Thursday, April 13, 2023 All times mountain - Leyton Public Schools Board of Education
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Announcement of Open Meetings Act Posting
1.2. Roll Call
1.3. Communications; Pledge of Allegiance
1.4. Approval of Agenda
2. Hearings and Persons to Address the Board
3. Special Presentations to the Board
3.1. Presentation by Chris Lind
3.2. Presentation by Senior Class regarding Senior Trip
4. Reports
4.1. Student Board Member's Report
4.2. Board Reports
4.3. Principal's Report
4.4. Superintendent's Report
4.4.1. Athletic Director
5. Regular Agenda
5.1. Excusing a Board Member(s);
5.2. Special Recognition;
5.3. Review, consider, and take action regarding the minutes of the Regular Board meeting from March 16, 2023
5.4. Review, consider, and take action regarding claims warrants and transfers
5.5. Review, consider, and take action regarding review of policies 5052-5067
5.6. Review Consider and take action on Policy Number 6005: Academic Credits and Graduation: To include middle school students receiving credit for High School Classes.
5.7. Review, consider, and take action regarding review Return to Safe Instruction and Learning Continuity Plan
5.8. Review, consider, and take action regarding contracting with First National Capital Contract for services
5.9. Review, consider, and take action regarding the resignation of Mackenzie Ivie from the High School English position.
5.10. Review Consider and take action on hiring certified staff for Jessica Hanks as High School English teacher.
5.11. Review, consider, and take action regarding hiring Certified Staff, Melissa Fesmire for the 5th-grade position.
5.12. Review, consider, and take action regarding hiring Certified Staff, Vali McDaniel as the 6-8 ELA teacher.
5.13. Review, consider, and take action regarding the hiring of Certified Staff member Natasha Haupt as the High School Business Teacher.
5.14. Review, consider and take action on Special Duties assignments for the 23/24 school year.
5.15. Review, consider, and take action regarding the transfer of $90,000 from the General Fund to the Nutrition Fund
5.16. Review, consider, and take action regarding a quote to paint the high school gym
5.17. Review, consider, and take action regarding leave request from Mr. McLaughlin for summer dates and planned vacation
5.18. Review consider and take action on purchasing a special education curriculum in the amount of $8,070.55
5.19. Review, Consider and take action on the purchase of a new Student information platform in the amount of $26,514.00
5.20. Review, consider and take action on the resignation of Chris Morgan as Boy's Basketball Coach
5.21. Discuss, review, consider and take action on a quote to replace carpet and flooring at both attendance sites for a total of $45,267.49
6. Informational Items
6.1. Next Regular Meeting;
7. Adjournment