May 7, 2007 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Recognize paraprofessional
III. Recognize visitors
IV. Closed Session - Government Code Section 551.074 - discuss professional personnel contracts
V. Consider calling for bank depository bids
VI. Consider John R. Pechacek, CPA audit proposal for 2006-07
VII. Consider CSCOPE 2007-08 Contracted Services Agreement with Education Service Center, Region VI
VIII. Consent Agenda
VIII.A. Receive and review Monthly Tax Collector's Report
VIII.B. Approve payment of Accounts Payable
VIII.C. Approve minutes of April 2, 2007 regular Board meeting
VIII.D. Review TASB Localized Policy Manual Update 80 (First reading)
IX. Consider establishing a new professional administrative position: Associate Principal for Curriculum & Instruction
X. Consider placing Ag teacher on 12-month employment contract
XI. Consider revisions to Principals' Job Description
XII. Consider employment of professional personnel for 2007-08 school year.
XIII. Superintendent's Report
XIII.A. Elementary campus report
XIII.B. Jr./Sr. High campus report
XIII.C. Texas Education News - Salaries
XIII.D. Schwartz & Eichelbaum's The Board Minutes
XIII.D.1. Student Codes of Conduct
XIII.D.2. Canvassing Your Election
XIII.D.3. Procedure for Hiring A Trustees Relative
XIII.E. Summer Work Schedule
XIII.F. Grant award notification
XIII.G. Salary Proposals
XIII.H. Facilities Assessment Update
XIII.I. Education Service Center, Region VI, 2007-08 Contracted Services
XIV. Adjournment