July 14, 2009 at 4:00 PM - Finance Committee
Agenda |
1. (4:00pm) Call to Order and Determination of Quorum
2. Discussion/Possible Action Items:
2.A. Schools FIRST, Financial Accountability Rating System of Texas
2.B. Discuss and Recommend to the Full Board Changes to DEC (LOCAL) Compensation and Benefits Leaves and Absences Policy
2.C. Report of Management Fees for Cooperative Purchasing Contracts
2.D. Proposed Appraisal District Budgets
2.E. 2009-2010 Budget
2.E.1. Budget Planning Calendar
2.E.2. Property Values
2.E.3. State and Federal Funding
2.E.4. Enrollment Projections
2.E.5. Staffing Guidelines
2.E.6. New Positions
2.E.7. Job Classifications and Pay Ranges
2.E.8. Expenditures
3. Approve Minutes:
3.A. June 16, 2009
4. Adjournment.