January 13, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1.A. Moment of Reflection and Pledge of Allegiance
1.B. Welcome Visitors
2.A. Student Recognitions
2.B. Teachers of the Nine Weeks
2.B.(1) McCoy Elementary - Dawn Fisher
2.B.(2) McKamy Elementary - Hailey Rock
2.B.(3) McLaughlin Strickland Elementary - Daisy McLaurin
2.B.(4) McWhorter Elementary - Sharon Pugh
2.B.(5) Rainwater Elementary - Brian Marrs
2.B.(6) Riverchase Elementary - Rebecca Choi
2.B.(7) Rosemeade Elementary - Alan Rodriguez
2.B.(8) Sheffield Elementary - Riley Lacoume
2.B.(9) Stark Elementary - Jill Chafin
2.B.(10) Thompson Elementary - Sarah Huff
2.B.(11) Blalack Middle School - Anna Lackey
2.B.(12) Bush Middle School - Micah Morris
2.B.(13) Field Middle School - Amy Bertrand
2.B.(14) Long Middle School - Staci Jackson
2.C. District Announcements
2.D. Update from PTA
4.A. Equity and Inclusion Update
4.B. District Annual Report
4.C. Board Operating Procedures
5.A. Consider/Approve Personnel Report
Priority #1: Optimize Diverse and Engaging Learning
Background: The District employs full-time professional employees in positions requiring a certificate from the State Board of Educator Certification (SBEC), nurses under a probationary or term contract and other designated employees. The purpose of this agenda item is to facilitate Board approval of these contracts. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the employment of these individuals as indicated on the list provided. |
5.B. Consider/Approve Financial Reports
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: This report includes the following items: 1. Budget Amendments Year-to-Date as of January 13, 2021 a. Proposed Budget Amendments for Official Budgets-None 2. Budget Summary Year-to-Date as of November 30, 2021 a. Unaudited Revenue Summary including: i. Adopted Budget ii. Current Amended Budget iii. Realized to-date Revenue iv. Unrealized Revenue v. Percentage Revenue Realized b. Unaudited Expenditure Summary including: i. Adopted Budget ii. Current Amended Budget iii. Cumulative to-date Expenditures iv. Unencumbered Balance v. Percentage of Budget Expended for the following funds: 1. General Funds 2. Special Revenue Funds 3. Debt Service Funds 4. Capital Projects Funds c. Construction Summary including: i. Total Project Plan ii. 2021-22 Project Plan iii. 2021-22 Expenditures iv. Balance v. Percentage of Budget Expended 3. Outstanding Investments as of November 30, 2021 4. Tax Office Reports for the month of November 2021 a. Year-to-Date Collection 2021-22 Report for November b. Refunds of over $500.00 for Board Approval for November - None 5. Federal Grant Applications as of November 20, 2021 Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees accept the financial reports for November 2021.
5.C. Consider/Approve the Cooperative Purchasing Fees Report for 2020-2021
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: Education Code Sec. §44.0331 requires school districts to present an annual written report to describe any and all contract-related fees paid to any purchasing cooperative. The report must be submitted to the Board of Trustees as an agenda item in an open meeting and shall describe the purpose of any membership or transaction assessed by any cooperative purchasing program. The costs associated with this agenda item total $1,050.00. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the Cooperative Purchasing Fee Report as submitted.
5.D. Consider/Approve Purchasing Report for the Period of November 1, 2021 Through November 30, 2021.
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: The attached report is a summary of the purchases valued over $25,000 but not exceeding $100,000 that were made from November 1, 2021 through November 30, 2021. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees accept the Purchasing Report for the period of November 1, 2021 through November 30, 2021 as presented.
5.E. Consider/Approve Policy Update 118 Local Manual Update as Initiated by TASB Policy Service
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: Per Board Policy BF (LOCAL) policies may be adopted or amended by a majority of the Board at any regular or special meeting, provided that Board members have had advance written notice of the proposed change and that it has been placed on the agenda for such meeting. TASB Policy Update 118 was submitted to the Board of Trustees in advance of the January Board of Trustees meeting for review. CFD (LOCAL) Accounting: Activity Funds Management CQB (LOCAL) Technology: Resources Cybersecurity DFE (LOCAL) Termination of Employment: Resignation DP (LOCAL) Personnel Positions EHAA (LOCAL) Basic Instructional Program: Required Instruction (All Levels) EHBC (LOCAL) Special Programs: Compensatory/Accelerated Services EIE (LOCAL) Academic Achievement: Retention and Promotion FDE (LOCAL) Admissions: School Safety Transfers FEA (LOCAL) Attendance: Compulsory Attendance FEC (LOCAL) Attendance: Attendance for Credit FFG (LOCAL) Student Welfare: Child Abuse and Neglect FL (LOCAL) Student Records Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve Policy Update 118 Local Manual Update as initiated by TASB Policy Service. |
5.F. Consider/Approve Possible Action Regarding All Matters Related to a May 7, 2022, Special Election Including Adoption of an Election Order
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Background: Texas Election Law states that it is necessary for the Board of Trustees to pass an order establishing the procedure for filing and conducting a Trustee Election. The Election Order will be made available at the Board Meeting. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the call for a May 7, 2022 election as presented. |
5.G. Consider/Approve Resolution Designating Investment Officers for the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: In accordance with Section 2256 of the Texas Government Code, The Board of Trustees shall designate one or more officers to be responsible for the investment of its funds. Due to staff changes within the Business Services Department, we will adjust our investment officers list. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the resolution designation investment officers for the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District.
5.H. Consider/Approve Interlocal Agreement with Region 10 ESC for Participation in the Multi-Regional Commodity Processing Program
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: The Texas Government Code §791 and Texas Education Code §44.031 (a)(5) allows for governmental entities, i.e. state agencies, local governments, and school districts, to enter into cooperative agreements to allow the procurement process to be performed by a single entity on behalf of all those electing to participate. The benefit of an agreement like this is to reduce administrative costs for each participating member. This code also requires the governing body of each party to authorize the contract. Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD has identified a purchasing contract for basic service commodity processing, procured and administered by the Region 10 Education Service Center (ESC), which would be an advantageous contract vehicle for use by the Student Nutrition Department. The Region 10 ESC will be the Administrative Agency under this agreement. However, each member entity will be responsible for its own orders and each vendor will bill each agency separately. Purchases made under this agreement utilizing federal funds adhere to all requirements for expenditures under federal Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) sections 200.326 for participants in the National School Lunch Program. This agreement is a one-year agreement (beginning July 1, 2022) for commodity processing services. The District reserves the right to rebid this service through its own procurement process at any time. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve and authorize the Interlocal Agreement with Region 10 Education Service Center for procurement of commodity processing for the Student Nutrition Program and delegate the authority to execute and complete any necessary documentation for the agreement to the Superintendent of his designee.
5.I. Consider/Approve Signature Changes for Various Banking/Investment Entities
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: Various banking and investment entities require Board of Trustee approval to change authorized administrative personnel to conduct financial transactions on behalf of the District. Recent staff changes within the Business Services department will require Board of Trustees approval to change personnel for these entities. Banking/Signature forms will be provided under separate cover. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve any banking or investment signature changes needed to conduct financial transactions on behalf of the District. |
5.J. Consider/Approve Purchase of International Baccalaureate for Registration Fees, Testing Materials, and Training for District-Wide Use
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Background: In conjunction with the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme in place at Ranchview High School and other campuses within the District, the purchase of registration fees for courses taken through this program is required. Also required are school registration fees and costs for required staff training. For the 2021-2022 school year, CFBISD has spent $34,084 for participation in this program. Spring 2022 registrations and additional training costs are estimated to be $75,000. It is not known what other expenses are anticipated for the 2021-2022 school year. This is a request for the total amount of $109,084 to be spent on this program. This purchase will be made from International Baccalaureate under the provision for sole source purchases and in compliance with Section §44.031 of the Texas Education Code at an anticipated cost of $34,084 with an additional amount of $75,000 not to exceed $109,084. The District reserves the right to purchase or re-procure this solution at any time according to any procurement method allowable under Texas Education Code §44.031 as the District’s needs require. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the purchase of International Baccalaureate for registration fees, testing materials, and training for district-wide use for the 2021-2022 academic year and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute renewals as provided in the best interest of the District through the term of this contract. |
5.K. Consider/Approve Purchase of Reading and Writing Project Network Services
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Background: For the past nine (9) years, CFB has partnered with Teachers College at Columbia University to provide professional development for elementary school teachers, coaches, and administrators in a variety of ways. The Reading and Writing Project Network provides professional development and site-based coaching services to campuses. Professional development in schools may include reading, writing, leadership, meeting the needs of diverse students, content literacy, and technology and literacy. Campuses participating in the Reading and Writing Project Network are: McKamy, McWhorter, McLaughlin-Strickland, and Sheffield Elementaries. Services under this purchase are for Project Schools ($160,000), Grade Level Conference Days ($45,000), Coaches’ Workshops ($3,700/day), Principals’ Workshops ($3,700/day), Summer Literacy Institute ($20,000), and participation in conferences at Columbia University ($30,000) for selected staff. To accommodate needs for the remainder of the 2021-2022 school year and beginning of 2022-2023 school year, administration recommends authorization to spend an amount not to exceed $325,000 for this program. The fund source for this purchase is the 2021-2022 Elementary Language Arts budget. This purchase is being made as a cooperative purchase through the Educational Purchasing Cooperative of North Texas (EPCNT) under Denton ISD RFP 2018-01C, which expires July 31, 2023. The District reserves the right to purchase or re-procure this solution at any time according to any procurement method allowable under Texas Education Code §44.031 as the District’s needs require. This will be funded utilizing Federal Funds and the General Operating Fund. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the purchase of the Reading and Writing Network Services to support teaching and learning in the language arts classrooms.
5.L. Consider/Approve RFP 2021-10-045 for Electrical Supply and Equipment
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: This is a multi-award contract to provide electrical supplies and equipment throughout the District on an as-needed basis. Invitations were sent to 105 vendors and responses were received from 14 vendors. The value of this contract can be up to $200,000. The spend on the last two (2) years with the pandemic has been low but is expected to increase again. This is the first year (beginning January 14, 2022) of this agreement, which includes four (4) renewal options as specified in the RFP. The District reserves the right to purchase or re-procure this solution at any time according to any procurement method allowable under Texas Education Code §44.031 as the District's needs require. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve RFP 2021-10-045 for Electrical Supply and Equipment for the initial year contract period with the recommended vendors and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute renewals as provided in the RFP in the best interest of the District through the term of this contract,
5.M. Consider/Approve Amendment No. 1 to Tim Jackson Construction for Bid Package 2021-03-015 for Renovations to Six Elementary Schools Guaranteed Maximum Price
Priority #2: Optimize Facility, Safety and Security, and Infrastructure to Adapt to Student Needs
Background: In alignment with District Priority 2 and in support of the ongoing work identified in the 2018 Bond Program, we have completed the third step of a three-step process in the contracting for a Construction Manager for the renovations at Standridge Stadium. Step 1: Approval of the Construction Delivery Method: Construction Manager at Risk (CM-R) delivery method approved at the April 1, 2021 meeting of the Board of Trustees, Agenda Item #4. U. Step 2: Selection of Construction Manager: Sought Qualification Statement submissions and subsequently selected the most qualified Construction Manager at Risk (CM-R) utilizing a procurement process pursuant to Texas Government Code §2269. Board authorized the selection at the June 3, 2021 meeting of the Board of Trustees, Agenda Item #7.AM. Step 3: Approval of a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP): Contracted CM-R to develop defined scopes of work and solicit bids for the assigned project. Ultimate costs are negotiated, in tandem, with District personnel and contracted architects, to assure the best value to the District. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Step 3: Approval of a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP): The Board of Trustees approved the selection of Tim Jackson Construction to perform the necessary construction services to renovate six (6) different elementary schools. This approval included the base agreement between the District and Tim Jackson Construction to provide construction management services for the renovation of the campuses. Approval of Amendment No. 1 will amend the base contract to establish a guaranteed maximum price (GMP) for the renovation project as $15,424,580, with a substantial completion date slated for the fall of 2022. Total project costs exclude architect and engineering fees, geotechnical investigation and fees, materials testing, inspections, site surveys, printing and any other miscellaneous fees outside of the CMAR responsibility. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve Amendment No. 1 to the existing contract between the District and Tim Jackson Construction, identified as AIA Document A133-2009 Exhibit A - Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment.
5.N. Consider/Approve RFP 2021-11-049 for Concessionaire Services
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: This is an exclusive contract to provide concessions at Standridge Stadium for Athletic and Fine Arts events. The District will receive 15% of all profits. This contract will not require any requisitions to be entered or purchases on the District's part. The agreement is an initial one (1) year term (beginning January 14, 2022) and includes four (4) one (1) year renewal options as specified in the RFP. The District reserves the right to purchase or re-procure this solution at any time according to any procurement method allowable under Texas Education Code §44.031 as the District's needs require. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve RFP 2021-11-049 for Concessionaire Services for the initial one (1) year contract period with the recommended vendor and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute renewals as provided in the RFP in the best interest of the District through the term of the contract.
5.O. Consider/Approve Purchase of Data Analytics Solutions
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: In order to provide information analysis for district and campus leadership, and instructional staff to better understand our data and to make better decisions as to the use of resources for instruction and operation purposes, the need to subscribe to a data analytics solution has been established. The Technology Department launched an initiative to review solutions currently available that were designed specifically for school districts. Several solutions were researched, which resulted in two (2) solutions being selected to provide a demonstration to District Cabinet. Forecast 5 Analytics and DecisionEd Group, Inc. were selected to provide a demonstration and clarification on what features are included in each of these systems and evaluated as to the reliability of data and ways of analyzing it to make critical decisions. The solution provided by DecisionEd Group, Inc. proved superior and is being recommended to meet this need. A final proposal is being prepared and will be provided to the Board at the Board Meeting. DecisionEd provides data analytics solutions to school districts of all sizes across the United States. Their solution integrates data from all district subject areas (student information systems, assessments, interventions, Finance, HR etc.) with as many years of solid historical data as you have available. DecisionEd does the heavy lifting of the integration, extracting data on behalf of the user, using prebuilt connectors to every source system, and provides extensive validation to ensure the data is accurate. DecisionEd’s thought-provoking analytics securely presents actionable insight to all levels of users and decision makers. Districts enjoy the robust library of customizable dashboards and reports, along with advanced analytic capabilities including Predictive Analytics and Cognitive Computing. This data analytics solution includes an Extensible Early Warning System that alerts problems before they occur. Founded in 2005, based in Texas, and built from the ground up specifically for the needs of education, DecisionEd delivers the most powerful, easy-to-use, easy-to-understand performance management solution available today. This will be funded utilizing the General Operating Fund. This is being made as a cooperative purchase under the TIPS USA Purchasing Cooperative Contract No. 210404. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the purchase of a data analytic solution from DecisionEd Group, Inc. as presented, and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute renewals as provided in the RFP in the best interest of the District through the term of this contract. |
5.P. Consider/Approve Extension of RFP 2018-09-004 Consultant Services for Employee Benefits
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: This is an exclusive contract to provide an employee benefits consultant for the District. This agreement was initially approved at the January 17, 2019 Regular Board meeting, Consent Agenda Item 4.L. Financial Benefits Services (FBS) is the awarded vendor for this agreement. FBS will conduct market analysis for the District’s voluntary insurance products, including voluntary disability, basic life, AD&D, voluntary dental, vision, and cancer plans, and Section 125 administration, and provide claims review assistance as needed. FBS will provide District staff a thorough review of annual plan offerings and make recommendations based on their understanding of the voluntary insurance market and costs that are in the best interest for CFBISD employees. Financial Benefits Services (FBS) will be paid standard commissions included in supplemental products reviewed and selected through our RFP process. This will allow the District to provide our employees with the best and most competitively priced products. This is the third of four (4) extension options (beginning January 14, 2022) included in this RFP. The District reserves the right to purchase or re-procure this solution at any time according to any procurement method allowable under Texas Education Code §44.031 as the District’s needs require. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the extension option for Consultant Services for Employee Benefits from Financial Benefits Services (FBS) and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute renewals as provided in the RFP in the best interest of the District through the term of this contract.
5.Q. Consider/Approve Minutes From the Board of Trustees Pre-Meeting Briefing Held December 2, 2021
Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the minutes of the Pre-Meeting Briefing held December 2, 2021.
5.R. Consider/Approve Minutes From the Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Held December 2, 2021
Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting held December 2, 2021.
6.A. Items Removed From Consent
6.B. Consider/Approve Revisions to Policy GKD (LOCAL) Non-School Use of School Facilities
Priority #5: Optinize All Available Resources
Background: The Board selected a subcommittee to review and draft possible updates to policy GKD (LOCAL) Non-School Use of School Facilities. The Board Policy Subcommittee consisted of Ms. Tara Hrbacek, Mr. Guillermo Ramos, and Mr. Randy Schackmann. Through their collaboration, updates have been drafted for consideration to the policy. The draft policy was placed on the CFBISD website for review by the CFBISD community, and the policy was discussed during the December 2, 2021 Board meeting. The policy is being presented for consideration/approval. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve Policy GKD (LOCAL) Non-School Use of School Facilities as presented.
6.C. Consider/Approve the District's Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) for the Period Ending August 31, 2021
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: The Audit Committee is scheduled to review the ACFR at a meeting scheduled for 5:30pm on January 13, 2022. This committee will make a recommendation to the full Board. The ACFR has previously been delivered to the Board Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the District's Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for 2020-21.
7.A. Conduct the Superintendent Summative Evaluation