August 13, 2007 at 5:30 PM - Facility Committee
Agenda |
1. (5:30 PM) Walk-Through of RSES
2. (6:30 PM) - Call to Order and Determination of Quorum
3. Discussion/Possible Action Item(s)
3.A. Approve Minutes
3.A.1. July 9, 2007 Fac Minutes
3.B. Update on Current Construction, Engineering, and Contracts
3.C. Review LRDFPT Report
3.D. Shared Use Agreement with DSYSA - Sub-Metering
3.E. High School Education Specifications
3.F. Project Priorities
3.G. Other
4. Closed Session
4.A. Discussion of Real Estate Matters
4.A.1. Property Acquisition/Sale
5. Open Session
5.A. Possible Action on Real Estate Matters Pursuant to Discussion in Closed Session
5.A.1. Property Acquisition/Sale
6. Adjournment.