August 6, 2007 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Recognize visitors
III. Consent Agenda
III.A. Receive and review Monthly Tax Collector's Report.
III.B. Approve payment of Accounts Payable.
III.C. Approve minutes of July 2, 2007 regular Board meeting, July 16, 2007 special Board meeting and July 30, 2007 Board workshop.
III.D. Receive and accept Tax Assessor/Collector's Certification of 2007 Appraisal Roll for the Anderson-Shiro CISD.
III.E. Receive and accept Tax Assessor/Collector's Certification of 2006 excess debt collections and 2007 anticipated collections rate.
III.F. Approve Option No. 3, Purchase Attendance Credits from the state, to reduce property wealth per WADA for the 2007-08 school year.
III.G. Receive and review investment report.
III.H. Review District's investment policy.
III.I. Review TASB Urgent Starting Points and sample policies for required local policy on Student Expression. (1st Reading)
IV. Board will consider proposed 2007 tax rate for publication.
V. Board will consider renewing Anderson-Shiro CISD's participation in the TASB Property/Casualty Insurance program for 2007-2008.
VI. Board will consider bids received for propane and air-condition/heating services for the 2007-08 school year.
VII. Board will consider submission of grant applications for School Safety Through Technology and Extended School Program.
VIII. Board will consider approving revisions for 2007-08 to the Student/Parent Handbooks and the Student Codes of Conduct.
IX. Board will consider approving revisions to the Athletic Handbook for 2007-2008 school year.
X. Board will consider approving 2007-2008 Cheerleading/Mascot Handbook.
XI. Board will consider approving the 2007-08 Employee Handbook.
XII. Closed Session - Government Code Section 551.074 - discuss employment of professional personnel and Government Code Section 551.072- to deliberate value of real property.
XIII. Board will consider revisions to Campus Incentive Plan.
XIV. Board will receive information from Community Facilities Committee and consider directing Superintendent to research available options to pursue their recommendation for a Bond Election.
XV. Board will consider reaching an agreement with Dr. Robert Nicks and Dr. Elvis Arterbury to provide professional consulting services on a monthly basis.
XVI. Superintendent's Report
XVI.A. Elementary campus report
XVI.B. Jr./Sr. High campus report
XVI.C. Athletic Director report
XVI.D. Schwartz & Eichelbaum - The Board Minutes: New Requirements for Official Minutes
XVI.E. TEA Accountability Rating
XVII. Adjournment