May 16, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Announcement by the Board President calling this meeting of the Taft Independent School District to order.
Let the record show that a quorum of Board Members is present, that this meeting has been duly called, and that notice of this meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551.
2. Invocation
3. Discuss and consider approval of an Order Canvassing Board of Trustee and Bond Election Results.
4. Swear-In Newly Elected Board Members.
5. Reorganization of the Taft ISD Board of Trustees.
6. Taft ISD Recognition of Retirees
Patsy Alvarado Stephanie Betz Josefina Garcia Norma Treviño Rudy Villalobos |
7. Recognition of Campus Teachers of the Year
Taft High School - Humberto Garcia Ricardo L. Treviño Junior High - Stella Flores Woodroe Petty Elementary - Jeremy Merrill |
8. Taft ISD Student Recognition Spring Academic Accolades
9. Public Comments
10. Consent Agenda
10.A. Approve Minutes of Board Meetings
10.A.1. Regular Board Meeting Tuesday, April 25, 2022
10.A.2. Special Board Meeting Tuesday, May 3, 2022
10.B. Approve Investment Report for April 2022.
10.C. Approve Total Expenditures by Function Ending April 2022.
10.D. Approve Summary of Taxes paid to Taft ISD ending April 2022.
10.E. Approve Taft ISD Child Nutrition ending April 2022.
10.F. SFE Commodity Reconciliation Budget Amendment FSM Commodity Credit revenue increase.
10.G. Women In Industry Budget Amendment
10.H. Padre Solar Application Fee Budget Amendment
11. Discussion
12. Items for Individual Consideration
12.A. Consideration of the Adoption of a Plan of Finance to issue Taft Independent School District Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2022 authorizing District staff, Bond counsel and financial Advisor to proceed with such financing, and approving other matters incident and related thereto
12.B. Discuss and consider approval of offer to purchase Tax Sale Property Suit No. S-08-1155TX; Taft Independent School District and San Patricio County vs. Mark Almanza, et al
Acct. No 39914; Lot 10, Block 1, Fourth Addition, an addition to the Town of Taft, San Patricio County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof, recorded in Volume 3, Page 58, Map records of San Patricio County, Texas |
12.C. Consider Approval of Food Service Management Company Renewal 2022-2023.
13. Closed Session
Board will adjourn into Closed Session pursuant to the following sections of the Texas Open Meetings Act. The Board will convene in Closed Session as authorized by the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. et. seq TGC 551.071 and 551.074.
13.A. Employee(s) Resignations
13.B. Retiree(s)
14. Reconvened from Closed Session
The Board will take appropriate action on items, if necessary, as discussed in Closed Session.
15. Important Dates to Remember
15.A. Taft ISD Employee Appreciation Banquet Thursday, May 19, 2022.
15.B. Taft High School Baccalaureate Sunday, May 22, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. at Taft High School Gym.
15.C. Celebration of Excellence Monday, May 23, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. at Woodroe Petty Elementary.
15.D. Taft High School Graduation Friday, May 27, 2022, at 8:00 p.m. at Greyhound Stadium.
15.E. Board Workshop Tuesday, June 7, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. at Woodroe Petty Elementary.
15.F. Regular Board Meeting Tuesday, June 28, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. at Woodroe Petty Elementary.
16. Future Board Agenda Items from Board Members
17. Adjourn