March 26, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Verification of Compliance to Open Meeting Law
(Chapter 551.001, et seq of the Texas Open Meetings Act have been complied within connection with public notice of this meeting.) |
1.B. Establish Quorum
1.C. Invocation
1.D. Pledges to the United States Flag and the Texas Flag
2. Presentations, Recognitions, Awards and Announcements
2.A. Brahma of the Month Recipients
2.A.1. Elementary - Presenter: Amy Barron
2.A.1.a. Lacey Lucas and Cody Nevels
2.A.2. Junior High - Presenter: Tom Giles
2.A.2.a. Caleb Haynes and Samantha Mongognia
2.A.3. High School - Presenter: Scot Wright
2.A.3.a. Kathryn Redfearn and Macon Williamson
2.B. Brahma Pride Award
2.C. Elementary UIL - Presenter: Amy Barron
2.D. DI - Destination Imagination - Presenter: Amy Barron
3. Action: Executive Session - (551.001)
3.A. Personally Identifiable Information About Public School Student (551.0821)
3.B. Discussion of Personnel (551.074)
4. Reconvene Following Executive Session - Pursuant to Texas Government Code (551.001)
5. Open Forum
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Approval of Board Minutes
6.B. Approval of Expenditures
6.C. Approval of Tax Office Reports
6.D. Monthly Investment Report
7. Action Items
7.A. Instructional Materials Allotment Certificate
7.B. Discussion and Possible Approval of 2018-2019 District Calendar
7.C. Discussion and Possible Approval of Policy Update 110, affecting local policies (see attached list)
7.D. Discussion and Possible Approval of Titus County Appraisal District Request for Retention of Budget Surplus
7.E. Discussion and Possible Approval of Interlocal Agreement with Region 8 ESC/TIPS
8. Information Items
8.A. Pewitt CISD State Compensatory Education Procedures Manual
9. Superintendent's Report
9.A. Enrollment Report
9.B. Resignations
9.C. Operations Report
9.C.1. Quarterly Report- Check with Chris
10. Action: Executive Session - (551.001)
10.A. Personnel (551.074)
10.A.1. Personnel - Renewal/Extenstion of Term and Probationary Ch. 21 Contracts for Professional Employees (Non-Administrative)
11. Reconvene Following Executive Session - Pursuant to Texas Government Code (551.001)
11.A. Discussion and Possible Approval of Items Discussed in Executive Session
11.A.1. Personnel (551.074)
11.A.1.a. Personnel - Renewal/Extension of Term and Probationary Ch. 21 Contracts for Professional Employees (Non-Administrative)
12. Consideration of Future Agenda Items
12.A. Next Regular Board Meeting - April 19, 2018
12.B. NTSBA Spring Meeting - April 5, 2018
13. Adjourn