April 2, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
2.A. District Announcements
2.A.(1) Update from PTA
2.A.(2) Superintendent Report
2.A.(3) Briefing Session with Administrative Staff Regarding the Posted Agenda Items for the Regular Board Meeting Scheduled for April 2, 2020
4.A. Election of Personnel
Background: The District employs full-time professional employees in positions requiring a certificate from the State Board of Educator Certification (SBEC), nurses, and other designated employees under a probationary or term contract. The purpose of this agenda item is to facilitate Board approval of these contracts. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the employment of the individuals as indicated on the list provided.
4.B. Consider Acceptance of Financial Reports
Background: The monthly financial reports presented to the Board for consideration will include budget amendments (when applicable), budget summary year-to-date reports, construction summary report, outstanding investments, and tax office reports. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees accepts the financial reports for February 2020.
4.C. Consider Acceptance of the Purchasing Report for the Period of February 1, 2020 Through February 29, 2020
Background: The attached report is a summary of the purchases valued over $25,000 but not exceeding $50,000 that have been made from February 1, 2020 through February 29, 2020. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees accepts the Purchasing Report for the period of February 1, 2020 through February 29, 2020 as presented.
4.D. Consider Approval of Extension Option of RFP 17-02-061-4 for School Agendas, Planners, and Printing Services
Background: This is a non-exclusive contract which provides for as-needed purchases of school agendas, planners, and printing services to be utilized throughout the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District. This agreement is the third of four one-year extension options (beginning April 3, 2020) as specified in the RFP. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the option to extend the agreement of RFP 17-02-061-4 for School Agendas, Planners, and Printing Services for the third one-year extension term with the recommended vendors and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute renewals as provided in the RFP in the best interest of the District through the term of this contract.
4.E. Consider Approval of Extension Option of RFP 17-02-281-4 for Campus Apparel and Promotions
Background: This is a non-exclusive contract which provides for as-needed purchases of campus apparel and promotions to be utilized throughout the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District. This is the third of four one-year extension options (beginning April 3, 2020) as specified in the RFP. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the option to extend the agreement of RFP 17-02-281-4 for Campus Apparel and Promotions for the third one-year extension option with the recommended vendors and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute renewals as provided in the RFP in the best interest of the District through the term of this contract.
4.F. Consider Approval of Extension Option of RFP 18-02-085-4 for Fire Protection and Security Systems
Background: This is a non-exclusive contract which provides for as-needed purchases of fire protection and security systems to be utilized throughout the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District. This is the second (beginning April 3, 2020) of four one-year extension options as specified in the RFP. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the option to extend the agreement of RFP 18-02-085-4 Fire Protection and Security Systems for the second one-year extension term of four with the recommended vendors and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute renewals as provided in the RFP in the best interest of the District through the term of this contract.
4.G. Consider Approval of Extension Option of RFP 2019-01-001 for School Furniture
Background: This is the first of four extension options for RFP 14-03-181-4 for School Furniture, which was originally approved in May 2019. Trustees will be asked to extend this agreement to provide a list of authorized vendors from which District staff can purchase school furnishings on an as-needed basis, based on campus/facility needs. The primary use of this RFP will be to replace and/or supplement furnishings, such as student desks, chairs, tables, office furniture, cafeteria tables and other furnishings or accessories. When large furniture purchases are needed, staff will solicit pricing from vendors approved under this RFP for competitive quotes based on quantity orders. This RFP will be the primary source for furniture, fixture and equipment needed in conjunction with the 2018 Bond Program, as well as other furniture needs. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the extension of RFP 2019-01-001 for School Furniture for the first of four (4) one (1) year extension options with the recommended vendors and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute renewals as provided in the RFP in the best interest of the District through the term of this contract.
4.H. Consider Approval of Innovative High School Special Education Courses
Background: Board Policy EHBJ (Legal) allows a district to offer without modifications, any state-approved innovative course with the approval of the board. The district Special Education Department would like to add six (6) innovative courses to the district’s Educational Planning Guide. General Employability Skills This course provides students with knowledge of the prerequisite skills for general employment as well as the means of obtaining those skills. Employability skills include fundamentals of maintenance of personal appearance and grooming. The course also includes the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that allow employees to get along with their co-workers, make important work-related decisions, and become strong members of the work team. Community Transportation The purpose of this course is to introduce knowledge and skills to empower students to research and access public transportation options in their respective communities. Making Connections Series The Making Connections course sequence assists students who have an autism spectrum disorder or a related disorder develop and generalize appropriate and social skills in order to increase the student’s postsecondary outcome. Course outcomes for this series are as follows: • Making Connections I assists the students in developing an understanding of autism and other related disorders and supports them in developing and generalizing appropriate and beneficial social skills. • Making Connections II assists students gain additional social awareness by learning appropriate social skills for working with others as well as identifying appropriate and inappropriate friendships. • Making Connections III assists students in understanding how their specific disability impacts their learning style by helping them identify proper accommodations and modifications to be more successful. • Making Connections IV assists students with developing skills to engage in collaborative problem solving. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the offering of the Innovative High School Special Education Courses as presented.
4.I. Consider Purchase of Replacement Interactive Displays
Background: This purchase will be to replace aging and broken wall mounted projectors installed in classroom 7-10 years ago. Currently, 11 interactive displays have been replaced at various times this fall with the aggregate spend for this category at $50,592.74. A request for 19 displays to be replaced at 13 campuses has been generated, which totals $87,664.29 and requires Board approval. This request will include authorization to purchase additional interactive display units on an as-needed basis to accommodate needs through the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. This purchase will be made as a cooperative purchase under the TIPS-USA Purchasing Cooperative Contract No. 170306 AV/PC. The total request for the purchase of interactive displays is not expected to exceed $250,000. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the purchase of replacement interactive displays from Delcom through TIPS-USA Purchasing Cooperative Contract No. 170306 AV/PC not to exceed $250,000.
4.J. Consider Approval of Extension Option of RFP 17-02-211-4 for Paint Supply and Equipment
Background: RFP 17-02-211-4 provides for the purchase of Paint and Paint Supplies on an as-needed basis. This allows District staff to purchase these items to perform minor renovation or touch up requests, as needed, as well as large scale projects. Additionally, the District uses this to purchase and provide paint to independent paint contractors for larger projects not performed by District personnel in order to save on the cost of paint and supplies. This was done for a sizable paint project at R.L. Turner in the summer of 2018, as well as a major painting project at Standridge Stadium in 2017. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the option to extend the agreement of RFP 17-02-211-4 for Paint Supply and Equipment for the third one (1) year extension term with the recommended vendors and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute renewals as provided in the RFP in the best interest of the District through the term of this contract.
4.K. Consider All Matters Related to the Annual Tax Increment Finance Payment to the City of Farmers Branch Tax Increment Finance District #2
Background: Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD’s final Tax Increment Finance (TIF) agreement expired in July of 2019: The City of Farmers Branch TIF #2 is located north and south of Valley View Lane and east of I-35. A TIF has a “base value” which is the sum of the taxable property values within the zone boundaries in the first active year of the agreement. The TIF payment is calculated on the “increment” which is the taxable value for the prior year less the base year. The increment is then multiplied by C-FBISD’s tax rate that was in effect for 2005 to calculate the basic payment amount and then adjusted by uncollected taxes, refunds, frozen accounts, etc. C-FBISD in return receives a payment return of 30% from the FB #2 TIF. The return funds are kept in separate special revenue funds and are to be used to build new schools or to improve existing structures. City of Farmers Branch TIF #2: - payment made last year 4/19 $820,497 - budgeted payment for 4/20 $1,201,994 Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees accepts the authorization of payment to the City of Farmers Branch TIF #2 not to exceed projected budget of $1,201,994.
4.L. Consider Approval of Teacher Contracts
Background: Board Policy DC (LEGAL) states, the District shall employ each classroom teacher, librarian, nurse or school counselor under a probationary contract, a continuing contract or a term contract. Provided under separate cover is Administration’s recommendation for teacher, librarian, nurse or school counselor contracts as presented. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board approves the teacher contracts as presented.
4.M. Consider Approval of Instructional Materials Allotment and TEKS Certification
Background: TEA requires that the district superintendent and the local board of trustees annually certify that the district has instructional materials that cover all elements of the essential knowledge and skills of the required curriculum, other than physical education, for each grade level as required in the Texas Education Code, Section 28.002. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Instructional Materials Allotment and TEKS certification.
4.N. Consider Purchase of 7-12 Language Arts Instructional Materials in English and Spanish
Background: The Textbook Committee, met from November to February of this school year to review identified materials to meet the new Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for English Language Arts & Reading (grades 9-12) and English as a Second Language (grades 7-12). The group of educators evaluated the materials and identified a list that meets the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) as well as district requirements. The following companies have been identified for adoption for the upcoming textbook adoption cycle: • English Language Arts & Reading (grades 9-12) PreAP (9th, 10th and Gifted) – Bedford AP Language – Bedford English I-IV – Pearson • English as a Second Language (grades 7-12) Lexia with Heinemann book sets. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the purchase of these materials as presented.
4.O. Consider Approval of Purchase of Transportation Fuel Service and Products
Background: In conjunction with the establishment of the Transportation Department for the 2018-2019 school year, the need to purchase and utilize an integrated fuel service and products agreement to provide for student transportation and district vehicle use was evident. Administration researched and reviewed options available for the purchase of fuel service and related products and determined that this purchase would best be made through a cooperative contract available to CFBISD. Trustees approved the purchase of fuel service and related products at the April 5, 2018 Regular Board Meeting, Consent Agenda Item No. 6.M. This purchase was made as a cooperative purchase under the Tarrant County Contract No. 2018-057. This recommendation is to continue utilizing this cooperative contract for the 2020-2021 school year under the same pricing structure. Awarded vendors under this contract are Martin Eagle Oil Company, as the primary supplier, and Douglass Distributing as the secondary vendor. The estimated fuel cost for 2020-2021 is not expected to exceed $700,000 which includes fuel service and products. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the purchase of transportation fuel service and products with the recommended vendors and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute renewals as provided in the contract terms in the best interest of the District through the term of this contract.
4.P. Consider Approval of Extension Option of RFP 17-03-021-4 for Trophies, Awards, Plaques and Related Items
Background: Trustees will be asked to review and consider extending the second extension option of this contract, which allows for the purchase of trophies, awards, plaques and related items for use by campuses and departments on an as-needed basis. Primarily used to purchase athletic and academic trophies and awards, campuses and departments spend approximately $82,000.00 annually under this category. Athletic and UIL trophies and plaques make up the majority of this spend category, however, ribbons for Field Day and promotional items constitutes a significant amount of expenditures using this contract. Altogether, 13 local suppliers are utilized under this agreement, which is available for use from all fund sources. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the option to extend the agreement of RFP 17-03-021-4 for Trophies, Awards, Plaques and Related Items for the third one (1) year extension option with the recommended vendors and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute renewals as provided in the RFP in the best interest of the District through the term of this contract.
4.Q. Consider Approval of Extension Option of RFP 17-03-011-4 for District Employee Uniforms
Background: Purchases under this RFP are used to provide employees uniforms as a requirement of their job. Examples of this are Custodial, Computer Support Technicians, Student Nutrition, Facility and Maintenance and Transportation. Other Departments use contract this to purchase uniforms or apparel, such as Coaches, Instructional Staff and Central Administrators. Student Nutrition, Custodial and Facility Service uniforms make up about 82% ($75,870.64) of all purchases under this agreement, followed by the newly formed Transportation Department, which accounted for an initial outlay of $15,885.72 for Bus Drivers, Monitors and Transportation Operation staff. Purchases are made from a myriad number of vendors in order to address the various departmental or campus needs, as different vendors provide uniforms for different needs. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the option to extend the agreement of RFP 17-03-011-4 for District Employee Uniforms for the third one (1) year extension term with the recommended vendors and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute renewals as provided in the RFP in the best interest of the District through the term of this contract.
4.R. Consider Approval of Minutes of Pre-Meeting Briefing Held March 5, 2020
Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the minutes of the pre-meeting briefing held March 5, 2020, as presented.
4.S. Consider Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting Held March 5, 2020
Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the minutes of the regular board meeting held March 5, 2020, as presented.
4.T. Consider Approval of Minutes of Special Meeting Held March 19, 2020
Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the minutes of the special board meeting held March 19, 2020, as presented.
5.A. CV 2030
6.A. Items Removed From Consent
6.B. Consider Purchase of Pre-K Furniture Pilot Expansion for New Pre-K Classrooms
Background: This purchase will allow the continuation of the Pre-K furniture pilot begun in 2019-2020 to the seven new Pre-Kindergarten classrooms at locations to be determined for the 2020-2021 school year. CFBISD staff determines which vendor to use from the awarded vendors under this contract based on the campus or departmental needs and District standards. Staff will continue to work closely with the Purchasing Department by obtaining competitive quotes from vendors awarded under this agreement, where practical, to ensure the District receives the best value for each purchase. Purchases made under this contract utilizing Federal Funds will adhere to all requirements for expenditures under Federal Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR). The cost for all purchases under this authorization shall not exceed $300,000. Purchases under this approval will be made from vendors awarded under CFBISD RFP 16-33, RFP 2019-01-001 and qualified purchasing cooperatives such as BuyBoard, US Communities, TCPN and National IPA. Some vendors utilized are Hertz Furniture, Indeco Sales Inc., Lakeshore Learning, MooreCo, Inc. Virco Manufacturing, Kruger International, and CFBISD Warehouse. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the expansion of the Pre-Kindergarten Furniture Pilot program in an amount not to exceed $300,000 for classroom furniture.
6.C. Consider Furniture Purchase for Pilot Expansion (Non Pre-K Classrooms)
Background: At the June 6, 2019 Regular Board Meeting, Trustees approved a pilot program for furniture for use at selected elementary and middle schools. The initial purchase was for six (6) classrooms; three (3) elementary and three (3) middle school classrooms. Feedback was solicited from the teachers who received this furniture in order to determine the effectiveness and instructional environment created with it, which will be used to determine future furniture purchases. This agenda item will request the expansion of this pilot program to more classrooms based on what was learned from the 2019-2020 school year and include more classrooms in this program for 2020-2021. Trustees will be asked to allocate funds for this purchase, which will be made from contracts available to CFBISD. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the purchase of pilot furniture for non Pre-K classrooms as presented.
6.D. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Postponing the May 2, 2020 General Election to November 3, 2020, Including Adoption of an Order Under the Authority of the Texas Governor's Proclamation.
Background: The Board of Trustees of the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District (the “District”) previously ordered an election to be held on May 2, 2020 for the purpose of: electing two (2) at-large members to the Board of Trustees of said District. Pursuant to the proclamation by the Governor of the State of Texas dated March 18, 2020 (the “Proclamation”), the School District is authorized to postpone its election date to November 3, 2020, and the District’s Board of Trustees, by majority vote, is exercising this authority to postpone its election to November 3, 2020, without otherwise adjusting the term of office. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees adopts the order to postpone the trustee election as presented.