January 6, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Bloomfield Community Schools - Board of Education - Committee of the Whole
Agenda |
1. Opening the Meeting
1.a. Call to Order:
Welcome to the Committee of the Whole (COW) of the Bloomfield Community School District Board of Education. This meeting is called to order.
1.b. Board Member Roll Call:
Roll call, a fundamental process in meetings, holds crucial importance when it comes to determining the presence of a quorum. A quorum refers to the minimum number of participants required for a meeting to be considered valid and for the decisions made within it to hold weight.
1.c. District Mission Statement:
Vision: Building Excellence Encouraging Success - Honesty, Community, Relationships
(This is also on our pins of Excellence.) Mission: Bloomfield Community Schools will empower students to become responsible citizens in a safe and secure educational environment CIP Goal: All students will show growth in their identified content area of need and/or maintain achievement at the 85%ile or above. |
1.d. Nebraska Open Meetings Law:
The Nebraska Open Meetings Act guarantees that every public body meeting shall be open to the public so that citizens may exercise their democratic privilege of attending and speaking at meetings of public bodies. A copy of the Open Meetings Act poster is next to the Promethean Board near the file cabinets. Board members and visitors are welcome to review it at any time. They may also access the poster by opening the link noted in the agenda.
1.e. Publication of Meeting:
As identified by the NE Open Meetings Act, a public notice announces the time, date, and place of a public meeting. The public has the right to attend meetings of public bodies, listen to debate(s), and watch the decision-making process. The publication of this Bloomfield Board of Education meeting met all these requirements.
1.f. Pledge of Allegiance:
2. Approval of Agenda
A meeting agenda helps you and your colleagues prepare for a meeting and guide yourselves through the items you need to discuss. Time spent in planning an agenda will likely save time for all meeting participants by providing a clear set of topics, objectives, and time frames.
3. Informational/Discussion Items
Informational/Discussion Items - Items intended only to provide information to the Board and require no action; this includes communication items. Informational items can be scheduled during Regular, Special, or Committee of the Whole meetings.
3.a. Board of Education Self-Evaluation Goal & Action Setting
BOE members will discuss and determine their goals and actions revealed in the November 2024 NASB Self-Evaluation. The goals and actions will drive the BOE's present and future work.
3.b. BOE Professional Development Opportunities
3.b.i. Legislative Issues Conference
3.b.ii. NASB Board Preseident Retreat
3.b.iii. NRCSA Spring Conference
3.c. Standing District Topics
3.c.i. Strategic Planning
Strategic planning involves setting goals, deciding on actions to achieve those goals, and mobilizing the resources needed to take those actions. A strategic plan describes how goals will be achieved using available resources. It allows the district to plan for the future, anticipate what is most likely to happen, and prepare accordingly.
Effective strategic planning involves three separate, equally important components: strategic thinking, long-range planning, and operational planning. |
3.c.ii. Continuous School Improvement
Continuous school improvement is essential because it helps schools create lasting change and improve student outcomes:
3.c.iii. Curriculum & Instruction
Curriculum and instruction are two main pillars of education that work together to create a learning environment for students:
Curriculum and instruction are also the focus of a field of study within education that researches, develops, and implements changes to increase student achievement. This field is interested in how people learn, new trends in teaching and learning, and the best ways to educate. |
3.d. Administrative and Leadership Team Reports
Administrative Reports are
All department Admin Reports are required for the BOE meetings on the first Monday of the month.
3.d.i. Superintendent
3.d.ii. Secondary Principal
3.d.iii. Elementary Principal
3.d.iv. SPED Director
3.d.v. Guidance Director
3.d.vi. Technology Director
3.d.vii. Activities Director
3.d.viii. Buildings & Grounds Director
3.d.ix. Transportation Director
3.e. Policy
Policy is the backbone of the operation of the BOE. It is used to govern the business and actions of the work of the Board. This Informational/Discussion topic is used to discuss, update, and validate the policies of the Board.
3.e.i. Policy Review - 6000 (Instruction)
BOE members and the Administrative Team will review, discuss, and revise the District policies listed in the 6000s (Instruction).
4. Public Comment
The purpose of the public comment period is for members of the public to inform the governing body of their views.
5. Closed Session
The Board of Education may move into a closed session by a majority vote if a closed session is necessary for the protection of the public interest or the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual.
6. Adjournment
A motion to adjourn is a formal procedure that ends a meeting. If there is any unfinished business at the time of adjournment, it is typically carried over to the next meeting. Prior to the motion to adjourn, the chair should be sure that no important matters have gone unnoticed.