April 11, 2017 at 6:00 PM - Pioneer Technology Center Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call meeting to order
2. Roll call and establish a quorum
3. Flag salute and moment of silence
4. Reports and Presentations
4.A. Safety Training - Carl Storm, BIS Safety Coordinator & Trainer
5. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve the Minutes of the March 21, 2017 regular Board of Education meeting
6. Discussion, review and vote to approve or not approve the Financial Reports; Activity Fund Report; and Encumbrance/Change Order Lists (General Fund #11206-11305, Building Fund #10050-10085)
7. Administrative Reports and Anticipated Discussion by the Board and Staff
7.A. Bruce DeMuth, Superintendent/CEO
7.B. Mike Boon, Exec. Director, Business and Industry Services
8. Discussion and vote to declare "Construction Trades Cabin" as surplus
9. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve revisions/additions to the following policies: BED-E - Request to Address Board of Education, DABB - Records Investigation, DABB-E4 - Authorization and Release, DABB-P - Records Investigation, Procedure
10. Discussion and vote to approve or not approve individuals on part-time and temporary employment contracts and addenda to contracts as listed on Appendix A
11. Proposed Executive Session to discuss the employment, hiring, appointment or resignation of any individual salaried public officer or employee. This is in accordance with Okla. Stat. Title 25, 307(B)(1). Discussion of the following matters is proposed: (1) contract renewals for employees listed on Appendix B (support staff)
12. Vote to convene in Executive Session
12.A. Time:
13. Acknowledge return of the Board to Open Session
13.A. Time:
14. Board President statement of Executive Session minutes
15. Motion and vote to approve or not approve contract renewals for the employees listed on Appendix B (support staff)
16. New Business
17. Public Comment
18. Motion and vote to adjourn
18.A. Time: