July 20, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Regular Board Meeting in Session
3. Public Open Forum
4. Discussion / Action Agenda
4.A. Preliminary Budget Presentation-Report Only
4.B. View video, Discuss and Consider First Reading of TASB Policy Update 117
4.C. Discuss and Consider 2020-2021 The Brokerage Store-Athletic Student Insurance
4.D. Discuss and Consider Renewal of Annual Financial Audit Services Contract
4.E. Discuss and Consider the approval of an order authorizing the issuance of up to $4,200,000 in principal amount of Tuloso-Midway Independent School District Limited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2021; authorizing the sale thereof pursuant to a negotiated underwriting, a competitive sale, or a private placement; delegating authority to certain district officials to determine the method of sale, to select underwriters (if the bonds are to be sold pursuant to a negotiated underwriting), to select outstanding bonds to be refunded, and to approve all final terms of the bonds; approving and authorizing the execution of all instruments and procedures related thereto including a paying agent/registrar agreement, a deposit agreement, and a purchase contract; authorizing the preparation and distribution of an official statement, if necessary; calling certain obligations for redemption; and containing other provisions relating to the subject.
4.F. Public Notice-Federal Funds Grant Applications
4.G. Discuss and Consider the Selection of Board Delegate(s) and Alternative(s) for TASB Delegate Assembly on September 25, 2021.
5. Consent Agenda - Discussion / Action
5.A. Check Payment Registers
5.B. Financials
5.C. Tax Collection Report(s)
5.D. Minutes of Regular and Special Called Board Meeting
6. Closed Session
6.A. Board discusses employment of Certified/Non-certified Personnel (551.074)
6.B. Employee Issues and Concerns (551.074)
6.C. Board discusses School District Teaching Permit
6.D. Pursuant to Texas government code section 551.074 discussion regarding Superintendent duties, responsibilities and employment.
6.E. Pursuant to Texas government code section 551.071 consultation with attorney regarding Superintendent duties, responsibilities and employment.
6.F. Pursuant to Texas government code section 551.074 discussion regarding employment of interim superintendent.
6.G. Pursuant to Texas government code section 551.071 consultation with attorney regarding employment of interim superintendent.
7. Action After Closed Session
7.A. Action resulting from Board discussion for employment contracts of Certified/Non-certified Personnel (551.074)
7.B. Employee Issues and Concerns (551.074)
7.C. Action resulting from Board discussion on School District Teaching Permit
7.D. Discussion and possible action regarding superintendent duties, responsibilities and employment.
7.E. Discussion and possible action regarding employment of an interim superintendent.
8. Adjournment