May 17, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Announcement of a Quorum
3. Pledges of Allegiance
4. Honor Outgoing Board of Trustee Member Patrick Burson
5. Swearing in of Board Members - Jerry Don Black, Darryl Harris and Bethany Powell
6. Recognition of Visitors/Public Comment: All persons who wish to address the Board at this time MUST complete a registration form before 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting
7. Discussion:
7.A Elementary and Intermediate Principal's Report
7.B Delegate for 2021 TASA / TASB Convention
7.C Food Services Procurement Review
8. Reports
8.A Asst. Superintendent of Finance/CFO - Terry Phillips
8.A(i) Current Month Cash Position
8.A(ii) Tax Collection Report
8.A(iii) Utilities Report
8.A(iv) Investment Report
8.A(v) Combined Funds Board Report
8.A(vi) Cash Receipts Journal
8.A(vii) Check Payments for
8.B Superintendent Report:
8.B(i) Enrollment Comparisons
8.B(ii) Summer Hours
8.B(iii) Summer Budget Workshops
8.B(iv) High School Graduation Schedule
8.B(v) 21-22 Graduation date and venue
8.C Director of Curriculum and Special Programs - Paula Kinslow
8.C(i) Upcoming Professional Development Trainings
8.C(ii) 2020-2023 ARP ESSER III Grant
8.C(iii) Potential CTE Partnership with Baird ISD
9. Board Requests
10. Agenda Items:
10.A Consideration and possible action on Consent Agenda
10.A(i) Minutes of the Previous Meetings
10.A(ii) Financial Reports
10.B Consideration and possible action on a proposed renewal of the District of Innovation plan that will include flexibility to offer district employees alternative health plans in addition to current TRS offerings.
10.C Consideration and possible action on moving the regularly scheduled August school board meeting from August 16th to August 9th at 6:00 p.m.
11. Closed Session
11.A Personnel (Gov’t Code 551.074)
11.A(i) Retirement/Resignations
11.A(i)(a) Lead Nurse
11.A(i)(b) Elementary
11.A(i)(c) Jr. High Science Teacher
11.A(i)(d) Elementary Nurse
11.A(i)(e) Intermediate Teacher
11.A(i)(f) Intermediate Teacher
11.A(i)(g) JH Math Teacher
11.A(ii) Employment - Action Required
11.A(ii)(a) Intermediate Teacher
11.A(ii)(b) Intermediate Teacher
11.A(ii)(c) JH Science Teacher
11.A(ii)(d) JH Asst. Principal
11.A(ii)(e) JH/HS Choir Teacher
11.A(ii)(f) JH Math Teacher
11.A(ii)(g) JH ELA Teacher
11.A(ii)(h) JH ELA Teacher
11.A(iii) Employment - No Action Required
11.A(iii)(a) Intermediate Aide
11.A(iii)(b) Elementary Aide
11.A(iii)(c) JH Cafeteria
11.A(iii)(d) JH Custodian
11.A(iii)(e) Intermediate Aide
11.A(iii)(f) Campus Nurse -LVN
11.A(iv) Retirement/Resignations - No Action Required
11.A(iv)(a) JH/HS Nurse
11.B Other
12. Open Session: Act Upon Items Discussed in Closed Session as Needed
12.A Personnnel
12.A(i) Consider accepting resignations/retirements as presented
12.A(ii) Consider approval of employment as presented
13. Board Organization
13.A Election of Officers for the Clyde CISD Board of Trustees
14. Adjournment