April 9, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
Agenda |
1. Call to order and roll call:
Buckholts Davis Lolar Neal Schreckengost
2. Flag Salute
3. Congratulations to Carl Buckholts, the elected candidate for Board Seat #4
Board members only take their Oath of Office once and do not need to do it again unless they leave the board and then return.
Carl took his Oath of Office on 03/08/2022.
4. Reorganization of the board, Election of Officers:
This cannot legally be done until after the April 2nd election and the results have been certified.
Received the certified results *DATE* via USPS, kdh.
4.A. Nomination for President
4.B. Nomination for Vice President
5. Chicken Express Employees of the Month
6. Public participation and/or discussion
7. Consider for approval, discuss and take action with respect to a Resolution fixing the amount of Combined Purpose General Obligation Bonds, Taxable Series 2024 to mature each year, fixing the time and place the Bonds are to be sold; designating a Registrar/Paying Agent for the Bonds; approving the Preliminary Official Statement and distribution thereof; authorizing the Clerk to give notice of said sale as required by law and approving other matters related to the issuance of said Bonds
8. Consider for approval, discuss and take action with respect to an Engagement Letter with BOK Financial Securities, Inc., as Financial Advisor to the School District
Annual renewal, approved in April each year for the upcoming school year.
9. Consider for approval, discuss and take action with respect to an Agreement for Bond Counsel Services with The Public Finance Law Group PLLC, as Bond Counsel to the School District
10. Superintendent's Report
10.A. Bond Projects Update by Hope Equipment & Construction
10.B. District Update
11. Discussion and possible motion to approve, not approve, or table the addition, deletion or amendments to the following district policy and procedures:
11.A. Policy 2035 Privacy at School - new
11.B. Policy 4025 Sexual Harassment of Students and/or Employees - amendments
12. Consent Agenda
All of the following items, which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at board meetings, will be approved by one vote unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The Consent Agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, and approval of the following items: |
12.A. Minutes of the March 12, 2024 Regular Meeting
12.B. Cafeteria Monthly Reports
12.C. Financial Reports
12.D. Activity Fund Reports
12.E. District Fundraisers
It's good to remember that all fundraiser requests are proposed early for planning purposes and may not actually transpire, taking into consideration the health and economic state of our community, time scheduling, and other school events.
12.F. Encumbrance Reports
12.G. Out-of-State Travel - High School EF Explore America trip to Puerto Rico for one week during the summer of 2025
12.H. District Child Nutrition Summer Food Service Program:
12.H.1. Host the Summer Food Service Program
June 3 - August 2, 2024, Five days per week
12.H.2. Extra Service of Employees - Site Supervisor, Site Monitor, and 3 Site Program Adults
June 3 - August 2, 2024, Five days per week
12.I. Archway - district K-5 Math curriculum in the amount of $221,340.00 paid by State and Federal Funds
12.J. Archway - Middle School Math Textbooks in the amount of $123,210.00 paid by State and Federal Funds
12.K. Hope Equipment & Construction - Hoover Gym HVAC Replacement in the amount of $134,750.00 paid with Bond Funds and donations from the Hoover Family and the DPSF (Duncan Public Schools Foundation)
GRAND TOTAL: $134,750.00
20,000.00 donated by DPSF 34,750.00 donated by the Hoover Family 80,000.00 paid by bond funds
12.L. Contracts and Encumbrance requests for FY 24-25:
These items are ready to seek board approval but will not be encumbered, purchased, or effective until July 1, 2022.
12.L.1. Cameron University Memorandum of Understanding for on-campus, in-person instruction at Duncan High School for FY 24-25
12.L.2. Gabriel's House After School Program Agreement renewal for FY 24-25
12.L.3. One True Light Student Mentoring Program Memorandum of Understanding renewal for FY 24-25
12.L.4. Interquest Detection Canine - Agreement renewal for Substance Awareness and Detection Services for FY 24-25 in the amount of $6,300.00
Increased from $300 to $315 per visit for FY 24-25.
13. Proposed Executive Session to discuss: (a) Pursuant to 25 O.S. § 307 (B)(1) Retirements, resignations, and employment contracts as listed on Schedule A of current and prospective District employees as outlined on Schedule A, inclusive; (b) Pursuant to 25 O.S. § 307 (B)(1) Re-employment of Support Personnel for FY 24-25 as unassigned and listed on Schedule A1, #1-184; (c) Pursuant to 25 O.S. § 307 (B) (1) Proposed termination of support employee, LeeAnn Millan, effective April 8, 2024; and (d) Pursuant to 25 O.S. § 307 (B)(1) and 307 (B)(2) Employment evaluation of the Superintendent.
Vote to convene or not convene into Executive Session |
14. Vote to acknowledge the Board’s return to Open Session
Executive Session Minutes Compliance Announcement/Statement: The matters considered, Proposed Executive Session to discuss: (a) Pursuant to 25 O.S. § 307 (B)(1) Retirements, resignations, and employment contracts as listed on Schedule A of current and prospective District employees as outlined on Schedule A, inclusive; (b) Pursuant to 25 O.S. § 307 (B)(1) Re-employment of Support Personnel for FY 24-25 as unassigned and listed on Schedule A1, #1-184; (c) Pursuant to 25 O.S. § 307 (B) (1) Proposed termination of support employee, LeeAnn Millan, effective April 8, 2024; and (d) Pursuant to 25 O.S. § 307 (B)(1) and 307 (B)(2) Employment evaluation of the Superintendent. No action was taken in Executive Session. |
15. Discussion and possible action regarding retirements, resignations, and employment contracts as listed on Schedule A attached
16. Discussion and possible action regarding the re-employment of Support Personnel for FY 24-25 as unassigned and listed on Schedule A1, #1-184
17. Discussion and motion to approve, not approve or table the proposed termination of LeeAnn Millan, support employee, effective April 8, 2024
18. Discussion and possible action regarding declaration of miscellaneous items as surplus
19. Discussion and possible action regarding New Business
In accordance with Oklahoma Statues, title 25-311 (A) (9), New Business is limited to any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of the posting of this agenda.
20. The next Regular Meeting of the Board of Education will be held on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at 6:00 P.M. at the Administration Building at 1740 W. Spruce, Duncan, OK
21. Vote to Adjourn