June 13, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Call to Order and Roll Call - Open Meeting Law
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
2. Excuse Absent Board Members
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to excuse absent board member Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
3. The Pledge of Allegiance
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
4. Recitation of School Mission Statement: Preparing Students Today to Succeed Tomorrow: Family-Community-School
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
5. Recitation of Board Mission Statement: Providing collaborative leadership to prepare students today to succeed tomorrow.
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
6. Approval of Agenda
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve the agenda Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7. Financial Report
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
1. Review monthly bills using the EMeetings Software.
Budget Expensed Year-to-Date
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve the financial report Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
8. Consent Agenda
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Agenda
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve the consent agenda Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
8.1. Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to minutes
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
8.2. Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to approve the hire of Mr. Trent Benjamin to the position of K-12 School Librarian for the 2022-2023 school year.
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
8.3. Notice of Meeting Publication: The notice for this board meeting was published in the July 6th edition of the Ravenna News
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
9. Request to Address the Board and Correspondence
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
Members of the Public, This is the portion of the board meeting when we invite anyone in attendance to address the board of education. If you would like to speak to the board regarding any of the items on tonight's agenda or a public concern, now is your opportunity to do so. Please review the orange sheet (found on the visitors' chairs) of paper that contains the guidelines for public participation. If you wish to speak to the board at this time, please let me know. "Would anyone like to address the board at this time?"
AFTER THE PERSON(S) INDICATE(S) THEY WISH TO SPEAK 1. Please stand and state your name? 2. What topic will you be speaking on? 3. Are there others in the room who wish to speak to the same topic? (If so, ask that they be recognized so that 30 minutes of time for public comment can be apportioned as per the policy-5 minutes per person). 4. Read to Speaker(s): "Please understand that public comment is your opportunity to speak to the board and present your concerns, thoughts, feelings, ideas, and observations. Members of the board are happy to hear from members of the public, but the board will not engage in conversation or dialogue with you during public comment. You'll have approximately 5 minutes to address the board, as we allow 5 minutes per person and a total of 30 minutes for public comment. You may begin when you are ready? There is one piece of correspondence this month.
10. Board Report & Year One Goals Meeting Pulse
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Meeting Pulse Rules
1. The owner of the goal simply indicates if their goal is "On Track" or "Off Track." 2. The owner of goal can provide ONE sentence explaining the status of the goal, if they wish. 3. If a goal is "Off Track" it will be placed on the board agenda as a discussion items for the next month. 4. The expectation is that if a goal is "Off Track" the owner will work to get it "On Track" by the following month.
11. Information and Action Items
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
12. Discussion Items
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
12.1. Discuss, consider, and take all action necessary to give the board an update on the work of the Wilkins group on the facilities study, and master facilities plan
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
12.2. Discuss, consider, and take all action necessary in reviewing the RPS 202-2023 safe return to school plan, considering any and all community input
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
12.3. Discuss, consider, and take all action necessary to review human resource matters(Possible Executive Session)
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
12.4. Discuss, consider, and take all action regarding the parking lot renovation project
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
13. Elementary Principal's Report - None
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank the teachers, staff, and students for another great year. We have several activities planned this week, we have the 5th-grade science fair tomorrow, field day on Wednesday, Kindergarten Graduation on Thursday, and staff v. 6th-grade volleyball game on Friday.
NSCAS, MAP, and FastBridge Assessments have all been completed. Kindergarten-2nd grade take Spring MAP Assessments, 3rd Grade-6th Grade took NSCAS Assessments. I want to thank Mrs. Dunning and Mrs. Hervert for their many years of service to RPS. I wish them well in retirement. |
14. Secondary Principal's Report - None
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
As the year winds down, I want to give a huge thank you everyone (teachers, staff, and students) that made this year successful. Everyone has pitched in and helped in some fashion throughout the year.
High Lights of the last couple of weeks include:
15. Superintendent's Report
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
1. Gallup Strength Finder Team Results(Attached)
2. Parking Lot Project/Lighting T.L. Sund is anticipating being on our grounds next week. Travis, their G.M., and I are scheduled to meet tomorrow. Exterior LED lights on the building $140 per fixture. There are 16 on the exterior of the HS. $2,240 I will check with NPPD regarding any possible rebates. 3. Early Budget Update Hilary and I are working on updating the line item budget and I have been projecting our overall budget using several different models for the general and special building funds. It is difficult to project at this time as our building projects and total valuation are both still unknown. I would also like to remind you that we have been advised to make a significant transfer to the depreciation fund at the end of the year in order to maximize our general fund budget authority. This has been recommended by the NDE finance/business office and our auditors. We have discussed this numerous times. 4. NASB Link http://members.nasbonline.org/index.php/news-resources/videos 5. Building & Grounds Attachments Project list and equipment list are attached. 6. KSB Policy Update KSB released it Thursday, thus our policy update and handbook updates will be included at the July board meeting. 7. Classroom LED Lighting 5 of 7 are complete 8. Southwest Elementary Entrance All work/updates are complete at this point. Please take a look at it. 9. Track Resurface Budget Pricing 2 options are attached Top Coat: $65,000 Complete Resurface: $150,000
16. Positive Comments
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Thank you to all of our summer custodial and grounds staff for the work they are doing throughout the building and on the grounds this summer.
17. Adjournment
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to adjourn at 11:20 PM Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.