January 15, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
Call to Order
It is 6:00 PM and I now call to order the Crete Public Schools Board of Education Meeting. This is the January 2024 Annual Reorganizational Meeting. Notice of this meeting has been advertised in the Crete Newspaper and the Lincoln Journal Star, which are the District's designated method of giving notice of these meetings.
We want those in attendance to know that copies of the Open Meetings Act are available at the entrance to the Board Room. If anyone in attendance is interested in addressing our Board, you are welcome to do so. We simply request that you complete the appropriate form and turn it in to us now so that you may be recognized during the Public Forum part of our meeting. These forms are also located by the entry doors of this room. Ms. Banos will you please call the roll. |
Roll Call
Mission Statement
The mission of Crete Public Schools, a diverse community of engaged individuals committed to the success of all, is to ensure learners have the character, knowledge, and skills to be respectful and productive members of a global society. Crete Public Schools will cultivate a culture where all are challenged, empowered, and supported to reach their maximum potential.
Public Forum
This brings us to the Public Forum part of our meeting. During the Public Forum:
If none, we will move on to the approval of the agenda as posted. |
Approval of Agenda as Published
This is the Agenda as published. Would anyone like to remove any items or add any items to the Agenda?
Reorganization of the Board
I move the Board to adjourn sine die (Sign-a Die-Ee), and the Crete Public Schools Board of Education turns the chairmanship to the Superintendent. The Superintendent’s chairmanship is limited to roll call, administering the review of the Code of Ethics and Conflicts of Interest Policy, and electing a new Board President.
Board of Education Members review CPS BOE Code of Ethics Policy 8272 and Conflicts of Interest Policy
All BOE members will review and sign the CPS BOE Code of Ethics, policy 8272, and review the Conflicts of Interest Policy.
Election of President of the Board of Education
The Superintendent of Schools will entertain a motion for nominations for President of the Board of Education, conduct a written ballot, if necessary, and announce the results. The newly elected President will then chair the remainder of the meeting.
Convene the Board of Education to Order
The Board President will convene and call to order the Crete Public Schools Board of Education.
Election of Vice-President of the Board of Education
The President of the Board of Education will entertain a motion for nominations for Vice President of the Board of Education, conduct a ballot, if necessary, and announce the results of the election.
Election of Secretary of the Board of Education
The President of the Board of Education will entertain a motion for Secretary of the Board of Education nominations, conduct a ballot, if necessary, and announce the election results.
Committee Structure
The President will inform Board members of information related to Standing Committee assignments.
Consent Agenda
The first item on the agenda tonight is the Consent Agenda. The Consent Agenda to be approved is as follows: Minutes from the Previous Month's Meeting, Claims as Submitted, Staff Adjustments as Submitted, Treasurer's Report as Submitted, and Board of Education Designations.
This is the Consent Agenda as published. Would anyone like to remove any items or add any items to the Consent Agenda? Does anyone have a potential conflict of interest?
I would entertain a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as published. |
Minutes from the Previous Month’s Meeting(s)
Claims as Submitted
Staff Adjustments as Submitted
Treasure’s Report as Submitted
Board of Education Designations
The Board of Education makes the following designations for the current year.
Committee Reports
Finance, Facilities, and Transportation
American Civics (Teaching & Learning)
Information (Discussion) Items
Update - Chief Financial Officer - Mrs. Kershner
Update - Chief Academic Officer - Dr. Hajek
Update - Chief of Staff - Mrs. Beck
Intermediate Choir Room Sound System
High School Sound System - Gym
High School Sound System - Commons
Sport Facility Maintenance - Middle School
Out of State Request: Grassroots Leadership Development Program USHLI Conference
The GLDP group is requesting an out-of-state trip to the annual USHLI conference in Chicago, IL. The dates requested are February 15-18, 2024. A letter of request is attached.
Superintendent's Report
Dr. McDowell will give his report.
Action Items
CPS 2024-2025 Calendar
Dr. McDowell will present the proposed 2024-2025 school year calendar.
Intermediate Choir Room Sound System
High School Sound System - Gym
High School Sound System - Commons
Out of State Request: Grassroots Leadership Development Program USHLI Conference
The GLDP group is requesting an out-of-state trip to the annual USHLI conference in Chicago, IL. The dates requested are February 15-18, 2024. A letter of request is attached.
Executive Session
Is there a need for Executive Session?
Reconvene from Executive Session
Approval of Any Action Deemed Necessary as a Result of Executive Session
Old Business
Is there any Old Business to be discussed?
Notification of Upcoming BOE Meetings
The next BOE meeting will be on February 12, beginning at 6 PM at the Cardinal Welcome Center.
I would entertain a motion to adjourn.