September 12, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Opening Exercises:
I.A. Call to Order and roll-call recording of members present and absent
I.B. Flag Salute
II. Consent Agenda
All of the following items, which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at a board meeting, will be approved by one vote unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, and approval of the following items: |
II.A. Approval of the agenda
II.B. Vote to approve Minutes of the following Board meeting:
II.B.1. August 8, 2022, Regular Board Meeting
II.C. Vote to approve the following items:
II.C.1. Monthly Financial and Investment Report for month ending August 31, 2022:
II.C.1.a. Treasurer’s Report
II.C.1.b. Encumbrances
II.C.1.c. Warrant Register
II.C.1.d. Lease Revenue
II.C.2. School Activity Funds
II.C.2.a. Transfers within Bank
II.C.2.b. Addenda
II.C.2.c. New Accounts
II.C.3. Vote to approve Blanket Position Salary Reserves Report for FY 2022-2023.
II.C.4. Vote to approve Sanctioning from School Activity Funds for 2022-2023 for the following: Soldier Creek Natural Notes, Schwartz Elementary PTA, Carl Albert High School Soccer, CAHS Swim, CAHS Volleyball, MCHS Band, MCHS Girls Basketball (Lady Bomber Pride), MCHS Homerun, MCHS Orchestra, MCHS Pom, MCHS Volleyball.
II.D. Vote to approve the 2022-2023 District Professional Development Committee.
II.E. Vote to approve the 2022-2023 District Gifted & Talented Advisory Committee.
II.F. Vote to approve the 2022-2023 Student Discipline Committee.
II.G. Vote to approve out-of-state or overnight travel requests:
1. Del City High School Student Council to attend the OASC State Convention at Cache High School in Cache, OK, on November 5-7, 2022. Expenses to be paid by Project Code 869, Student Council, personal funds and donations. 2. Midwest City High School DECA to attend the DECA New York Experience in New York City, NY, on December 7-11, 2022. Expenses will be paid by School Activity Funds, Project Code 942, DECA, personal funds and donations. 3. Del City High School Girls' Basketball to compete in OSSAA Girls' Basketball in Tulsa, OK, on December 8-10, 2022. Expenses to be paid by Project Code 865, Girls Basketball, personal funds and donations. 4. Del City High School Boys' Basketball to compete in the Whataburger Classic Basketball Tournament in Mansfield, TX, on December 28-30, 2022. Expenses to be paid by Project Code 865, Athletics, and Sanctioned Organization Funds. 5. NJROTC attended summer camp in Nevada, MO, on July 11-15, 2022. This was Board approved on April 11, 2022, to be paid from account 947, but we would like to revise the funding to account 775. 6. Stacey Boyer, Administration, to attend School CEO Conference on Culture, Brand and Influence in Memphis, TN, on October 1-4, 2022. Expenses to be paid by General Fund, Project Code 081. 7. Del City High School Girls' Basketball to participate in the OSSAA Girls' Basketball Tournament in Bartlesville, OK, on January 5-7, 2023. Expenses to be paid by School Activity Funds, Project Code 803, Girls' Basketball. 8. Del City High School Girls' Basketball to participate in the OSSAA Girls' Basketball Tournament in Bartlesville, OK, on January 12-14, 2023. Expenses to be paid by School Activity Funds, Project Code 803, Girls' Basketball. 9. Midwest City High School Varsity Volleyball to compete in the Conference Volleyball Tournament in Ponca City, OK, on September 30-October 1, 2022. Expenses to be paid by Fund 64 and School Activity Funds, Project Code 834, Volleyball. 10. Diana Williams, Administration, to attend the 85th MMEA In-Service Workshop/Conference in Lake of the Ozarks, MO, on January 24-28, 2023. Expenses to be paid by Title II, Project Code 541. 11. Mid-Del Technology Center SkillsUSA to travel to the OK Army National Guard Armory in Norman, OK, on October 27-28, 2022. Expenses to be paid by School Activity Funds, School District Allocated Funds such as General Fund 12, Project Code 032-MDTC Co-Op, Activity Fund 65, Project Code 962-SkillsUSA, Project Code 826-General Activity, Project Code 845-Vending, Project Code 892-FTE, personal funds and donations. 12. Mid-Del Technology Center SkillsUSA State Officers/Executive Council to participate in leadership and team building activities at the Executive Council meeting in Stillwater, OK, on November 1-3, 2022. Expenses to be paid by School Activity Funds, School District Allocated Funds such as General Fund 12, Project Code 032-MDTC Co-Op, Activity Fund 65, Project Code 962-SkillsUSA, Project Code 973-Cosmetology I, Project Code 974-Cosmetology II, Project 826-General Activity, Project Code 845-Vending, Project Code 892-FTE, personal funds and donations. 13. Mid-Del Technology Center SkillsUSA State Officers to participate in ODCTE for activities in leadership and team building in Stillwater, OK. on January 18-19, 2023. Expenses to be paid by School Activity Funds, School District Allocated funds such as General Fund 12, Project Code 032-MDTC Co-Op, Activity Fund 65, Project Code 962-SkillsUSA, Project Code 973-Cosmetology I, Project Code 974-Cosmetology II, Project Code 826-General Activity, Project Code 845-Vending, Project Code 892-FTE, personal funds and donations. 14. Jeana Duvall and Jody Cook, MCMS, to attend the AMLE 22 Annual Conference in Orlando, FL, on November 2-5, 2022. Expenses to be paid by Title I, Project Code 511. 15. This trip was originally Board approved on June 13, 2022, but the workshop was sold out. We would like to add Ashley Glover (see below). Suzanna Bennett, MCES; Stephanie Cavner, MCES; Joanna Brown, Soldier Creek; Allen Bellmyer, Parkview; Kathy Kirk, Epperly Heights; Rebecca Hix, Del City Elementary; Michelle Goolsby, Soldier Creek Elementary; Ashley Glover, Townsend; Alana Edds, CAMS;Roderick Samuels, DCMS; Kathleen Shadron, DCMS; Kenyelle Williams, MCMS; James Werchan, CAHS; Christina Mitchell, DCHS; Darcy Budde, MCHS; and Leslie Pope, Administration, to attend the Amplify Your Impact: Coaching Collaborative Teams in PLCs at Work workshop in Charleston, SC, on November 15-17, 2022. Expenses to be paid by Title I, Project Code 511 and Title II, Project Code 541. 16. Carl Albert High School FFA to participate in the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, IN, on October 24-29, 2022. Expenses to be paid by Carl Albert FFA Booster Club, Sanctioned Organization Funds. 17. Del City High School Orchestra to participate in an Orchestra performance in Branson, MO, on March 10-13, 2023. Expenses to be paid by Del City Instrumental Music Booster Club, Sanctioned Organization Funds.
III. Recognitions
Brandon Garrison, DCHS senior, was a part of the 18 and under Olympics that took gold in basketball. - Mr. Andy Collier |
IV. Information
IV.A. Public Participation
Persons who address the Board during the public participation portion of the regular Board meeting must meet the following qualifications:
IV.B. Superintendent’s Report - Dr. Cobb
IV.C. Mid-Del Foundation - Mrs. Barks
IV.D. Enrollment Update - Dr. Broiles
IV.E. 2020 District College Remediation Report - Dr. Broiles
V. Discussion and possible Board action to readopt existing election districts for school Board member elections as the election districts remain in compliance with the requirement in statute that the highest and least populated election districts have less than a 10% variance. - Dr. Cobb
VI. Vote to approve or not approve new Policy J-44, Use/Misuse of School Restrooms and Changing Facilities. - Dr. Cobb
VII. Vote to approve or not approve the Cedar Ridge Residential Treatment Facility contract with Mid-Del Schools for FY23 and FY24. - Dr. Broiles
VIII. Vote to approve or not approve the 2022-2023 Estimate of Needs and the Financial Statement of Fiscal Year 2021-2022 for the Sinking Fund. - Mrs. Woodard
IX. Vote to approve or not approve Sanctioning Applications with Conditions for 2022-2023 for the Carl Albert High School Homerun Club. - Mrs. Woodard
X. Vote to approve or not approve the purchase of a 2023 Ford Expedition Max 4X4 from Bob Moore Ford. The cost is $57,748.00 to be paid from ARP ESSER III, Homeless II, Project Code 797. The cost is based on the State Contract SW035. - Mrs. Brown
XI. Vote to approve or not approve Panco, Inc. (sole source provider) to furnish and install two Energy Management System upgrade packages, with new Syntronix network compatible devices, at Carl Albert Middle School and Pleasant Hill Elementary. The cost by site of $102,260.00 and $16,740.00, respectively, to be paid from Bond Fund 36, Project Code 056. - Mr. Conceicao
XII. Vote to approve or not approve Digi Security Systems for installation of camera and licensing packages as part of the "District-wide Security Cameras" project at various sites. The total cost of the project is $110,465.44, including all necessary fees for materials, equipment, labor and shipping. The price is per State Security Contract #SW1048D to be paid from Bond Fund 36, Project code 055. - Mr. Stephenson
XIII. Vote to approve or not approve a contract between MDTC and Tinker Air Force Base. This contract is for one base period and four option years. The revenue generated and costs related to this agreement will be deposited to and paid from MDTC Fund 12, Project Code 276. - Ms. Foster
XIV. Vote to approve or not approve Ice Maker Sales & Service, Inc. (d.b.a. Brooks Industries) for the procurement and installation of kitchen condenser/evaporator equipment at the following sites: - Ms. Huston
Midwest City Middle School - $11,450.00 Midwest City High School - $24,950.00 Epperly Heights Elementary - $23, 235.00 Expenditure to be paid by Bond Fund 35. (Bid #2302)
XV. Vote to approve or not approve CuraLinc, LLC, to provide an additional Employee Assistance Program for our employees. The total cost for FY2023 will be $11,982.60 to be paid from General Fund, Project Code 000. - Ms. Huston
XVI. Vote to approve or not approve revision of the 2022-2023 Pay Rates. - Ms. Huston
XVII. Vote to approve or not approve request for the following to serve as adjunct instructors (they are currently serving as the districts Athletic Trainers and are teaching a class one hour per day): - Ms. Huston
Jason Cox MCHS/Athletic Training-Adjunct Instructor Christian Moody CAHS/Athletic Training-Adjunct Instructor Sarah Thornton DCHS/Athletic Training-Adjunct Instructor
XVIII. Vote to approve or not approve the following people to serve as Adjunct Teachers:
- Ms. Huston Luke Mosher, Psychology, Carl Albert High School Kristyn Shawver-Rogers, Physical Science, Midwest City High School.
XIX. Human Resources
XIX.A. Vote to approve or not approve all actions recommended in the Human Resources Reports: - Ms. Huston
XIX.B. Vote to approve or not approve deregulation for Library Media Services for the 2022-2023 school year. - Ms. Huston
XIX.C. Vote to approve or not approve a recommendation for Executive Director of Technology. - Ms. Huston
XIX.D. Vote to approve or not approve a recommendation for Principal at Tinker Elementary School. - Ms. Huston
XX. Proposed Executive Session for the purpose of:
To consider the appeal of denied student transfers with a review of confidential educational records and transfer requests of students whereby disclosure of any additional information could potentially violate FERPA. 25 O.S. Section 307(B)(7). 1. Vote to convene or not convene in Executive session. 2. Acknowledge the Board has returned to open session. 3. Executive session Statement of Minutes. |
XXI. Vote to accept, overturn or modify the recommendation of the Superintendent to deny the transfer request of the following students: - Mr. Biggers
Student A Student B Student C Student D Student E Student F Student G |
XXII. New Business
Item(s) that could not have been foreseen or known about at the time the agenda was posted which need action at this Board meeting. |
XXIII. Adjourn
This agenda was posted at the Board of Education Center, 7217 S.E. 15 Street, Midwest City, Oklahoma, on September 8, 2022, at 11:45 A.M., in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. The next Regular Board Meeting is scheduled for October 10, 2022. |