contracts in April
7.C Director of Curriculum and Special Programs - Paula Kinslow
7.C(i) Grow Your Own Program--TCLAS Update
7.C(ii) Clyde CISD rootEd Data
7.C(iii) Instructional Materials Allotment Selection K-5 Health/PE
7.C(iv) Texas Instructional Leadership (TIL) Training
7.C(v) Summer Learning 2022
8. Board Requests
9. Agenda Items:
9.A Consideration and possible action on Consent Agenda
9.A(i) Minutes of the Previous Meetings
9.A(ii) Financial Reports
9.B Consideration and possible action to accept the unopposed certificate related to the board election scheduled for May 7, 2022.
9.C Consideration and possible action to cancel the Clyde CISD Board of Trustees Election scheduled for May 7, 2022.
10. Closed Session
10.A Personnel (Texas Government Code Section 551.074)
10.A(i) Resignation/Retirement - Action Required
10.A(i)(a) Jr. High Teacher
10.A(i)(b) Jr. High Teacher
10.A(ii) Employment - Action Required
10.A(ii)(a) Jr. High Teacher/Coach
10.A(ii)(b) Jr. High Teacher/Coach
10.A(ii)(c) High School Teacher/Head Boys' Basketball Coach
10.A(ii)(d) Jr. High Teacher
10.A(ii)(e) Jr. High Teacher
10.A(ii)(f) High School Teacher
10.A(iii) Resignation/Retirement - No Action Required
10.A(iii)(a) Cafeteria
10.A(iv) Employment - No Action Required
10.A(iv)(a) Maintenance
10.A(iv)(b) Intermediate Aide
10.A(iv)(c) HR/Payroll
10.A(iv)(d) Elementary Custodian
10.A(iv)(e) Elementary Aide
10.A(iv)(f) Intermediate Cafeteria
10.A(v) Contract Protocol for April Meeting
10.B Real Property - Deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property (Texas Government Code Section 551.072)
10.C Discussion regarding District students in relation to potential changes to grading policy. (Texas Government Code Section 551.0821)
10.D Other
11. Open Session: Act Upon Items Discussed in Closed Session as Needed
11.A Consideration and possible action to accept resignations and/or retirements as presented.
11.B Consideration and possible action to hire personnel as presented.
12. Adjournment