September 20, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Announcement of a Quorum
3. Pledges of Allegiance
4. Recognition of Visitors/Public Comment: All persons who wish to address the Board at this time MUST complete a registration form before 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting
5. Discussion:
5.1. Rockhill School Building
5.2. Elementary and Intermediate Principal Reports
5.3. Athletic Director's Beginning of Year Report
5.4. First Reading of 2021-22 District Improvement Plan
5.5. December Board Meeting
5.6. Calendar revision for JH District Track Meet
5.7. TRS Employee Health Insurance as it relates to SB 1444
5.8. SB 15 - Virtual Learning
6. Reports
6.1. Asst. Superintendent of Finance/CFO - Terry Phillips
6.1.1. Current Month Cash Position
6.1.2. Tax Collection Report
6.1.3. Utilities Report
6.1.4. Investment Report
6.1.5. Combined Funds Board Report
6.1.6. Cash Receipts Journal
6.1.7. Check Payments for
6.2. Superintendent Report:
6.2.1. Enrollment Comparisons
6.2.2. FIRST Preliminary Report
6.2.3. COVID and Return to School Guidance Update
6.3. Director of Curriculum and Special Programs - Paula Kinslow
6.3.1. 2021 Accountability--Not Rated
6.3.2. Early Childhood Program Self-Assessment -PK
6.3.3. HB 3 Revised Goals 2021-22
7. Board Requests
8. Agenda Items:
8.1. Consideration and possible action on Consent Agenda
8.1.1. Minutes of the Previous Meetings
8.1.2. Financial Reports
8.2. Consideration and possible action on a resolution identifying the intersection of Hays and the I-20 Access Road as a hazardous crossing for purposes of District transportation.
8.3. Consideration and possible action to move the regular December board meeting from Monday, December 20th to Monday, December 13th.
8.4. Consideration and possible action on revising the District calendar to include an early dismissal at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, April 8, 2022, in order to participate in our UIL District JH Track Meet.
8.5. Consideration and possible action on a resolution nominating a candidate for a position on the Board of Directors of the Callahan County Appraisal District to be filled for a two-year term of office commencing on January 1, 2022.
8.6. Consideration and possible action on a resolution nominating a candidate for a position on the Board of Directors of the Shackelford County Appraisal District to be filled for a two-year term of office commencing on January 1, 2022.
9. Closed Session
9.1. Personnel (Gov’t Code 551.074)
9.1.1. Employment - Action Required
9.1.2. Resignations - Action Required
| Jr. High School Teacher/Coach
9.1.3. Employment - No Action Required
9.1.4. Resignation - No Action Required
| High School Custodian
| Elementary Nurse
9.2. Other
10. Open Session: Act Upon Items Discussed in Closed Session as Needed
10.1. Consider Approval to accept resignations
11. Adjournment