July 11, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Call to Order
Roll Call of Members
Declaration of Quorum to Conduct Business
Approval of Minutes
Regular Meeting of June 13, 2022
Special Meeting of June 21, 2022
Special Meeting of June 29, 2022
Superintendent's Report
Letter to Board Members
Treasurer/ Budget Briefing
Consent Agenda
General Fund Encumbrances #1 - #154 $1,752,847.26
Building Fund Encumbrances #1 - #3 $323,156.00
Child Nutrition Fund Encumbrances #1 - #14 $156,645.00
Approve Steven Callen as Title IX Coordinator
Approve Steven Callen as 504/ ADA Coordinator
Aprrove Jeanne Minton as Title IX Investigator
Approve Jill Henderson as EEO Officer
Approve Superintendent Jill Henderson as Purchasing Agent for Weatherford Public Schools Independent School District, Authorized Representative for all Federal Programs including E-Rate and Child Nutrition, and Designated Custodian for the general fund, building fund, child nutrition fund, bond funds, activity fund, all federal programs including E-Rate, all state programs, and all other school programs and activities not listed for 2022 - 2023 SY
Fundraisers for 2022- 2023 School Year:
Band - City Wide Garage Sale
Ag Booster Club - Concessions, Local Stock Show, Meat Sales, Raffles, Tshirt Sales, Hat Sales
WHS Activity - Parking Spaces to Students (Preferred)
WHS Activity - Pizza Sales at Lunch (once a month)
WHS Activity - Donation, Commissions on Photography
WHS Activity - Pepsi Machines
WHS Activity - Imperial Snack Vending Machines
WMS Art - Art student fees, art supplies bought and needed for the school year
WMS Choir - Bottles of water for choir, Santa Letters, Talent Show Admission, Bake Sale
Tom Stafford - Scholastic Book Fairs - Scholastic will provide all books and accessories to sell at the fair
Tom Stafford - Sell shirts to raise money for STEAM
Activity Sub Accounts:
Acct # 834 - East Library
Acct # 821 - MS Choir
Acct # 803 - Middle School Art
Acct # 829 - Ag Boosters
Acct # 805 - Band
Acknowledge the Superintendent's Receipt and Acceptance of the following resignations and retirements:
5th-6th Grade SPED Teacher at East Intermediate - Melissa Thompson
Paraprofessional at WMS - Sarah Bergman
Art Teacher at WMS - Angela Dupree
English Teacher at WMS - Darrel Johnson
Geography/Social Studies Teacher at WMS - Deb Reynolds
Secretary at WHS - Pam McCaw
Theater & Speech Teacher at WHS - Ashby de la Plaine
General Business
Discussion/Possible Action on Agreement with CCOSA for SY 2022-2023
Discussion/Possible Action on Agreement between Weatherford Public Schools and Center for Communication and Engagement for SY 2022-2023
Proposed executive session to discuss the hiring of :
Transfers within the District for 2022 - 2023 SY Support Personnel for the 2022 - 2023 SY Certified Staff for the 2022-2023 SY and conduct ongoing evaluation of the superintendent 25 O.S. Section 307 (B)(1) |
Vote to convene to Executive Session
Acknowledge return to Open Session
Vote to approve, disapprove, or table Recommendations for the following transfers within the district for 2022- 2023 School Year:
Transportation Director
WHS Secretary
Vote to approve, disapprove, or table Recommendations to hire the following Certified Staff for the 2022-2023 School Year:
6th Grade ELA Teacher at East Intermediate
5th Grade Social Studies Teacher at East Intermediate
Art Teacher at WMS
4th Grade Math/Science Teacher at Stafford
Special Education Teacher at East Intermediate
Vote to approve, disapprove, or table Recommendations to hire the following Support Personnel for the 2022-2023 School Year:
Custodian at WMS
Personnel/ Administrative Assistant at Administration Office
New Business
Adjournment of Meeting