April 23, 2020 at 5:30 PM - Hamilton County Board of Education Board Meeting - Regular Session
Agenda |
I. Roll Call
II. **Approval of the Agenda
III. Executive Session - No
IV. Pledge to the Flag and Meditation
V. Presentations
V.A. Chief Operations Officer - Dr. Justin Robertson
V.A.1. Facilities Update
V.B. Chief of Staff - Dr. Nakia Towns Edwards
V.B.1. Partnership Network Recommendations
VI. **Approval of the Consent Agenda
VI.A. Approval of the Minutes of the March 19, 2020 Quarterly Session
VI.B. Executive Committee Report
VI.C. Chief Business Officer - Brent Goldberg
VI.C.1. Bids/Contracts
VI.C.2. Financial Reports
VI.C.3. Budget Amendments
VI.C.3.a. Federal Grants, State Grants, and Self-Funded Programs
VI.C.3.b. School Nutrition - Budget Amendment - Appropriation of Fund Balance
VI.C.4. Fiscal Year 2021 School Fees
VI.D. Chief of Staff - Dr. Nakia Towns Edwards
VI.D.1. Board Policy - First and Final Reading - Keith Fogleman, Chief Talent Officer
VI.D.1.a. Board Policy 5.304 - Extended Leaves of Absence for Certificated/Classified Personnel
VI.E. Chief Operations Officer - Dr. Justin Robertson
VI.E.1. Red Bank High Field Improvements - Justin Witt
VII. Administrative Business Matters
VII.A. Chief Schools Officer - Dr. Neelie Parker
VII.A.1. **K-12 ELA Textbook Adoption of Instructional Resources
VIII. Board Matters
VIII.A. Chief of Innovation and Choice - Jill Levine
VIII.A.1. **Request for Approval of the Montessori Elementary Charter School
VIII.B. Chief Business Officer - Brent Goldberg
VIII.B.1. **Approval of Fiscal Year 2021 Budget for Presentation to the Hamilton County Commission
VIII.C. Chief Operations Officer - Dr. Justin Robertson
VIII.C.1. **Harrison Elementary Classroom Addition - Justin Witt
VIII.C.2. **East Brainerd Elementary Storm Damage - Christman Contract - Justin Witt
VIII.C.3. **East Brainerd Elementary Storm Damage-MBI Architectural Services - Justin Witt
VIII.C.4. **COVID-19 Close-Out and Recommendations - Dr. Neelie Parker
IX. Information Only
IX.A. Legal Services Report
X. Adjourn