August 6, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
2.A. Superintendent Report
2.B. PTA Report
2.C. Briefing Session with Administrative Staff Regarding Posted Agenda Items for the Regular Meeting Scheduled for August 6, 2020
4.A. Election of Personnel
Background: The District employs full-time professional employees in positions requiring a certificate from the State Board of Educator Certification (SBEC), nurses, and other designated employees under a probationary or term contract. The purpose of this agenda item is to facilitate Board approval of these contracts. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the employment of the individuals as indicated on the list provided.
4.B. Consider Acceptance of Financial Reports
Background: The monthly financial reports presented to the Board for consideration will include budget amendments (when applicable), budget summary year-to-date reports, construction summary report, outstanding investments, and tax office reports. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees accepts the financial reports for May 2020.
4.C. Consider Acceptance of the Purchasing Report for the Period of May 1, 2020 Through June 30, 2020
Background: The attached report is a summary of the purchases valued over $25,000 but not exceeding $50,000 that have been made from May 1, 2020 through June 30, 2020. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees accepts the Purchasing Report for the period of May 1, 2020 through June 30, 2020 as presented.
4.D. Consider All Matters Related to Phase II of the 2018 Bond Projects Including: Declaring the Construction Delivery Method as Construction Manager At-Risk (CM-R) to be Selected in a Two-Step Process; Approval of the Evaluation Criteria and Weighted Value of Each Criterion; The Delegation of Authority to Receive, Evaluate, Rank, and Make Recommendations for Each Project
Background: Architectural assignments have been made for Phase II of the 2018 Bond Projects, based on authorization delegated by the Board of Trustees at the May 2, 2019 Regular Board Meeting, Agenda Item No. 6.D. To complete these projects it is necessary to competitively select qualified contractors to work with the architects and the district to complete construction documents, solicit pricing, and prepare a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for each project Trustees are requires to declare the construction delivery provides the best value for the governmental entity, establish and approve the selection criteria, and determine the weighted value of each criterion. Additionally, this statute allows for the Board of Trustees to delegate the authority to receive, open, publicly read aloud the names of Offeror and fees (if included in the proposals) evaluate and rank each proposal submitted, negotiate a contract with the contractor, presenting the proposal that represents the best value to the District, and present a contract with a recommendation to the Board of Trustees for consideration. This delegation shall be made by resolution and places the responsibility of full evaluation and negotiation to those delegated by the Board of Trustees. It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that such delegation be made to the Chief Operations Officer and/or no more than six (6) other members as appointed by the Chief Operations Officer. They will select Construction Managers for each of the projects included in the Phase II utilizing the Construction Manager At-Risk, Two-Step Process, Construction Delivery Method, which is recommended for the following projects: • Newman Smith High School – estimated $25.9MM • Perry Middle School – estimated $33.4 • Blalack, Long, Middle School Marquee & Stadium – estimated $16.2 • Series Two Elementary Schools (list) and Marquees – Estimated $21.5 The following Elementary schools are included in Series Two: McCoy, Furneaux, Rosemeade, Carrollton, Rainwater, and McKamy Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees declare the Construction Manager At-Risk, Two-Step Method as the construction delivery method for all Phase II 2018 Bond Projects, and establish the evaluation criteria and weighted value of each criterion as provided in the attached document. Additionally, the Superintendent recommends the delegation of authority to: receive, open, publicly read aloud the names of Offeror and fees (if included in the proposals), evaluate and rank each proposal submitted, negotiate a contract with the contractor, presenting the proposal that represents the best value to the District, and present a contract with a recommendation to the Board of Trustees for consideration be delegated to the Chief Operations Officer.
4.E. Consider Approval of Extension of RFP 17-06-151-4 for Carpentry Supplies and Equipment
Background: This is a non-exclusive contract, which provides for as-needed purchases of carpentry supplies and equipment to be utilized throughout the District. CFBISD staff determines which vendor to use from the awarded vendors under this contract based on the campus or departmental needs and District standards. Staff will continue to work closely with the Purchasing Department by obtaining competitive quotes from vendors awarded under this agreement, where practical, to ensure the District receives the best value for each purchase. Individual purchases above $25,000 will be submitted to the Board of Trustees through the Purchasing Report. Individual purchases of $50,000 or above will be submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval in accordance with policy. Purchases made under this contract utilizing Federal funds adhere to all requirements for expenditures under Federal Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR). This is the third extension (beginning August 7, 2020) as specified in the RFP. The District reserves the right to purchase or re-procure this solution at any time according to any procurement method allowable under Texas Education Code §44.031 as the District’s needs require. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the option to extend the agreement of RFP 17-06-151-4 Carpentry Supplies and Equipment for the third one-year extension term with the recommended vendors and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute renewals as provided in the RFP in the best interest of the district through the term of this contract.
4.F. Consider Extension of Charter Buses and Rental Vehicles - Various Cooperative Contracts
Background: This is a non-exclusive contract which provides for as-needed purchases of Charter buses and rental vehicles to be utilized throughout the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District. CFBISD staff determines which vendor to use from the awarded vendors under this contract based on the campus or departmental needs and District standards. Staff will continue to work closely with the Purchasing Department by obtaining competitive quotes from vendors awarded under this agreement, where practical, to ensure the District receives the best value for each purchase. Individual purchases above $25,000 will be submitted to the Board of Trustees through the Purchasing Report. Individual purchases of $50,000 or above will be submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval in accordance with policy. Purchases made under this agreement utilizing Federal funds adhere to all requirements for expenditures under Federal Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) sections 200.326 for participants in the National School Lunch Program. This agreement is the second extension (beginning August 7, 2020) as specified in the contracts. The District reserves the right to purchase or re-procure this solution at any time according to any procurement method allowable under Texas Education Code §44.031 as the District’s needs require. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the agreements for charter buses and rental vehicles as presented.
4.G. Consider Approval of CFBISD 2020-2021 Student Code of Conduct
Background: The Student Code of Conduct mirrors CFB District board policy and is based on the Walsh-Gallegos Student Code of Conduct, which is used by many school districts across the state of Texas. The Student Code of Conduct provides information to parents, students and administrators regarding standards of conduct, consequences of misconduct, and procedures for administering discipline. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the 2020-2021 Student Code of Conduct as presented.
4.H. Consider Purchase of Assessment Materials From College Board, Including: Advanced Placement Testing, Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) Continuum of Assessments, SAT College-Bound Senior Reports, and Fees Associated With College Board Professional Development
Background: This vendor provides CFBISD with standardized tests by specific Advanced Placement (AP) content each May and preliminary SAT assessments for students in grades 9-12 in October. Qualifying scores on AP exams allow students comparable course college credit. PSAT scores for 11th graders qualify students for National Merit Scholarship and recognition opportunities. The College Board’s Early Participation Program is an initiative to support the involvement of high school students in the college-going process. Students are connected to colleges, scholarship providers, and recommendations for AP subject area enrollment based on test scores and survey responses. Annual reports by this vendor for AP, PSAT, and SAT student performance provide feedback for campus and district instructional improvement. Scores on the AP, PSAT, and SAT exams provide college readiness benchmark to CFBISD students, parents, and staff. Items and associated costs to the District are included in the executive summary. Qualifying scores on AP, SAT, and Accuplacer designate high school graduates as College Ready under College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) indicator. The estimated number of AP exams for the 2020-21 school year is 3,250. The pricing structure was established by a committee of representatives from each CFB high school. Overall cost is estimated at $154,730. Students pay a portion of the AP test fees at an estimated cost of $98,600. Campus and district funds are utilized for offsetting expenditures based on student fee reduction needs at an estimated cost of $56,130. The cost of an AP exam is $94 per exam. A $9.00 rebate is provided back to the school for each exam that is completed and returned to the College Board. For students who receive free and reduced lunch, College Board offers a $32.00 fee reduction. Additionally, the state of Texas offers a $24.00 fee reduction for students receiving free and reduced lunch. In 2019, CFB applied for and was accepted to participate in the Fee Reduction for Full Pay Students Pilot in which College Board lowers the cost of full pay exams by $20.00. To lower the cost of exams to families, the district subsidizes $9.00 per free and reduced exam and $1.00 for full pay exams. This brings the cost of exams to students to $20.00 per exam for free and reduced students and $40.00 per exam for students who do not receive free and reduced lunch. PSAT and SAT assessments are administered in the Fall of 2020 and Spring of 2021 to provide students with individual score reports and free access to online, personalized resources through College Board. Students will receive access to comprehensive reporting, allowing them to track and monitor their progress on preliminary college entrance exams. SAT School Day allows campuses to administer the SAT exam campus during a school week-day. The 2020-21 SAT School Day exams are administered as follows: 1,450 grade 11 and 1,300 grade 12 students. The 2020-21 PSAT/NMSQT exams are administered as follows: 1,600 grade 10 and 1,450 grade 11 students. The 2012020-21 PSAT 8/9 exams are administered as follows: 300 grade 8 AVID and 1,650 grade 9 students. The 2020-21 TSIA (Accuplacer) exams measures college readiness in reading, writing, and mathematics. Examinees with a qualifying score in reading and/or math can enroll in any entry-level freshman course without restrictions at a public state college or university in Texas. Student score reports and any applicable diagnostic test results can be used by counselors to help guide students on their high school educational plan and future course selections. SAT College-Bound Senior Reports provide multi-year performance trends and demographic summary reports to monitor college readiness of graduating seniors. Professional development from The College Board is utilized district-wide throughout the year with summer institute, regional/national training sessions and conferences, and includes membership for participating teachers and administers. These purchases will be made (beginning September 1, 2020) from CFBISD Bid No. RFP 16-33 for Teaching Supplies and Instructional Materials approved at the February 2, 2017 Regular Board meeting (Consent Agenda Item No. IV.B.1.c) and is in compliance with Section §44.031 of the Texas Education Code for competitive procurement. Purchases utilizing Federal funds adhere to all requirements for expenditures under Federal Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR). Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the purchase of products and services described above from College Board at an anticipated expenditure of $328,880, not to exceed Board approved budgets for the 2020-21 school year, and delegate the authority to execute all required documents and contracts necessary to complete the purchase to the Superintendent or his designee.
4.I. Consider Approval of the Letter of Agreement With Communities in Schools of the Dallas Region, Inc., Including Authorizing the Superintendent of Schools to Execute Any Necessary Documents
Background: This letter of agreement identifies the key elements of an arrangement between Communities in Schools Dallas Region, Inc., (CISDR) and specified Carrollton-Farmers Branch Schools. Ten campuses shall be served by CIS in the 2020-2021 school year. CISDR will place professional staff on-site at agreed upon locations for the purpose of delivering direct program service and coordinating related social services for at-risk students in our schools and their families. The campuses served under this agreement are: • Blair Elementary • Carrollton Elementary • Central Elementary • Landry Elementary • McLaughlin Strickland Elementary • Sheffield Elementary • Field Middle School • Long Middle School • Creekview High School • Newman Smith High School • Ranchview High School • R.L. Turner High School Communities in Schools offsets the cost of personnel with grant funding; the total cost to the District for 10 social workers is $100,000.00. This term of this agreement is from August 7, 2020 through June 30, 2021. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves this agreement with Communities in Schools and authorizes the Superintendent of Schools or his designee to execute any necessary documents.
4.J. Consider Extension Option of RFP 16-11 for Contract Therapy Services
Background: This is a non-exclusive contract which provides for as-needed purchases of contract therapy services to be utilized throughout the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District. CFBISD staff determines which vendor to use from the awarded vendors under this contract based on the campus or departmental needs and District standards. Staff will continue to work closely with the Purchasing Department by obtaining competitive quotes from vendors awarded under this agreement, where practical, to ensure the District receives the best value for each purchase. Individual purchases above $25,000 will be submitted to the Board of Trustees through the Purchasing Report. Individual purchases of $50,000 or above will be submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval in accordance with policy. Purchases made under this contract utilizing Federal funds adhere to all requirements for expenditures under Federal Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR). This is the fourth extension (beginning August 7, 2020) of four (4) one (1) year extension options as specified in the RFP. The District reserves the right to purchase or re-procure this solution at any time according to any procurement method allowable under Texas Education Code §44.031 as the District’s needs require. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the option to extend the agreement of RFP 16-11 for Contract Therapy Services for the fourth one (1) year extension term with the recommended vendors and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute renewals as provided in the RCSP in the best interest of the district through the term of this contract.
4.K. Consider Extension Option for RFP 17-05-311-4 for Custodial Supply and Equipment
Background: This is a non-exclusive contract which provides for as-needed purchases of custodial supplies and equipment to be utilized throughout the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District. CFBISD staff determines which vendor to use from the awarded vendors under this contract based on the campus or departmental needs and District standards. Staff will continue to work closely with the Purchasing Department by obtaining competitive quotes from vendors awarded under this agreement, where practical, to ensure the District receives the best value for each purchase. Individual purchases above $25,000 will be submitted to the Board of Trustees through the Purchasing Report. Individual purchases of $50,000 or above will be submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval in accordance with policy. Purchases made under this contract utilizing Federal funds adhere to all requirements for expenditures under Federal Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR). This is the third extension (beginning August 7, 2020) as specified in the RFP. The District reserves the right to purchase or re-procure this solution at any time according to any procurement method allowable under Texas Education Code §44.031 as the District’s needs require. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the option to extend the agreement of RFP 17-05-311-4 for Custodial Supply and Equipment for the third one year extension term with the recommended vendors and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute renewals as provided in the RFP in the best interest of the district through the term of this contract.
4.L. Consider the Designation of the Superintendent or His Designee to Certify Cyber Security Training
Background: House Bill 3834, passed in the last legislative session, requires school districts to provide mandatory cyber security awareness training to all elected officials and employees who use a computer to perform their jobs. We conducted this training in May-June 2020. Action on this item authorizes the Superintendent or his designee to affirmatively certify to the Texas Department of Information Resources that CFBISD has completed the required training for 2020. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the authorization of the Superintendent or his designee to certify the completion of the cyber security training.
4.M. Consider Approval of Dual Credit Agreement with Dallas College (also known as Dallas County Community College District)
Background: Memorandum of Understanding between Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD and Dallas County Community College District to continue to provide courses for high school/college dual credit for the 2020-2021 school year and summer 2021. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Directors approves the dual credit agreement as presented.
4.N. Consider Acceptance of Donation of Gifts to Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD
Background: The District receives donations from a variety of sources including parents, PTA’s, area businesses and other groups. Many organizations within the District benefit from donations such as campuses, student groups, teachers, and classes. All donations made to the District must be approved by the Board of Trustees. The attached report summarizes these donations and states the intended purpose for each donation. The total value of donations for the period December 2019 – July 2020 is $101,976.34 Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees accepts the donations made to the District as presented.
4.O. Consider Renewal of Eduphoria Subscriptions
Background: The Eduphoria Suite Subscription is comprised of software for the reporting and analysis of student performance on local, state, and national assessments in grades K-12 through the AWARE data dashboard program. The software suite also includes a tool to record teacher/principal appraisals in the STRIVE module. The Eduphoria WORKSHOP module provides for the management of professional development activity and staff development hours. The cost for Eduphoria Suite Subscription in 2020-2021 is $78,750. Additional supporting features to the Eduphoria Suite Subscription include direct database access, Lead4ward subscription, and Axiom upgrade subscription services. Direct database access affords the district ‘read only’ access to query data directly from the Eduphoria database. Cost to district for 2020-2021 is $570. Lead4ward supplemental subscription through AWARE allows for comparison of academic progress in terms of student level performance standards on local and state assessments. Cost to district for 2020-2021 is $12,960. The total cost to district for Eduphoria products in 2020-2021 is $92,280. The contract start date is September 1, 2020 with end date of August 31, 2021. This purchase is being made as a cooperative purchase through the Education Purchasing Cooperative of North Texas (EPCNT) Purchasing (EPCNT) under Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD Bid No. #1516-029-2002 Contract For Online Delivery Services. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the renewal of Eduphoria subscriptions as presented.
4.P. Consider Purchase of Professional Development With Franklin Covey Client Services
Background: Franklin Covey Client Services offers professional development communities that support the work that campuses have begun around collaboration to improve student leadership. The Leader in Me is Franklin Covey’s whole school transformation process. It teaches 21st century leadership and life skills to students and creates a culture of student empowerment based on the idea that every child can be a leader. Aggregate spending to date for the Leader In Me program from Franklin Covey Client Services totals $46,165.18. In order to accommodate for additional training from this vendor for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year and into the first two months of the 2020-2021school year, it is recommended that additional funding be added to this authorization. Administration recommends the Board approve a total of $65,000.00 for professional development from Franklin Covey under this authorization. This purchase is being made as a Cooperative Purchase through the Educational Purchasing Cooperative of North Texas (EPCNT) off Contract No. 18-05 awarded by Grand Prairie ISD. Purchases made under this contract utilizing Federal funds adhere to all requirements for expenditures under Federal Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR). The District reserves the right to purchase or re-procure this solution at any time according to any procurement method allowable under Texas Education Code §44.031 as the District’s needs require. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the purchase of professional development with Franklin Covey Client Services as presented.
4.Q. Consider Purchase of Online Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC) Platform
Background: According to state law, every student who has a primary language other than English and is identified as an English learner shall be provided a full opportunity to participate in a bilingual or English as a second language program as well as receive accommodations/modifications to master the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills. To this end, the district assesses and monitors all students who come in indicating that they speak a language other than English. The district has not had a robust system to track these students, communicate needs across the campus and district, and ensure that needed accommodations are provided both in the classroom and for essential tests. A district committee evaluated four (4) products that would fill this void. During the evaluation process, two of the four did not pass the district’s digital review process. The solution that best fits the district’s needs is ELLevation. This online system will allow teachers access to student information, district numbers, and student linguistic accommodations. This purchase is being made through Education Service Center (ESC) Region 19 Allied States Cooperative #17-7240. The total cost of this purchase is not to exceed $80,625.50. The term of this purchase is from August 27, 2020 through August 26, 2021. The District reserves the right to purchase or re-procure this solution at any time according to any procurement method allowable under Texas Education Code §44.031 as the District’s needs require. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the purchase of an online LPAC platform with the recommended vendor and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute these purchases in the best interest of the District.
4.R. Consider Approval of the 2020-2021 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Denton County for the Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP)
Background: The Board of Trustees has entered into a joint memorandum of understanding with the county juvenile board outlining all issues pertinent to the interaction between the juvenile board and the school district in the operation of the Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program. The objective of the program is to help students achieve behavioral and academic improvement and provide an effective education program. Details of this relationship are defined in an agreement available for public inspection upon request to the Superintendent of Schools. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD Board of Trustees approves the 2020-2021 Memorandum of Understanding with Denton County for the Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) as presented.
4.S. Consider Approval of All Matters Related to a Grace Period Charge Policy Regarding the Use of Prepaid Student Meal Accounts
Background: S.B. No 1566 requires that the board of trustees of a school district, in which students utilize a prepaid meal account to purchase cafeteria meals, adopt a grace period policy regarding the use of the accounts. The policy must include a grace period in which the student can accumulate a negative balance or receive an extension of credit from the district. The length of the grace period or the amount of negative balance allowed should be determined by the board of trustees. The district must notify the parent or guardian of the exhausted account. In addition, the district is not permitted to charge a fee or interest in connection to the delinquent account but may set a schedule for repayment of the account balance. Beginning in 2017-2018 and continuing for subsequent years (2018-2019 and 2019-2020), a charge limit of $15.00 per student was approved and implemented. This dollar value limit allowed: - Paid students to charge both breakfast and lunch for three (3) days OR - Paid students to charge only lunch for five (5) days. Once the charge limit has been reached, students are provided with an emergency sack lunch prepared by the Student Nutrition staff. For discretion, the sack lunch is distributed to the students by the school office staff in the same manner as a meal provided to the office by a parent. The emergency sack lunch contains an entrée, two vegetable servings, a fruit serving and both flavored and unflavored milk. To notify parents/guardians, the district contacts them regarding their student’s insufficient account balance via multiple methods. Elementary students’ parents received negative balance letters in weekly take-home folders and parents of all students received weekly phone calls and emails at the account balance in accordance with their eligibility status (Paid – Balance of $5.00 or less, Reduced and Free – Balance of -$0.01 or less). Per Federal regulation, bad debt or the total of any delinquent student accounts due to charging outlined in the district’s charging policy must be alleviated by the District’s general fund at the end of fiscal year. In 2019-2020, the district’s bad debt totaled $11,032.36. Additionally, the Student Nutrition Department absorbed the cost of 1274 emergency breakfast meals and 12,686 emergency lunch meals at no cost to students or the district’s general fund. In addition, during the time period in which the district is only providing remote learning, we would request a temporary increase in the charge limit to $45. During remote learning, bulk meals (five (5) breakfast and five (5) lunches) will be available for pick up at designated schools once a week. This increase will allow a paid student to pick up bulk meals on three (3) occasions. Once schools are physically open, the charge limit will be reset to the traditional $15.00. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the grace period charge policy as presented.
4.T. Consider Approval of School Meal Prices for 2020-2021 School Year
Background: The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (HHFKA) requires that paid school meal prices be indexed to the Federal reimbursement rates for free meals using the Paid Lunch Equity (PLE) Tool. As an alternative, school districts can use the PLE exemption to avoid increasing prices by demonstrating the existence of a zero or positive fund balance as of December of the previous year. The Student Nutrition fund balance as of April 2020 was $3,910,754.71 indicating a positive fund balance. In an effort to continue to provide nutritious meals to the student population in the most cost-effective way for households, Student Nutrition would like to utilize the PLE exemption and keep paid school meal prices at their current amounts for school year 2020-2021. Additionally, school districts are allowed to charge a maximum of $0.30 for breakfast and $0.40 for lunch to students who qualify for reduced-price meals, but also have the option to lower or eliminate reduced-price charges and subsidize the loss of revenue with program funds. In 2019-2020, reduced prices were lowered to $0.00 in an effort to assist the 2,200 students who qualify for reduced meal eligibility. This elimination of reduced prices saved the family with one reduced-price student eating breakfast and lunch daily $122.50 per school year. The reduction in cost was well received as the participation of reduced students increased 34% at breakfast and 22% at lunch. USDA regulated that adult meal prices must equal the free student reimbursement rate, plus the rate of USDA Commodity assistance per meal. To meet this requirement and ensure adult meals are not subsidized by the federal program, adult lunch prices must increase by $0.25 to a total of $4.00. All student meal prices will remain the same pending Board approval. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves exercising the Paid Lunch Exemption to allow student meal prices to remain the same and adult lunch prices to increase by $0.25 for the 2020-2021 school year. Additionally, it is recommended for the approval of the elimination of reduced-price meal charges.
4.U. Consider Renewal of ParentSquare Mass Notification System
Background: Trustees awarded the purchase of a mass notification system to ParentSquare at the July 26, 2018 Regular Board Meeting, Consent Agenda Item No. 2.P. This system was needed to replace the previous system, which no longer met the District’s needs. The initial cost for this product was $83,955. The system provides: teacher and classroom communication, school district custom App and portal, and direct messaging and chat capabilities. Additional components of the solution are forms and permissions slips which provide parents a way to electronically complete permission slips and complete required forms, parent-teacher conferences, student communication, district calendar, a module to conduct polls, volunteering, supplies sign-up via the parents’ electronic device, and the ability to track volunteer hours. The cost to renew this agreement for 2020-2021 is $85,975. This purchase is being made as a cooperative purchase through the TIPS Purchasing Cooperative under Contract No. 180306 for Technology Solutions Products and Services. The District reserves the right to purchase or re-procure this solution at any time according to any procurement method allowable under Texas Education Code §44.031 as the District’s needs require. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD Board of Trustees approves the renewal of a mass notification system with the recommended vendor as described above and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute a contract that is in the best interest of the District.
4.V. Consider Approval of TASB Policy Update 115 as Initiated by TASB Policy Service
Background: Per Board Policy BF (LOCAL), policies may be adopted or amended by a majority of the Board at any regular or special meeting, provided that Board members have had advance written notice of the proposed change and that it has been placed on the agenda for such meeting. TASB Policy Update 115 has been submitted to the Board of Trustees in advance of this meeting for review. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves TASB Policy Update 115 as recommended by TASB Policy Service.
4.W. Consider Approval of RFP 2019-04-007 for Property and Casualty Insurance
Background: This is an exclusive service contract, which provides for property insurance coverage for Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District for the 2020-2021 Fiscal Year. This contract provides for $600 million of coverage for the District. This extension includes two options for Trustees to consider for extending this coverage. In 2019, Trustees approved all casualty insurance coverage for a 13-month premium in order to move the coverage period from Sept. 1 – Aug. 31, to Oct. 1 – Sept. 30 of each year. The reason for this was to move our coverages to a more favorable renewal cycle since there is traditionally no July Board meeting to renew this coverage. Approval of this renewal for a 13-month premium will align all insurance policies with the same renewal period. The proposed premium is: Premium Option: 13 month premium Proposed Premium 2020-2021: $1,704,294 Current Premium 2019-2020: $1,204,498 Difference from 2019-2020: $499,796 This renewal represents an increase of $499,796 for property insurance from the 2019-2020. However, the 2019-20 premium is for 12 months, not 13. On a per month basis, the increase is 30.6% There are several factors contributing to such a large premium increase: • CFBISD increased its total property value by 8.8%, from $941,163,603 to $1,023,875,650, for an increase of $82,712,047, thereby increasing its insurable value. • Heavy losses incurred throughout the state, especially in the North Texas area, including the tornado in Dallas in October 2019 resulted in increases in property insurance in the North Texas market. • The cost of reinsurance has increased. • Reduction in carriers willing to write coverage for school districts has limited competition for property insurance. This renewal includes a change in the deductible structure from the previous year. Instead of a $500,000 deductible for hail damage, this renewal includes a 1% deductible amount of the total insured value of each location per occurrence, subject to a $500,000 minimum. No other policy changes are being proposed. Administration recommends accepting the 13-month policy renewal for the policy period from September 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021 in the amount of $1,704.294 for property insurance coverage. The current vendor for this service is Roach Howard Smith and Barton. This is the second (beginning September 1, 2020) extension option as specified in the RFP. The District reserves the right to purchase or re-procure these goods or services at any time according to any procurement method allowable under Texas Education Code §44.031 as the District’s needs require. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the extension of property insurance for a 13-month premium, from September 1, 2020 – September 30, 2021, for $1,704,294 from Roach Howard Smith and Barton for the 2020-2021 school year.
4.X. Consider Participation in the Central Texas Purchasing Alliance Purchasing Cooperative
Background: The Texas Government Code §791 and Texas Education Code §44.031 (a)(5) allows for governmental entities, i.e. state agencies, local governments, and school districts, to enter into cooperative agreements to allow the procurement process to be performed by a single entity on behalf of all those electing to participate. The benefit of an agreement like this is to reduce administrative costs for each participating member. This code also requires the governing body of each party to authorize the contract. The Central Texas Purchasing Alliance (CTPA) Purchasing Cooperative provides valuable service to our district for needed purchases from key vendors available under contracts procured on behalf of its members. This agreement is a perpetual agreement (beginning August 7, 2020) for participation in the Purchasing Cooperative known as Central Texas Purchasing Alliance (CTPA) Purchasing Cooperative, and allows the District to purchase off contracts administered through this cooperative. The District reserves the right to rebid this service through its own RFP at any time. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Board Resolution Authorizing Membership into the Central Texas Purchasing Alliance (CTPA) Purchasing Cooperative and delegate the authority to execute and complete any necessary documentation for this agreement to the Superintendent or his designee.
4.Y. Consider Approval of e-System Contracts From Region 10 for 2020-2021
Background: This is an exclusive service contract which provides for specified services from Region 10 Education Service Center throughout the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District. The 2020-2021 e-System Contracts from Region 10 include Administrative Services Package, TEKSbank and OnSuiteData. The Administrative Services Package includes a comprehensive collection of services as listed in the brochure included in the Executive Summary. TEKSbank is an online item bank of more than 45,000 test questions and resources, in the four core subject areas for grades 2-12, developed and aligned to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). TEKSbank questions are designed based on in-depth analysis of the TEKS, the STAAR released items, and assessment best practices. Questions in the TEKSbank can be used by teachers and administrators to build assessments in an online application. OnDataSuite is a suite of user-friendly online tools to help users to visualize and report LEA PEIMS, TAPR, Assessment and other data. Included training and support for this is offered by OnDataSuite staff members via phone, webinar, and face-to-face. The costs for these e-System Contracts for 2020-2021 are: Administrative Services Package - $58,598.00 TEKSbank - $7,000.00 OnDataSuite - $14,086.65 These contracts will be provided during the 2020-2021 school year, beginning September 1, 2020 and will continue through August 31, 2021. Optional services not included in the Administrative Services Package from Region 10 are available on cost per service basis, if needed, and are shown on the attached agreement. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD Board of Trustees approves the purchase of specified e-System Contracts from Region 10 ESC for the 2020-2021 school year as presented.
4.Z. Consider Purchase of Curriculum Needs for Remote Learning
Background: In preparation for the 2020-2021 school year, district officials are developing plans to deliver instruction remotely. Among the subjects to be taught remotely are social studies, reading and writing, and English Language Development (ELD). To accomplish this, additional curriculum resources must be procured to provide online access for social studies, English Language Development (ELD) and elementary reading and writing instruction. This purchase will provide for remote instruction delivery for Social Studies for grades 7-12 using Documents-Based-Questions (DBQ) as a questions-based instructional tool. A list of subjects to be taught using this system is included as an attachment to this Executive Summary. Teaching Curriculum Institute (TCI) is utilized for the majority of social studies instruction for the elementary level. The Social Studies Alive programs for grades 3 and 5 have been used in the classroom setting. This purchase will allow the use of this curriculum in a remote setting. Heinemann offers Digital Units of Study videos for teaching reading and writing in a remote setting for grades K-8 and will be utilized for this purpose. With the constraints of providing hard copy books for classroom and pleasure reading, the district is in need of a resource to provide engaging “hardback” books in virtual form for students in K-12. myON® Reader is a student-centered, personalized literacy environment that gives students access to more than 6,000 enhanced digital books. Titles are dynamically matched to each individual student’s interests, grade and Lexile® reading level. Combined with a suite of close reading tools and embedded supports, myON Reader fosters student engagement and achievement. This product will also assist teachers in tracking the amount and type of reading in which our students engage. The Teaching and Learning Division and Purchasing Departments worked together to identify a valid purchasing authority for each of the materials being requested. Staff will continue to work closely with the Purchasing Department by obtaining competitive quotes from vendors awarded under multiple contracts, where practical, to ensure the District receives the best value for each purchase. The total cost of these purchases is not to exceed $750,000.00 and will be made from contracts available to CFBISD as noted on the attached list of curriculum needs. Purchases made under this contract utilizing Federal funds adhere to all requirements for expenditures under Federal Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR). Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the purchase of curriculum needs for remote learning with the recommended vendors and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute these purchases in the best interest of the district.
4.AA. Consider Purchase Securly Device Management Software
Background: Securly provides the District an enterprise solution for the administration of district-owned classroom and mobile devices. Mobile device management provides a simplified, efficient, and effective means to view and manage a diverse fleet of devices from a central administrative console. The District can seamlessly deploy applications across multiple devices with built-in single sign-on access. The Securly software provides real-time device details and continuous compliance monitoring to ensure that the devices, applications, and data are secure. This purchase will provide for 25,000 licenses for classroom devices and 10,000 licenses for mobile device management for the fall of 2020. The current licenses expire after September 30, 2020. This subscription will be for one year starting September 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021. Four responses were received in conjunction with this solicitation, two of which were no bids. After evaluating the two quotes, the Securly Device Classroom and Mobile Device Management will be purchased from CDW-G. in the amount of $79,800. under the provisions of The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) USA contract number 180503. The District reserves the right to purchase or re-procure this solution at any time according to any procurement method allowable under Texas Education Code §44.031 as the District’s needs require. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the purchase of the Securly Mobile Device Management Software Renewal from CDW-G under the provisions of The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) USA contract number 180503 at a cost of $79,800 as presented.
4.AB. Consider Approval of Amendment 1 to Jackson Construction for Bid Package 2018-03 for Sheffield Elementary Replacement Phase Two Guaranteed Maximum Price
Background: On November 7, 2019, the Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD Board of Trustees approved the selection of Jackson Construction to perform construction services for replacement of Sheffield Elementary School. The project scope and design is according to the scope of work/project description developed by the assigned architect, LPA, Inc. This approval included the base agreement with CFBISD and Jackson Construction to provide construction management services for the renovations to the campus. At the June 4, 2020 Regular Board meeting, Consent Agenda Item No. 4.KK, Trustees approved the guaranteed maximum price for Phase One of the Sheffield Elementary Replacement project, for $3,085,861, which included an allowance for air conditioning units under a separately awarded contract. The Phase Two Amendment 2 document will establish the guaranteed maximum price (GMP) for Phase Two for the remainder of the project as $24,172,745, which establishes the substantial completion in August 2022. Total project costs excludes architect and engineer fees, geotechnical investigation and fees, material testing, inspections, survey costs, printing and any other miscellaneous fees outside of the CMAR responsibility. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves Amendment 1 Guaranteed Maximum Price for Sheffield Elementary School Phase Two A133-2009 Exhibit A, as presented.
4.AC. Consider Extension of RFP 17-03-081-4 for Solid Waste and Recycling Services
Background: This is an exclusive contract which provides for as-needed purchases of solid waste and recycling services to be utilized throughout the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District. Purchases made under this contract utilizing Federal funds adhere to all requirements for expenditures under Federal Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR). This agreement was initially a three (3) year term (beginning June 3, 2020), and this is the first of two (2) one (1) year extension options as specified in the RFP. This extension will cover the period from August 7, 2020 to August 6, 2021 and is the first of two extension options included in this RFP. The annual cost for this agreement is unknown; however, usage data indicates the average expenditures under this agreement for the initial two years to be approximately $365,000. The District reserves the right to purchase or re-procure this solution at any time according to any procurement method allowable under Texas Education Code §44.031 as the District’s needs require. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the option to extend the agreement of RFP 17-03-081-4 for Solid Waste and Recycling Services for the first extension option with the recommended vendor and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute renewals as provided in the RFP in the best interest of the district through the term of this contract.
4.AD. Consider Approval of Updated Supplemental Pay Schedule
Background: The Supplemental Pay Schedule has been updated to include Professional Academic Support. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD Board of Trustees approves the 2020-2021 updated Supplemental Pay Schedule as presented.
4.AE. Consider Approval of CFBISD’s Use of Texas Education Agency’s State-Led Online Learning Initiative as Established Under TEC Chapter 30A Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN)
Background: Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) is an expanded access option for high school course delivery to students in middle and high school who wish to supplement their high school programming with courses not offered on the student’s campus or not currently offered virtually through a district-supported online learning platform. The TXVSN statewide catalog is a clearinghouse of rigorous online courses offered by TEA-approved school districts, regional service centers, and virtual school providers. Courses are taught by appropriately credentialed teachers who have been trained in best practices for online instructional delivery. Students may take online high school, Advanced Placement, and dual credit courses selected from the catalog. This option may be especially helpful for students within certain programs of study. For example, a requirement of International Business Academy is to take Macroeconomics. This course is currently offered as a dual credit course through Brookhaven College; however, the student must have met Texas Success Initiative criteria in order to be eligible for the dual credit course. In the case that a senior cannot take the macroeconomics dual credit course due to not yet meeting the assessment requirements, the online AP Macroeconomics course offered through TxVSN and either Alief ISD or Region 4 ESC would be available to this student. There are courses not currently offered in CFBISD that students in other programs of study may find beneficial, such as the Pathophysiology course offered through Guthrie Common School district that could be of interest to students in medical programs of study. Middle school students who wish to take CTE courses such as Principles of Information Technology may do so through Pasadena ISD Virtual School, and any high school student who would like to take an interesting elective may choose a course like Sports and Entertainment Marketing offered through Alief ISD. The cost of the course is listed in the course catalog, varies by the provider, and does not exceed $400 per semester course. Students would be expected to pay for the cost of the courses they choose to take with TxVSN, unless the school district later determines that it could pay the course fees through allocated funds. As part of the agreement with TxVSN, the receiving school district must adopt and send its policy and procedures regarding TxVSN to a parent of each middle and high school student in the school district yearly. The district must also appoint a district administrator as the primary contact of central operations, a mentor to support progress, and a site coordinator to enroll students in the TxVSN courses, receive grade reports, and arrange exam proctors. The receiving school district would be responsible for student accommodations, such as bilingual/ESL, special education, homebound, Section 504, or other support services, as well as providing technical support to students. The agreement between CFBISD and TxVSN would be renewed yearly. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the use of Texas Education Agency’s State Led Online Learning Initiative as Established under TEC Chapter 30A. Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN)
4.AF. Consider Renewal of Frontline Technologies Group for Enterprise Resource Management (ERP) and Student Information System (SIS) Master Services Agreement for 2020-2021
Background: The Master Services Agreement provides for annual maintenance and enhancement updates for the TEAMS Business Information System [BIS] including but not limited to Benefits, Payroll, Applicant, and Budget modules for the 2020-2021 school year (September 1, 2020 through August 31, 2021). This agreement also provides for annual maintenance and enhancement updates for the TEAMS Student Information System [SIS] including but not limited to Enrollment, Attendance, Grading, Special Programs, Parent Self-Serve, and PEIMS modules for the 2020-2021 school year (September 1, 2020 through August 31, 2021). Maintenance and update services are included in the proprietary software created by Prologic. The renewal cost for the period of September 1, 2020 through August 31, 20201 is $480,076.08, and includes Frontline Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) and Student Information System (SIS), as well as Interface Maintenance and Support, and Disaster Recovery / Business Continuity Services. This purchase was originally made from ProLogic Technology Systems, LLC at the February 26, 2009 Regular Board Meeting, Consent Agenda Item No. I.D.8. The District was notified on May 31, 2018 that ProLogic was acquired by Frontline Education and that all TEAMS contracts would be assigned to Frontline Education. The purchase will be made from Frontline Education under provisions of Education Service Center Region XIV Purchasing Cooperative Contract Number 01-102 for Cloud Administration Solutions in the amount of $480,076.08. The cost reflects a 5% increase comprised of added services and an anticipated annual increase. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the purchase of the TEAMS Master Services Agreement for 2020-2021 from Frontline Education as described above.
4.AG. Consider Approval of the 2020-2021 Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS) Appraisers
Background: The Board approved the use of the Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS) for teacher appraisals on March 5, 2020. It is a requirement that the Board approve a list of certified appraisers who can appraise teachers. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD Board of Trustees approves the attached list of T-TESS Appraisers.
4.AH. Consider Approval of the 2020-2021 Texas Teachers Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS) Appraisal Calendar
Background: The Board of Trustees has annually approved the administrator and teacher T-TESS Appraisal Calendar. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the T-TESS Appraisal Calendar as presented.
4.AI. Consider Extension of RFP 18-01-071-4 for Vendor Registration and E-Bid Management System
Background: This is an exclusive service contract which provides software as a service for online vendor registration and E-bid management for Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District. The annual cost for the top-ranked solution from IonWave Technologies is based on an initial period from March 2, 2018 through August 31, 2018, followed by five (5) one (1) year renewal options, starting September 1, 2018 – August 31, 2019. CFBISD renewal amounts for subsequent years are listed in the executive summary. The renewal cost for the third term is $24,000 which includes the following modules: Vendor Registration, IWT Sourcing (E-Bid), Contract Management, Bid Evaluation Scoring, Annual Support and Maintenance, Annual Hosting and implementation services. For CFBISD, this is the third (beginning September 1, 2020), of five (5) one (1) year extension options as provided in this RFP. This RFP was also conducted on behalf of the Educational Purchasing Cooperative of North Texas (EPCNT) and included a separate pricing structure based on the member’s annual budget as shown in the table above. Annual Board approval of extension options is required for cooperative members to continue to utilize this contract. The District reserves the right to purchase or re-procure this solution at any time according to any procurement method allowable under Texas Education Code §44.031 as the District’s needs require. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the extension option of RFP 18-01-071-4 for vendor registration and E-Bid Management System with the recommended vendor, and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute a contract as provided in the proposal in the best interest of the District. The District reserves the right to rebid this contract at any time.
4.AJ. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding all Matters Related to November 3, 2020 General Election Including Adoption of an Election Order
Background: Due to COVID-19, the May 2020 election for the board of trustees was postponed to November 3, 2020. A revised Election Order will be presented to the board for approval. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees adopts the General Election Order as presented.
4.AK. Consider Approval of the Minutes From the Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Held June 4, 2020
Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the minutes from the regular board meeting held June 4, 2020.
4.AL. Consider Approval of the Minutes From the Board of Trustees Special Meeting Held July 7, 2020
Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the minutes of the Special Board Meeting held July 7, 2020.
5.A. Budget Report
5.B. Construction Update
5.C. Legislative Action Committee
6.A. Items Removed From Consent
6.B. Consider Approval of the CFBISD District and Campus Improvement Plans
Background: The District Plan and Campus Plans are aligned to the goal of high expectations for all and are guided by the five strategic priorities: Optimize Engaging & Diverse Learning; Optimize Facility, Safety & Security, and Infrastructure to be Adaptable to Student Needs; Optimize Community Engagement; Optimize Social & Emotional Health of All Students; and Optimize All Available Resources. The District Plan is structured as a three-year plan, revised annually by the District Improvement Council (DIC) and approved annually by the Board of Trustees. The Campus Plans are annual plans for 2020-2021, aligned to the District Plan. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the District Improvement Plan and the Campus Improvement Plans as presented.
6.C. Consideration and Possible Action on Resolution Delegating Authority to the Superintendent to Act in Place of the Board of Trustees During Modified Operations
Background: On March 19, 2020, the Board passed and adopted a resolution delegating authority to the Superintendent to act in place of the Board during an emergency closure of schools to address issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to be responsive to the District’s needs during the ongoing pandemic, the Board will need to consider modifying delegations of authority to the Superintendent for the 2020-2021 school year. This resolution delegates certain authority to the Superintendent to act in place of the Board during the 2020-2021 school year in the following areas: employment and compensation of all employees; changes to the District’s school calendar, school/instructional days, and/or work/school days; suspension of “business day” deadlines; decisions regarding school openings/closures; temporary suspension of requirements under the Texas Public Information Act; procurement of all goods and services and approval of construction projects; suspension of the student pre-participation physical examination requirement; and application for necessary TEA waivers on any matters related to the District’s modified operations. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Resolution to delegate certain authority to the Superintendent during the 2020-2021 school year as presented.
6.D. Consider All Matters Related to Endorsement of TASB Board of Directors Nomination
Background: In July, the list of nominated individuals for election to the TASB Board of Directors was distributed to Board Presidents and Superintendents. As stipulated in the TASB Bylaws, the CFBISD Board of Trustees is eligible to endorse one nominee each for Region 10, Position D. Individuals on the list are: Kevin Carbo / Mesquite ISD (incumbent), Stephanie O’Dell / McKinney ISD, Jeff Pendill / Community ISD, and Jeff Striplin / Bland ISD. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees determines whether to endorse one of the candidates listed.
6.E. Consider Designation of Voting Delegate and Alternate Delegate to TASA/TASB General Conference
Background: Each year, the Texas Association of School Boards invites school boards in Texas to designate one voting delegate and one alternate as representation to the TASB Delegate Assembly held each year in conjunction with the annual TASA/TASB Conference. It has been the practice each year for the CFBISD Board of Trustees to designate a voting delegate and alternate using a process of nomination and a majority vote of the Board. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees provides a delegate and alternate for the TASA/TASB General Conference.