June 7, 2010 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1 Opening Items
1A Call to Order
1B Announcement by the Chairman that a quorum is present and that the notice had been posted in the time and manner required by law.
1C Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance, Texas Pledge, and Welcome of Visitors
2 Student Recognition
2A Recognize State U.I.L. Qualifiers
2B Recognize All-State Academic Students
3 Hearing of Students, Employees, and Citizens (As per Policy BED (Local) no presentation shall exceed five minutes. Delegations of more than five persons shall appoint one person to present their views before the Board. The Board reserves the right to hear complaints involving District employees in closed session for a period not to exceed 20 minutes).
4 Consent Items
4A Minutes of May 3, 2010 Budget Workshop and Regular Meeting
4B Minutes of May 11, 2010 Special Called Meeting
4C Extended Sick Leave Request(s)
5 Issue Certificates of Election
6 Administer Oath of Office
7 Organization of Board of Trustees and Election of Officers
8 Consider an Order Authorizing the Issuance of Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Establishing Sale Parameters, Authorizing the Execution of a Bond Purchase Contract and a Deposit Agreement; Approving an Official Statement; and Enacting Other Provisions Relating to the Subject
9 Consider an Order Authorizing the Issuance of Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Establishing Sale Parameters, Authorizing the Execution of a Bond Purchase Agreement; Approving an Official Statement; and Enacting Other Provisions Relating to the Subject
10 Architect Report
10A Presentation of Facility Plans
11 Construction Manager Report
12 Consider Approval of Forney High School Site Package
13 Consider Approval of North Forney High School Athletic Upgrades
14 Consider Revisions to FD (Local) - Admissions as First Reading
15 Consider Revisions to FDB (Local) - Admissions: Intradistrict Transfers and Classroom Assignments as First Reading
16 Consider Approval of FNF (Local) - Students Rights and Responsibilities: Interrogations and Searches As First Reading
17 Consider Revisions to Student Dress Code
18 Consider Approval of Forney ISD Resolution Setting Forth the Public Purpose of Obtaining the Services of an Occupational Therapist, Including Necessary Payment to Achieve Such Employment
19 Consider Telephone System Upgrade Purchase
20 Consider Web Filter Purchase
21 Consider Approval of Spanish Software Program, Destino Lectura, for Dual Language Students
22 Preliminary 2010-2011 Budget Report
23 TAKS Scores
24 Personnel
24A Employment of Professional Contract Personnel
24B Summative Superintendent Evaluation
24C Consider Superintendent Contract
25 Future School Sites
26 The Board will take appropriate action on matters discussed in Closed Session.
27 Future Board Meetings
27A Monday, June 28, 2010 @ 6:00 p.m. - Budget and Tax Rate Hearing
27B Monday, June 28, 2010 @ 7:00 p.m. - Regular Meeting
28 Announcements
28A TASB Summer Leadership Institute - June 17-19, 2010 at the Omni in Ft. Worth
29 Adjournment