February 13, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Regular Board Meeting in Session
3. Public Open Forum
4. Recognition
4.A. TMHS Warrior Football
Mr. Steve VanMatre, TMISD Superintendent
5. Discussion / Action Agenda
5.A. Report: Campus Performance Data
Dr. John White, Assistant Superintendent for Instructional Support
5.B. Discuss and Consider the Second Reading of DEC (LOCAL)
Ms. Ana Elizondo, Director of Staff Services
5.C. Discuss and Consider Out of State Field Trip Request for TM High School to attend the Thespian Festival in Bloomington, Indiana, June 18-June 24, 2023
Mr. Steve VanMatre, TMISD Superintendent
5.D. Discuss and Consider Out of State Field Trip Request for TMMS National Treasures 8th Grade DC Trip, April 2024
Mr. Steve VanMatre, TMISD Superintendent
5.E. Discuss and Consider approval of the 2023-2024 TMISD Academic Calendar
Dr. John White, Assistant Superintendent for Instructional Support
5.F. Discuss and Consider approval of the Agreement for:
Mr. Steve VanMatre, TMISD Superintendent
5.G. ↵Discuss and Consider approval of Resolutions for:
Mr. Philip Carroll, Deputy Superintendent
5.H. Discuss Attorney Firm for the Board of Trustees
5.I. Discuss the February 14, 2023, scheduled phone call with Texas Education Agency
Mrs. Kimberly Boone, Board President
6. Consent Agenda - Discussion / Action
6.A. Check Payment Registers
6.B. Tax Collection Report
6.C. Enrollment Report
6.D. Regular & Special Called Board Meeting Minutes
7. Closed Session
7.A. Discuss and Consider approval of the Superintendent Summative Evaluation Tool
7.B. Discuss and Consider Superintendent Formative Evaluation
7.C. Discuss Administrative Contracts
7.D. Discuss Employment of Certified Personnel
7.E. Discuss Employment of Non-Chapter 21 Contract Personnel
7.F. Discuss Duties, Responsibilities, Reassignments, Employment, Termination, Resignation of District Employees
8. Action After Closed Session
8.A. Discuss, Consider, and Take Possible Action Regarding Summative Evaluation Tool
8.B. Discuss, Consider, and Take Possible Action Regarding Superintendent Formative Evaulation
8.C. Discuss, Consider, and Take Possible Action Regarding Administrative Contracts
8.D. Discuss, Consider and Take Possible Action Regarding Employment of Certified Personnel
8.E. Discuss, Consider, and Take Possible Action Regarding Employment of Non-Chapter 21 Contract Personnel
8.F. Discuss and Consider Duties, Responsibilities, Reassignments, Employment, Termination, Resignation of District Employees
9. Adjournment