August 8, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Arapahoe Public School Board Meeting Agenda
Agenda |
1) Opening the Meeting
1)a) Call to Order
1)b) Pledge of Allegiance (Carpenter)
1)c) Nebraska Open Meetings Act
1)d) Publication of Meeting/Sign Acknowledgement of Receipt of Meeting Notice
1)e) Roll Call
1)f) Excuse Board Member Absences
2) Welcome Visitors
3) Approval of agenda as presented
4) Reports
4)a) Elementary Principal
4)b) Secondary Principal
4)c) Superintendent
4)d) Board Committee(s)
4)e) Board Member(s)
5) Discussion Item(s)
5)a) Review the the Arapahoe-Holbrook Public School Pandemic Response / Return to School Plan with recommendations from the Pandemic Response Committee.
5)b) Review Committee Structures & Membership for Start of 2022-23 School Year
5)c) Review Superintendent Evaluation Process
6) Action Item(s)
6)a) Consent Agenda, including Minutes and Financial Reports
6)b) Claims
6)c) Discuss, consider, and take action on approving Board Policies from KSB School Law as presented, with implementation according to board resolution.
6)d) Discuss, consider, and take action to designate Superintendent Robert Drews as the Local Education Association's representative for all Federal and State program.
6)e) Student Fees Policy
6)e)i) Hold Public Hearing to discuss, consider and receive input on a proposed Student Fees Policy for the 2022-23 school year.
6)e)ii) Discuss, consider and take action to approve the 2022-23 Student Fees Policy as presented.
6)f) Parental Involvement Policy
6)f)i) Hold Public Hearing to discuss, consider and receive input on the Parental Involvement Policy proposed for the 2022-23 school year.
6)f)ii) Discuss, consider and take action to either alter the Parental Involvement Policy and then adopt the policy as altered, or to reaffirm the Parental Involvement Policy
6)g) Discuss, consider and take action on approval of a contract with Ag Valley for vehicle fuel for the 2022-23 school year.
6)h) Discuss, consider and take action on the practice of audio recordings for all board meetings.
7) Personnel
8) Future Meetings
8)a) Aug, 23, 2022 7:00pm - Budget Workshop
8)b) Sept 12, 2022 7:00pm - Budget Hearing Followed by Regular Monthly Meeting
9) Adjourn