June 24, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Verification of Compliance to Open Meeting Law
(Chapter 551.001, et seq of the Texas Open Meetings Act have been compiled within connection with public notice of this meeting)
1.B. Establish Quorum
2. Invocation
3. Pledges to the United States and Texas Flag
4. Presentations, Recognitions, Awards and Announcements
4.A. Kristie Jones- TASBO Certification
4.B. Presentation of The Guardian Program
4.C. Culinary Arts trip to Disney
5. Executive Session: as authorized by Texas Goernment Code Chapter 551.001 through 551.146
5.A. Personnel (551.074)
Consider Employment, Resignations, Reassignments, Transfers, Substitute Teacher List, Extended Leaves, Additional Positions, and Other Personnel Matters |
5.B. Consultation with Attorney (551.071) {when necessary}
6. Reconvene Following Executive Session - vote on matters considered in executive session in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, to take action necessary regarding executive session (if any).
6.A. Discussion and Possible Approval of Items Discussed in Executive Session
7. Open Forum
8. Consent Agenda
8.A. Approval of Board Minutes
8.B. Approval of May Expenditures
8.C. Approval of Tax Office Reports
9. Action Items
9.A. Discussion and Possible Approval of Update 117
9.B. Discussion and Possible Adoption of Character Strong as the district's social emotional learning (SEL) curriculum
9.C. Discussion and Possible Approval of Culinary Arts Class going to Disney World
10. Informational Items
10.A. PCISD Comprehensive School Counseling Program
10.B. Esteem Junior High Health Curriculum
11. Superintendent's Report
11.A. Resignations
11.B. Enrollment
12. Consideration of Future Agenda Items
13. Adjourn