August 10, 2009 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Recognize visitors
III. Construction update by project manager, Tim Bruner.
IV. Board will consider 2008 Bond Invoice Approval Log.
V. Board will consider proposals received for the construction of a new pipe rail fence along FM 149 at the new Jr./Sr. High School.
VI. Board will consider proposals received for the construction of a new Ag Barn Facility on the far western portion of the new Jr./Sr. High School site.
VII. Board will consider contract extension with Bruner Consulting Services for construction program management of the new Jr./Sr. High School and conversion of the current Jr./Sr. High School to an elementary school.
VIII. Board will consider Contract To Provide Public Drinking Water System And Wastewater Collection System By And Between Anderson-Shiro CISD and Anderson Water Company.
IX. Information Items:
IX.A. Director of Curriculum's Report
IX.A.1. TEA Accountability Rating
IX.A.2. AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) Report
IX.B. 2009-2010 Salary Proposals
IX.C. Monthly Tax Collection Reports
IX.D. Monthly Budget Summary
IX.E. Review District's Investment Policy CDA (LEGAL) and CDA (LOCAL). (1st Reading)
IX.G. Review proposed budget for the Grimes County Appraisal District for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2010 and ending December 31, 2010.
X. Consent Agenda
X.A. Approval of Accounts Payable
X.B. Approval of minutes from July 13, 2009 regular Board meeting
X.C. Receive and accept Tax Assessor/Collector's Certification of 2009 Appraisal Roll for the Anderson-Shiro CISD.
X.D. Receive and accept Tax Assessor/Collector's Certification of 2008 Excess Debt Collections and 2009 Antcipated Collection Rate.
XI. Closed Session - Board will meet in closed/executive session as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Government Code Section 551.074, to discuss resignations and employment of personnel.
XII. Board will consider proposed 2009 tax rate for publication and dates for 2009-2010 proposed budget/2009 tax rate workshop, public meeting and Budget adoption special meeting.
XIII. Board will consider Agreement for the Purchase of Attendance Credits for the 2009-2010 school year to reduce the District's wealth per weighted student.
XIV. Board will consider Schwartz & Eichelbaum's yearly retainer fees covering the term from September 1, 2009 through August 31, 2010.
XV. Board will consider revisions to the Jr./Sr. High School Student/Parent Handbook for the 2009-2010 school year.
XVI. Board will consider the Elementary School Student/Parent Handbook and Student Code of Conduct for 2009-2010.
XVII. Board will consider for adoption 2009-2010 Student Code of Conduct.
XVIII. Board will consider 2009-2010 Employee Handbook.
XIX. Superintendent's Report
XIX.A. Article: Schools had help on exams
XIX.B. Schwartz & Eichelbaum: The Board Minutes-Trustee/Superintendent Roles and Functions
XX. Adjournment