February 3, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1.A. Moment of Reflection and Pledge of Allegiance
1.B. Welcome Visitors
2.A. Student Recognitions
2.B. Teachers of the Nine Weeks
2.B.(1) Perry Middle School - Madison Arnold
2.B.(2) Polk Middle School - Allinisse Kellum
2.B.(3) Creekview High School - Kailan Bell
2.B.(4) Early College High School - Frank Lightfoot
2.B.(5) Ranchview High School - Yeshenia Gallardo
2.B.(6) Newman Smith High School - John Ross Evans
2.B.(7) R.L. Turner High School - Fred Wilmot
2.B.(8) Grimes Education Center - Elizabeth Day
2.B.(9) Salazar Education Center - Douglas Luse
2.C. Employees of the Nine Weeks
2.C.(1) Facilities - Jose Manzanarez
2.C.(2) Student Nutrition - Helen Kerr
2.C.(3) Paraprofessional/Clerical - Abel Campos
2.C.(4) Professional/Certified - Amy Brown
2.D. District Announcements
2.E. Update from PTA
4.A. Budget Update
4.B. Construction Update
4.C. December End of Course Results
4.D. Report on Significant Disproportionality
5.A. Consider/Approve Personnel Report
Priority #1: Optimize Diverse and Engaging Learning
Background: The District employs full-time professional employees in positions requiring a certificate from the State Board of Educator Certification (SBEC), nurses under a probationary or term contract and other designated employees. The purpose of this agenda item is to facilitate Board approval of these contracts. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the employment of these individuals as indicated on the list provided. |
5.B. Consider/Approve Financial Report
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: This report includes the following items: 1. Budget Amendments Year-to-Date as of February 4, 2022 a. Proposed Budget Amendments for Official Budgets-See Agenda 2. Budget Summary Year-to-Date-as of December 31, 2021 a. Unaudited Revenue Summary including: i. Adopted Budget ii. Current Amended Budget iii. Realized to-date Revenue iv. Unrealized Revenue v. Percentage Revenue Realized b. Unaudited Expenditure Summary including: i. Adopted Budget ii. Current Amended Budget iii. Cumulative to-date Expenditures iv. Unencumbered Balance v. Percentage of Budget Expended for the following funds: 1. General Funds 2. Special Revenue Funds 3. Debt Service Funds 4. Capital Projects Funds c. Construction Summary including: i. Total Project Plan ii. 2021-22 Project Plan iii. 2021-22 Expenditures iv. Balance v. Percentage of Budget Expended 3. Outstanding Investments as of December 31, 2021 4. Tax Office Reports for the month of December 2021 a. Year-to-Date Collection 2021-22 Report for December b. Refunds of over $500 for Board Approval for December-See attached 5. Federal Grant Applications as of December 20, 2021 - none Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees accept the Financial Reports for December 2021.
5.C. Consider/Approve Purchasing Report for the Period of December 1, 2021 Through December 31, 2021
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: The attached report is a summary of the purchases valued over $25,000 but not exceeding $100,000 that were made from December 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees accept the Purchasing Report for the period of December 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021 as presented.
5.D. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding All Matters Related to a May 7, 2022 General Election Including Adoption of an Election Order
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Background: Texas Election Law states that it is necessary for the Board of Trustees to pass an order establishing the procedure for filing and conducting a Trustee Election. The election must be called by February 18, 2022. This election will be conducted for the purpose of electing three (3) at-large members to the Board of Trustees of Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD. Recommendation: It is the Recommendation of the Superintendent that the Election Order for the May 7, 2022 General Election be approved as presented.
5.E. Consider/Approve RFP 2021-11-046 for Instructional Supplies and Teaching Materials
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Background: This is a non-exclusive contract which provides for as-needed purchases of Teaching Supplies and Instructional Materials to be utilized throughout the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District on an as-needed basis. CFBISD staff determines which vendor to use from the awarded vendors under this contract based on the campus or departmental needs and District standards. Staff will continue to work closely with the Purchasing Department by obtaining competitive quotes from vendors awarded under this agreement, where practical, to ensure the District receives the best value for each purchase. Individual purchases above $25,000 will be submitted to the Board of Trustees through the Purchasing Report. Individual purchases of $100,000 or above will be submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval in accordance with policy. All purchases being made under this agreement will be made from any approved and available budget. The initial contract period will be from February 4, 2022 - February 3, 2023 with four (4) one (1)-year extension options as specified in the RFP. Purchases under this agreement will be made utilizing all available and approved budget sources. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve RFP 2021-11-046 for Teaching Supplies and Instructional Materials for the initial contract term with the recommended vendors and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute renewals as provided in the RFP in the best interest of the District through the term of this contract.
5.F. Consider/Approve Dual Credit Agreement with Dallas College for the R. L. Turner EMT Program
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Background: The agreement between Dallas College and Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD will allow for continued operation of the R.L. Turner EMT program including dual credit courses and services. Specific to the EMT agreement, Dallas College will bill CFBISD for the educational services provided under this agreement and the amount shall not exceed $25,000 annually. CFBISD shall, at its own expense, obtain and maintain professional liability and general liability coverage for CFBISD and its students. Associated costs for this program are funded through the Metrocrest Hospital Authority grant. These agreements are renewed annually and are valid for the 2021-2022 school year only. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees accept the presented Dual Credit Agreement with Dallas College for the R. L. Turner EMT Program.
5.G. Consider/Approve RFP 2021-11-047 for Ground Supplies and Equipment
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: This is a multi-award contract for Grounds Supplies and Equipment as needed throughout the District. Invitations went out to 93 vendors and 15 responses were received. This agreement is an initial one (1)-year term (beginning January 14, 2022) and includes four (4) one (1)-year renewal options as specified in the RFP. The District reserves the right to purchase or re-procure this solution at any time according to any procurement method allowable under Texas education code as the District’s needs dictate. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve RFP 2021-11-047 for Grounds Supplies and Equipment for the initial one (1)-year contract period with the recommended vendors and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute renewals as provided I the RFP in the best interest of the District throughout the term of this contract.
5.H. Consider/Approve RFP 2021-11-048 for HVAC Supplies and Equipment
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: This is a multi-award contract for HVAC Supplies and Equipment as-needed throughout the District. Invitations went out to 157 vendors and 10 responses were received. This agreement is an initial one (1) -year term (beginning January 14, 2022) and includes four (4) one (1)-year renewal options as specified in the RFP. The District reserves the right to purchase or re-procure this solution at any time according to any procurement method allowable under Texas education code as the District’s needs dictate. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve RFP 2021-11-048 for HVAC Supplies and Equipment for the initial one-year contract period with the recommended vendors and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute renewals as provided in the RFP in the best interest of the District throughout the term of this contract.
5.I. Consider/Approve RFP 2021-11-050 for E-Rate Category 1 Network Equipment
Priority #2: Optimize Facility, Safety and Security, and Infrastructure to Adapt to Student Needs
Background: The District sought proposals through our E-Rate Consultant, VST Services, for the purchase of network equipment that is eligible for reimbursement under the federal E-rate program. This equipment will be located at the newly constructed Sheffield Elementary School to provide connectivity to the district’s network. After evaluation, the committee recommends Pivot Technology Services Corp (DBA Computacenter) to be the awarded vendor. The quoted cost for this is $40,284.14. The fund source of this purchase will be General Funds with anticipated reimbursement of up to 80% of the cost through the federal E-Rate program. District administration and our consultant are confident that funding will be granted, but recent experience has changed assumptions regarding the distribution date. Until funding is granted, the District must pay the full cost of the purchase; therefore, the non-discounted cost is being submitted for approval. When the District’s funding is approved, the E-rate program will reimburse to the District the difference between the non-discounted amount that was paid and the net discounted amount after the District’s 80% E-rate discount is applied to eligible components. Purchases made under this contract adhere to all requirements for expenditures and rules established for participation in the Educational Rate (E-Rate) discount program administered by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC). The contract period will be one (1)-year. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve RFP 2021-11-050 for E-Rate Category 1 Network Equipment for Sheffield Elementary School with the recommended vendor as presented and delegate the authority to execute and complete any necessary documentation for this agreement to the Superintendent or his designee.
5.J. Consider/Approve RFP 2021-11-051 for E-Rate Category 2 Network Equipment
Priority #2: Optimize Facility, Safety and Security, and Infrastructure to Adapt to Student Needs
Background: The District sought proposals through our E-Rate Consultant, VST Services, for the purchase of network equipment that is eligible for reimbursement under the federal E-rate program. This equipment will be purchased to be used at district sites as-needed to provide connectivity to the district’s network. After evaluation, the committee recommends Pivot Technology Services Corp (DBA Computacenter) to be the awarded vendor. The quoted cost is $362,583. The fund source of this purchase will be General Funds with anticipated reimbursement of up to 80% of the cost through the federal E-Rate program. District administration and our consultant are confident that funding will be granted, but recent experience has changed assumptions regarding the distribution date. Until funding is granted, the District must pay the full cost of the purchase; therefore, the non-discounted cost is being submitted for approval. When the District’s funding is approved, the E-rate program will reimburse to the District the difference between the non-discounted amount that was paid and the net discounted amount after the District’s 80% E-rate discount is applied to eligible components. Purchases made under this contract adhere to all requirements for expenditures and rules established for participation in the Educational Rate (E-Rate) discount program administered by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC). The contract period will be one (1)-year. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves RFP 2021-11-051 for E-Rate Category 2 Network Equipment for District Sites as-needed with the recommended vendor as presented and delegate the authority to execute and complete any necessary documentation for this agreement to the Superintendent or his designee.
5.K. Consider/Approve RFP 2021-11-052 for E-Rate Category 2 Basic Maintenance
Priority #2: Optimize Facility, Safety and Security, and Infrastructure to Adapt to Student Needs
Background: The District sought proposals through our E-Rate Consultant, VST Services, for the purchase of network equipment that is eligible for reimbursement under the federal E-rate program. This maintenance services agreement is for equipment located at facilities throughout the district to maintain the integrity of the district’s network. After evaluation, the committee recommends Netsync Network Solutions, Inc. to be the awarded vendor. The quoted cost is $111,429.18. The fund source of this purchase will be General Funds with anticipated reimbursement of up to 80% of the cost through the federal E-Rate program. District administration and our consultant are confident that funding will be granted, but recent experience has changed assumptions regarding the distribution date. Until funding is granted, the District must pay the full cost of the purchase; therefore, the non-discounted cost is being submitted for approval. When the District’s funding is approved, the E-rate program will reimburse to the District the difference between the non-discounted amount that was paid and the net discounted amount after the District’s 80% E-rate discount is applied to eligible components. Purchases made under this contract adhere to all requirements for expenditures and rules established for participation in the Educational Rate (E-Rate) discount program administered by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC). The contract period will be one-year. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve RFP 2021-11-052 for E-Rate Category 2 Basic Maintenance for Internal Connections with the recommended vendor as presented and delegate the authority to execute and complete any necessary documentation for this agreement to the Superintendent or his designee.
5.L. Consider/Approve Purchase of Buses
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: The standard life expectancy of a bus is 12 years or 100,000 miles. A plan has been designed to provide a systematic schedule for replacing buses that are at or near the end of life. The current inventory includes buses that have reached their age of useful life and need replacing. This purchase will provide for the replacement of three (3) 77 student passenger buses, two (2) 54 passenger buses for special education routes, and two (2) 54 passenger buses for special education with a wheelchair lift. All students will benefit from the updating of the District’s bus fleet under this planned purchase. Competitive quotes were solicited from vendors under the BuyBoard Purchasing Cooperative. Following the evaluation of the quotes received, Administration recommends this purchase be awarded to Longhorn Bus Sales. Funding authorization for this purchase is up to $1.1 million, which is included in the current general fund budget. The total cost from the recommended vendor for this purchase is $811,175. This is a one-time cooperative purchase to be made under BuyBoard Contract No. 630-20. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve this purchase with the recommended vendor as presented and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute and complete any necessary documentation for this agreement.
5.M. Consider/Approve Amendment No. 1 to CORE Construction for Bid Package 2021-03-016 for Four Middle School Renovations Guaranteed Maximum Price
Priority #2: Optimize Facility, Safety and Security, and Infrastructure to Adapt to Student Needs
Background: In alignment with District Priority 2 and in support of the ongoing work identified in the 2018 Bond Program, we have completed the third step of a three-step process in the contracting for a Construction Manager for the renovations at the following four middle schools: Charles Blalack MS, Barbara Bush MS, Dan F. Long MS and Ted Polk MS. Step 1: Approval of the Construction Delivery Method: Construction Manager at Risk (CM-R) delivery method approved at April 1, 2021 meeting of the Board of Trustees, Agenda Item #4. S. Step 2: Selection of Construction Manager: Sought Qualification Statement submissions and subsequently selected the most qualified Construction Manager at Risk (CM-R) utilizing a procurement process pursuant to Texas Government Code §2269. Board authorized the selection at the June 3, 2021 meeting of the Board of Trustees, Agenda Item #7.AN. Step 3: Approval of a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP): Contracted CM-R to develop defined scopes of work and solicit bids for the assigned project. Ultimate costs negotiated, in tandem, with District personnel and contracted architects, to assure the best value to the District. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Step 3: Approval of a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP): The Board of Trustees approved the selection of CORE Construction to perform the necessary construction services to renovate four different middle schools. This approval included the base agreement between the District and CORE Construction to provide construction management services for the renovation of the campus. Approval of Amendment No. 1 will amend the base contract to establish a guaranteed maximum price (GMP) for the renovation project as $28,235,161, with a substantial completion date slated for the fall of 2022. Total project costs exclude architect and engineering fees, geotechnical investigation and fees, materials testing, inspections, site surveys, printing and any other miscellaneous fees outside of the CMAR responsibility. Funding for the GMP has been allocated as part of the 2018 Bond Funds. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve Amendment No. 1 to the existing contract between the District and CORE Construction, identified as AIA Document A133-2009 Exhibit A - Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment.
5.N. Consider/Approve Interlocal Agreement Between Dallas ISD and CFBISD for Bus Radio Equipment
Priority #2: Optimize Facility, Safety and Security, and Infrastructure to Adapt to Student Needs
Background: In conjunction with the establishment of the Transportation Department for the 2018-2019 school year, the need to establish a reliable communications system to allow communication between buses, campuses and the Transportation Department is paramount. Dallas County Schools utilize a communication system throughout Dallas County. This system uses 13 dedicated radio frequencies assigned to it by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The communication network utilized repeaters positioned on top of the Bank of America Building that provided wide coverage for the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. With the dissolution of Dallas County Schools (DCS), radio frequencies have been reassigned by the FCC to the remaining districts currently being served by DCS. However, the FCC expressed a desire to deal with one entity for the use of this system and has licensed the use of these frequencies to Dallas ISD, who will assume responsibility for the management of this communication system. At the June 7, 2018 Regular Board Meeting, Trustees approved an Interlocal Agreement between Dallas ISD and CFBISD in order to participate in the radio communications services, formerly provided by Dallas County Schools, but was transferred to Dallas ISD to administer. The agreement began in June 2018 and expired in November 2021. In order to continue participating in this new Interlocal Agreement, it is necessary to define duties and responsibilities for each participant. Under the previous agreement, seven (7) neighboring districts participated in this agreement; however, the new agreement will include the following districts: Dallas ISD, Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD and Richardson ISD. This Interlocal Agreement will cover eight (8) months in two (2) separate components as follows: I. November 11, 2021 through February 28, 2022 to include: Dallas ISD, Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD and Richardson ISD II. March 1, 2022 through June 30, 2022 to include: Dallas ISD and Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD Continued participation in this ILA will provide sufficient communications capability for all CFBISD buses and two-way radios in use at campuses, security, and maintenance vehicles. The cost of participating in this service is based on the number of repeaters in use by each district. Dallas ISD is the largest user, while CFBISD and Richardson ISD use only one (1) each. The cost for each period is as follows:
Richardson ISD is opting out of the second four (4)-month period, which requires the remaining districts to divide the cost according to the number of repeaters assigned to each district, which is why the cost for this period is higher than the first one. The total cost to CFBISD for this ILA is $27,974.05. This will be funded out of the 2021-2022 General Operating budget. CFBISD is currently in the process of installing its own radio communications system, which will replace the need for this system. However, until this project is complete, participation in this ILA is necessary to ensure communication throughout the District. This will be a one-time purchase, from November 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022, but may be extended if CFBISD incurs a delay in successfully installing its own radio system. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the Interlocal Agreement between Dallas ISD and CFBISD at a cost of $27,974.05 and authorize the Superintendent, or his designees, to execute contract extensions as needed.
5.O. Consider/Approval of Minutes of Pre-Meeting Briefing Held January 13, 2022
Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the minutes of the Pre-Meeting Briefing held on January 13, 2022.
5.P. Consider Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting Held January 13, 2022
Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting held on January 13, 2022.
6.A. Items Removed From Consent
6.B. Consider/Approve Resolution of the Board Delegating Authority to Accept a Contract Employee's Resignation
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Background: In addition to the delegation of authority to the Superintendent in DFE(LOCAL), to accept the resignation of a contract employee, it is best practice to also authorize the Chief Human Resources Officer and the HR Directors the authority to accept a resignation. Therefore, the Chief Human Resources Officer and the HR Directors will have the authority to accept a contract employee's resignation officially. Resolution will be provided at the Board of Trustees meeting. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the Resolution delegating the authority to accept a contract employee's resignation as presented. |