December 9, 2024 at 6:30 PM - Byng Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order and roll call of members.
2. Vote to recess regular board meeting and call a public hearing for tribal officials and Native American parents on participation of Indian students in educational programs, any comments on educational programs and review of Indian Policies and Procedures.
3. Vote to return to regular session.
4. Discussion and possible board action with regard to Indian Policies and Procedures.
5. Annual presentation of Drop Out Report, grades 7-12.
6. Annual presentation of College Student Remediation Report.
7. Reading and approval of the November 11, 2024 Regular Board Meeting and November 22, 2024 Special Board Meeting minutes as presented.
8. Consent Agenda
8.A. Take action on:
General Fund Purchase Order No. 775-834 with total expenditure of $90,204.19 Building Fund Purchase Order No.58-61 with total expenditure of $9,366.31 Child Nutrition Fund Purchase Order No. 9 with total expenditure of $2251.07 General Fund Payroll Purchase Order No. 50299-50305 with total expenditure of $34,050.20 All Payroll Change Orders. |
8.B. Take action on the October investment report.
8.C. Take action on the November investment report.
8.D. Take action to approve transfers within the activity fund.
8.E. Take action to amend Athletics' Definition of Account.
8.F. Take action on issuing duplicate warrant(s) from the General Fund.
9. Discussion and possible board action with regard to capacity limitations for student transfers.
10. Discussion and possible board action concerning approval of Kevin Wilson as an authorized representative for Byng Public School Impact Aid Program.
11. Take action to approve or disapprove submission of the FY26 Impact Aid application.
12. Take action to adopt policy EHBCA, EHBCA-R, and EHBC-R3.
13. Take action on resignation(s) received to date.
14. Vote to convene or not to convene into Executive Session to discuss employment of Anthony Heath Pennington - adjunct Pre Calculus and adjunct Advanced Placement Calculus AB teacher, a Special Education paraprofessional and cafeteria employee for FY25. 25 O.S. §307(b)(1).
15. Acknowledge the board's return to open session.
16. Executive session minutes compliance announcement.
17. Take action on employment of Anthony Heath Pennington - adjunct Pre Calculus and adjunct Advanced Placement Calculus AB teacher, a Special Education paraprofessional and cafeteria employee for FY25.
18. Discussion and possible board action to approve stipend for Stronger Connections Grants Coordinator and Committee Members.
19. Take action to declare property as surplus and authorization to sell or dispose of surplus items.
20. Maintenance update.
21. Bond update.
22. Superintendent's reports.
23. New Business.
24. Vote to adjourn.