April 6, 2015 at 6:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of the Agenda
3. Consent Agenda
3.a. Meeting Minutes from March 2, 2015
3.b. Meeting Minutes from Called Meeting March 16, 2015
3.c. Field Trip Requests
3.d. Annual School Fees
Recommend approval.
No changes from previous year.
4. Public Comment
5. Communications to the Board
5.a. Director's Report
5.a.a. Tennessee Outstanding Social Studies Teachers of the Year - Teresa Calhoun, Indian Springs Elementary and Kristi Sproles, Sullivan Central High School
5.b. Board Chairman Report
5.b.a. Task Force Subcommittee Updates
6. Unfinished Business
6.a. OMNI
6.b. Beacon Analytics
6.c. Skyward Contract
6.d. Policy 3.217 Energy Management and Conservation - Approval on 2nd Reading
6.e. Policy 6.600 Student Records - Approval on 2nd Reading
7. New Business
7.a. Policy 4.605 Graduation Requirements
For review.
Required credits added to policy.
7.b. Policy 6.4001 Student Surveys, Analyses, and Evaluations
For review only.
7.c. COBRA Administrative Services Agreement
Recommend approval.
Gap Insurance Policy requires COBRA availability following termination.
7.d. Mathematics Textbook Adoption
Each year our system reviews new textbooks in a particular curriculum area for adoption. This year we had 3 committees of classroom teachers and parents reviewing textbooks in the area of Math K-12 (Section I of the State Adoption Cycle).
Dr. McClellan recommends a Blanket Textbook Adoption for Sullivan County with intent to purchase from the attached State Official List of Mathematics Textbooks. She further recommends that textbooks in this adoption cycle currently under contract, which expires June 30, 2015, be declared surplus.
7.e. CTE Special Courses Approval
Special Course Requests include:
Sports Marketing ENT 1100 - Introduction to Entertainment (Dual Enrollment) ENT 1300 - Recording Engineering I (Dual Enrollment) Masonry I Masonry II
7.f. Community Eligibility Provision
CEP program pilot at Ketron Elementary has proven to be extremely successful for the student population in terms of increased participation. It has also been a financially sound program for the School Nutrition program. Starting the program this school year at the other eligible schools (Central Heights, Emmett, and Weaver) would enable School Nutrition to lock in the Federal Reimbursement Rate at 1.6% for the next 4 years. The state School Nutrition staff has forecasted the reimbursement rate will drop down to 1.3% for any schools that wait to start the program during the 2015-2016 school year.
7.g. Changes to School Nutrition Meal Prices
The Healthy, Hunger-Free Act of 2010 requires sufficient funding be provided to the SFA for meals served to students not eligible for free or reduced price meals. In Sullivan Co., this is done via the price charged for "paid" meals and must be reviewed annually. It is mandated that meal prices be raised to cover the difference between the "Free" and the "Paid" reimbursement rates, when it is determined the SFA is no longer in compliance. The Paid Lunch Equity Tool (attached) determines the Average Weighted Price Adjustments which must be made to bring the SFA into compliance.
7.h. Bible Study Two at Brookside School
7.i. Bristol Motor Speedway Parking Agreement
Contract amendment attached.
7.j. Contract Amendment for Boys & Girls Club at Bluff City Elementary
Recommend approval for usage during holiday breaks during the school year.
7.k. Personnel Requests
Request Software Conversion Specialist part time. Up to three hours FTE starting April 13, 2015.
7.l. Resolution - Sullivan East Roof
7.m. Resolution - Storm Drain at South High School
7.n. Renovation Fund - Sullivan East Roof
8. Adjournment