June 26, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Business Meeting
Agenda |
Call to order
National Anthem
Moment of Silence
Superintendent Update
Board Members' Report
Activity Report
Committee Reports
Public Comment
Intruder Detection Audit Report Findings
Consent Agenda
All items under the Consent Agenda are acted upon by one motion. Upon a Board Member's request, any item on the Consent Agenda shall be moved to the Action portion of the regular agenda. |
Consideration and approval of the minutes of Fort Bend ISD Board of Trustees meetings and/or public hearings on the following dates:
February 16, 2023 Special Called Meeting (pulled for correction on 4/17/23)
February 24, 2023 Special Called Meeting Almeta Crawford HS Attendance Community Workshop
February 27, 2023 Special Called Meeting
March 6, 2023 Special Called Meeting and Agenda Review
Consideration and approval of the adoption and revision of Policies FNG (Local), and FO (Local).
Policy FNG (Local)
Policy FO (Local)
Consideration and approval of international travel during the summer of 2024 for Fort Bend ISD Honor Orchestra, comprised of students from all FBISD high schools. Students will participate in the American Celebration of Music in Great Britain and attend workshops at the Royal Academy of Music.
Consideration and approval of a Low Attendance Waiver and granting the Superintendent authority to approve and submit all necessary waiver requests for the 2022-23 school year.
Consideration and approval to authorize the Superintendent, or her designee, to execute agreements with the authorized residential and day treatment service providers listed as needed for the 2023-24 school year.
Consideration and approval of an Interlocal Agreement with Purchasing Solutions Alliance (PSA), and authorization for the Superintendent to negotiate and execute the agreement.
Consideration and approval for the purchase of Benefits Management Consulting Services and authorization for the Superintendent to negotiate and execute the agreements through December 2028.
Consideration and approval of the recommendation for District Legal Services providers, including Board Counsel.
Consideration and approval of a Committed Fund Balance Resolution.
Consideration and approval to nominate and endorse Kristen Davison Malone to represent Region IV, Position G as a Director on the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Board.
Consideration and approval for the use of 2018 Bond Program Contingency Program as proposed.
Consideration and approval of proposed expenses that exceed $50,000: Specifically for:
Consideration and approval for the Superintendent to negotiate and execute the Event License Agreement, and other related agreements between Fort Bend ISD and the Fort Bend Epicenter for the 2023-24 Commencement exercises.
Consideration and approval for the purchase of print shop equipment, maintenance and supplies from multiple cooperative contracts in amount not-to-exceed $964,877 and authorization for the Superintendent to negotiate and execute the agreement through May 2027.
Consideration and approval of a construction services agreement with E Contractors LLC to perform a parking lot replacement at Progressive High School (PKG053), a contract amount not-to-exceed $765,000, and authorization for the Superintendent to negotiate and execute or terminate the agreement.
Consideration and approval for purchase of a data analytics platform to track assessments and support student achievement from Eduphoria in an amount not-to-exceed $1,717,765 and authorization for the Superintendent to negotiate and execute agreements through July 2028.
Consideration and approval for the purchase of Instructional Software, Subscriptions, Related Products and Services (Supplemental) and authorization for the Superintendent to negotiate and execute the agreements through November 2027.
Consideration and approval for the purchase of trucking and trailer rental services from various vendors, under cooperative contracts with Central Texas Purchasing Alliance (CTPA) and Choice Partners Purchasing cooperatives in an amount not-to-exceed $1,200,000, and authorization for the Superintendent to negotiate and execute the agreements through July 2026.
Consideration and approval for the purchase of small kitchen equipment from various vendors, under cooperative contracts with BuyBoard in an amount not-to-exceed $500,000, and authorization for the Superintendent to negotiate and execute the agreement through November 2025.
Consideration and approval for the purchase of an Albert Sensor through the Central Texas Purchasing Alliance contact from Center for Internet Security, Inc. in an amount not-to-exceed $307,881 and authorization for the Superintendent to negotiate and execute the agreement through June 2028.
Consideration and approval of Professional Services Firms: Architectural Design Teams (A/E) and pool selection for the 2023 Bond Program, assignment of bid packages to design firms, and authorization for the Superintendent to negotiate and execute or terminate the agreements with the identified vendors.
Consideration and approval of 2023 Bond Program Master Project Packages, to serve as the Board-approved project budgets as defined by Board Policy CV (Local).
Consideration and approval for the purchase of online eProcurement Catalog from Amazon Business Services, Inc. in an amount not-to-exceed $15,000,000 and authorization for the Superintendent to negotiate and execute the agreement through August 2028.
Consideration and approval for delegation of authority to execute a contract for Natural Gas on behalf of Fort Bend Independent School District.
Consideration and approval for the purchase of remediation and restoration services from various cooperative contracts in an amount not-to-exceed $1,369,295 and authorization for the Superintendent to negotiate and execute the agreement through July 2026.
Convene in closed session under Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551 under the following sections: 551.071 - For the purpose of a private consultation with the Board's attorney on any or all subjects or matters authorized by law; Section 551.072 - Consider purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property, Section 551.074 - Personnel matters, Section 551.076 - Security matters, Section 551.082 - Student discipline matter or complaint, or Section 551.0821 - Personally identifiable information about public school student
Deliberate Executive Director of Human Resources recommendation.
Deliberate General Counsel recommendation.
Deliberate Ronald Thornton Middle School Principal recommendation.
Deliberate assigning FNG student/parent grievance of Eva Frazier to the Board hearing officer, or to schedule a future board meeting to hear and consider the grievance.
Deliberate assigning FNG student/parent grievance of Jacenta Green to the Board hearing officer, or to schedule a future board meeting to hear and consider the grievance.
Deliberate approval of Resolution Agreement in TEA Docket No. 257-SE-0423-A.
Reconvene in Open Session
Consider Action on Closed Session Items
Consideration and approval of a Resolution regarding the joint representation of Walsh Gallegos Trevino Kyle & Robinson P.C. ("Walsh Gallegos") of all Member Districts in drafting, reviewing, or revising the Brazoria-Fort Bend Regional Day School Program for the Deaf Shared Services Agreement ("SSA") and delegating authority to the Superintendent to sign the agreement.
Consideration and approval of the 2023-24 General Fund (199), Debt Service Fund (599), and Child Nutrition Fund (240) budgets as presented for the Fiscal Year 2023-24 budget document.
Consideration and approval of a General Fund and Debt Service Fund budget amendment for 2022-23.
Consideration and approval of Cadence McShane Construction Company, LLC as Construction Manager-at-Risk (CMaR) BP001 Briargate Elementary rebuild, and authorization for the Superintendent to negotiate and execute the agreement.
Consideration and approval of Satterfield & Pontikes Construction Company, Inc. as Construction Manager-at-Risk (CMaR) for BP002 Mission Bend Elementary rebuild, and authorization for the Superintendent to negotiate and execute the agreement.
Consideration and approval of an Efficiency Audit Engagement Letter with Whitley Penn, LLP.
Consideration and approval of a Board Resolution related to Bond 2023 to be presented by a Board member.